Adjunct exercises with commented template

The Adjunct Adjunct has the function of characterizing a noun. It is an accessory term, because despite being important in the transmission of a message, its removal from a sentence does not interfere with its syntactic structure.

Check out 10 new exercises on Adjunct Adjunct with answers commented by our expert teachers.

question 1

Identify the adjuncts of the clauses below.

a) Late applicants could not enter.

You enrolled late could not enter.

The terms in bold are adnominal adjuncts, as they are determining and characterizing the noun "inscribed", which is the core of the subject in this clause. Note that even without the adnominal adjuncts - which are accessory terms to the clause - "inscribed" remains the nucleus of the subject.

b) The consequences will be severe.

At consequences will be severe.

In this clause, only the article "as" is an adnominal adjunct, as it is determining the noun "consequences" (subject's core).

"Serious", in turn, is predicative of the subject, as in addition to characterizing the subject, it offers essential information, that is, that cannot be removed from this sentence: "Consequences will be serious.".

c) The silent students were attentive.

You students silent were attentive.

The terms in bold are adnominal adjuncts, as they are determining and characterizing the noun "students", which is the core of the subject in this clause. Note that even without the adnominal adjuncts - which are accessory terms to the clause - "students" are still the nucleus of the subject.

"Attentive", in turn, is predicative of the subject, as in addition to characterizing the subject, it offers essential information, that is, that cannot be removed from this sentence: "Students were attentive."

d) The reception staff remained silent.

You employees from reception they remained silent.

Terms in bold are adnominal adjuncts, as they are determining the noun "staff", which is the nucleus of the subject. Note that even without the adnominal adjuncts - which are accessory terms to the clause - "officials" are still the nucleus of the subject, that is, despite of "reception", for example, being important to convey the message accurately, its omission does not interfere with the syntactic structure of the prayer.

"Silent", in turn, is predicative of the subject, as in addition to characterizing the subject, it offers essential information, that is, that cannot be removed: "Employees remained silent."

e) The young writer's novel was published.

O romance of the young writer was published.

Terms in bold are adnominal adjuncts, as they are determining and characterizing the noun "novel", which is the core of the subject in this clause. Note that even without the adnominal adjuncts - which are accessory terms to the clause - "novel" remains the nucleus of the subject.

"Published", in turn, is predicative of the subject, as in addition to characterizing the subject, it offers essential information, that is, that cannot be removed from this sentence: "Novel was published.".

question 2

The terms highlighted in the sentence "O book from the right é interesting” are respectively:

a) adjunct adnominal, adnominal adjunct, predicative of the subject.
b) adnominal adjunct, nominal complement and adverbial adjunct.
c) adnominal adjunct, nominal complement and predicative of the subject.
d) nominal complement, nominal complement and adverbial adjunct.
e) nominal complement, adjunct and subject predicative.

Right alternative: a) adjunct adnominal, adnominal adjunct, predicative of the subject.

"O, on the right" are adnominal adjuncts, as they determine the noun "book", which is the nucleus of the subject in this clause. Note that even without the adnominal adjuncts - which are accessory terms to the clause - "book" remains the nucleus of the subject.

Why is "right" not a nominal complement? Because it is not an essential term to complete the sense of the noun "book", it only helps to convey the message, indicating precisely what the book is about. Thus, "from the right" is an adnominal adjunct is an expendable term, as is the article that accompanies the noun "book". Without them, the prayer would retain its syntactic function: "Book is interesting."

"Interesting", in turn, is predicative of the subject, as in addition to characterizing the subject, it offers essential information, that is, that cannot be removed from this sentence: "The book on the right is... .".

question 3

In each sentence, replace the highlights with an adnominal adjunct.

a) The customers that were not understandable came out.
b) young people that comes from Brazil are very happy.
c) The employee who had the flu left early.
from the students who didn't behave were punished.
and people who can't read face daily problems.

a) The customers incomprehensible came out.
b) young people Brazilians are very happy.
c) The employee flu left early.
from the students misbehaving were punished.
and people illiterate face daily problems.

The terms highlighted in the above clauses are adnominal adjuncts, because they are characterizing the accompanying nouns and are not essential in the clauses.

Note that without the adjuncts, the syntactic structure would remain the same, that is, "clients, young people, employees, students, people", respectively, would continue to be the nucleus of the subject.

question 4

Indicate the adjoint adjuncts, nominal complements, predicatives, and adverbial adjuncts of the clauses below.

a) Those two young men robbed the bakery yesterday.

those two young people stole The bakery yesterday.

Adnominal adjuncts: one, two, a (these terms determine the accompanying nouns and are not essential in the clause, and can be removed without interfering with its syntactic structure).

Adjunct adverbial: yesterday (this term completes the meaning of the verb, indicating the time in which it happened, and is also an accessory term in the sentence, that is, it can be dispensed with).

b) Your patients did not arrive.

Your patients no They arrived.

Adjunct adnominal: its (this term determines the noun "patient" and is not essential in the clause, it can be removed without interfering with its syntactic structure).

Adjunct adverbial: no (this term completes the meaning of the verb, indicating that it did not happen, and it is also a term accessory in prayer, since it does not change its syntactic structure, although it is important to maintain its sense).

c) The nice country ladies are ringing the deafening bell.

At ladies nice from the countryside are ringing the bell deafening.

Adjunct adjuncts: the, sympathetic, from the interior, the, deafening (these terms determine the nouns that accompany and are not essential in the prayer, they can be removed without interfering with its syntactic structure: "ladies" remains the core of the subject and "bell" remains the core of the object).

d) I'm afraid of cockroaches.

I'm afraid of cockroaches.

Nominal complement: of cockroaches (this completes the meaning of the noun "fear", without which the sentence would be unfinished, as it is an integral term of the sentence).

e) Your answer is too vague.

Your answer is vacancy.

Adjunct adnominal: its (this term determines the noun "answer" and is not essential in the clause, it can be removed without interfering with its syntactic structure).

Subject's predicative: vague (this term characterizes the subject, offering essential information, ie, that cannot be removed from this sentence: "Your answer is...).

question 5

Indicate which prayers are true or false.

a) Adjunct adnominal is an integral term of the clause.
b) The function of the adnominal adjunct is to characterize or determine a noun.
c) The adjoint adjunct can be represented by adjectives, adjective phrases, articles, adjective numerals and adjective pronouns.
d) One of the differences between the adjunct and the nominal complement is that the adjunct has an active sense and the nominal complement is passive.
e) While the adjunct modifies the verb, the adverbial adjunct characterizes a noun.

true alternatives:
b) The function of the adnominal adjunct is to characterize or determine a noun.
c) The adjoint adjunct can be represented by adjectives, adjective phrases, articles, adjective numerals and adjective pronouns.
d) One of the differences between the adjunct and the nominal complement is that the adjunct has an active sense and the nominal complement is passive.

false alternatives:
a) Adjunct adnominal is an integral term of the clause.
The adnominal adjunct is an accessory term to the clause, which means that if it is removed, the syntactic structure of the clause remains the same.

e) While the adjunct modifies the verb, the adverbial adjunct characterizes a noun.
Just the opposite happens, that is, the adverbial adjunct has the function of modifying the verb or intensifying the verb, the adjective or the adverb in the sentences. Meanwhile, the adnominal adjunct has the function of characterizing the noun).

question 6

Indicate the clause in which the highlighted term plays the adjunct adjunct function.

a) Investments from the government in health should increase.
b) John is jealous From Maria.
ç) All my esteemed students were absent.
d) The order has been placed today.
e) Your books are in bad condition.

right alternatives:

a) Investments from the government in health should increase.

"of the government" is an adnominal adjunct, because it determines the noun "investments", which is the nucleus of the subject in this clause. Note that even without the adnominal adjunct - which is an accessory term to the clause -

"investments" remains the core of the object.
"in health" is a nominal complement, because it completes the meaning of the noun "investment", without which the sentence would be unfinished, since it is an integral term of the sentence.

ç) All my esteemed students were absent.

"All", as well as "the, my, dear" are adnominal adjuncts, because they determine or characterize the noun "students", which is the nucleus of the subject in this clause. Note that even without the adnominal adjuncts - which are accessory terms to the clause - "students" are still the nucleus of the subject.

As for the remaining alternatives:

b) John is jealous From Maria.

"of Mary" is a nominal complement, because it completes the meaning of the noun "jealousy", without which the prayer would be unfinished, since it is an integral term of the prayer.

d) The order has been placed today.

"today" is an adverbial adjunct to tense, as it completes the sense of the verb, indicating the tense in which it happened.

e) Your books are in bad condition.

"bad state" is a predicative of the subject, as in addition to characterizing the subject, it offers essential information, that is, that cannot be removed from this sentence: "Your books are... .".

"The ones, yours", in turn, are adnominal adjuncts, because they determine the noun "books" and are accessory terms of the sentence.

question 7

How many adjuncts are there in each clause below? Identify them.

a) Joana's twin children have already graduated.
b) The new series looks interesting.
c) The teacher was honored by the students.
d) Wrote books that were charming.
e) Readers were delighted.

The) You sons TwinsJoana's have already graduated.
3 adjuncts: Joana's twins.

B) The new series looks interesting.
2 adjuncts: a, new.

ç) O teacher was honored byyou students.
2 adjuncts: o, os.

d) Wrote books that were charming.
0 adnominal adjunct.
"Enchanting" is a predicative of the subject "books", because in addition to characterizing the subject, it offers essential information, that is, that cannot be removed from this sentence: "Wrote books that were... .".

and) You readers were delighted.
1 adnominal deputy: os.

The terms highlighted above determine or characterize the accompanying nouns and are not essential in the clause, and can be removed without interfering with its syntactic structure.

question 8

Identify the clause in which ALL highlighted terms are adnominal adjuncts.

The) Unfortunately, we are late.
B) THE House corner blue was sold.
c) wished that a strong lightning hit your terrible head.
d) Phone calls of dissatisfied customers they are complicated.
and) Ten competitors gave up before of the interview.

Right alternative: c) You wished that a strong lightning hit your terrible head.

The terms in bold are adnominal adjuncts, as they are determining and characterizing the nouns "ray" and "head", which are the cores of the objects in this clause. Note that even without the adnominal adjuncts - which are accessory terms to the clause - "ray" and "head" remain the core of the objects.

As for the remaining alternatives:

The) Unfortunately, we are late.
Unfortunately: it is an adverbial adjunct.
Delayed: subject's predicative.
B) THE House corner blue was sold.
A, blue, on the corner: adverbial adjuncts.
Sold: predicative of the subject.

d) Phone calls of dissatisfied customers they are complicated.
From dissatisfied customers: adverbial adjuncts.
Complicated: predicative of the subject.

and) Ten competitors gave up before of the interview.
Ten: adnominal deputy.
Before: adverbial adjunct.

question 9

The terms highlighted in the sentence "You country proud sat down forward” are respectively:

a) predicative, adjunct adnominal and adjunct adnominal.
b) adnominal adjunct, nominal complement and adverbial adjunct.
c) adnominal adjunct, adnominal adjunct and adverbial adjunct.
d) adjunct, nominal complement and predicative.
e) nominal complement, adjoint adjunct and adnominal adjunct.

Right alternative: c) adnominal adjunct, adnominal adjunct and adverbial adjunct.

"The proud ones" are adnominal adjuncts, as they are determining and characterizing the noun "fathers", which is the core of the subject in this sentence. Note that even without the adnominal adjuncts - which are accessory terms to the clause - "fathers" remains the nucleus of the subject.

"Ahead" is adverbial adjunct to place.

question 10

The sad memory reached your heart in silence

With regard to the above prayer, indicate the right alternatives.

a) The subject's core is "memory"
b) The subject's adjunct is "a, sad".
c) "in silence" is a nominal complement.
d) "your" is adnominal adjunct to the direct object.
e) The prayer has 4 adnominal adjuncts: a, sad, o, yours.

Right alternatives:
a) The subject's core is "memory"
b) The subject's adjunct is "a, sad".
d) "your" is adnominal adjunct to the direct object.
e) The prayer has 4 adnominal adjuncts: a, sad, o, yours.

Wrong alternative:
c) "in silence" is a nominal complement. ("silent" is adverbial adjunct to mode).

For you to better understand about Adjunct Adjunct:

  • Adjunct
  • Adjunct and nominal complement: what's the difference?
  • Adjunct and Adverbial Adjunct
  • Exercises on adverbial adjunct (with commented feedback)

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