Energy Sources: types, renewable and non-renewable

Energy sources they are raw materials that directly or indirectly produce energy to move machines.

However, as they are found directly in nature, this raw material needs to undergo a transformation before generating energy.

Coal, oil, river and ocean water, wind and certain foods are some examples of energy sources. The energy generated will be used for various purposes such as transport, industry, agriculture, domestic use, etc.

Renewable and non-renewable energy

Energy sources or energy resources can be classified into two groups: renewable and non-renewable energy.

Energy sources
Different energy sources: hydroelectric, wind, thermal, solar, nuclear

Renewable energy

Renewable energies are those that regenerate spontaneously or through human intervention. They are considered clean energy, as the residues left in nature are null.

Some examples of renewable energy are:

  • hydroelectric - coming from the power of river water;
  • Solar - obtained by heat and sunlight;
  • wind - derived from the force of the winds,
  • Geothermal - comes from the heat of the earth's interior;
  • biomass - coming from organic materials;
  • seas and oceans - natural wave strength;
  • Hydrogen - comes from the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen that releases energy.

Non-renewable energies

Non-renewable energies are those that, once depleted, can no longer be regenerated, as it takes a long time for their formation in nature.

Despite being found in nature in large quantities, they have finite reserves. They are considered polluting energies because their use causes damage to the environment.

Examples of non-renewable energy:

  • Fossil fuels: such as oil, coal, shale and natural gas;
  • Nuclear energy: which needs uranium and thorium to be produced.

Energy sources in Brazil

The search for alternative sources of non-polluting or renewable energy has advanced in the world. Whether to reduce dependence on oil or to reduce pollution levels, the fact is that the search for different energy sources is already a reality in the world.

In Brazil, the use of alcohol from sugarcane as a source of energy dates back to 1975. This year, the National Alcohol Program (Proálcool) was implemented as a result of the oil crisis and today alcohol is also used as an additive to gasoline.

Likewise, the use and exploitation of solar and wind energy has been encouraged, albeit timidly, by the government.

As for solar energy, it is exploited below its potential. One of the impediments is the high cost of photovoltaic cell panels, which are responsible for storing and transforming sunlight into energy.

However, this can be considered a nonsense, due to the size of the territory and the amount of sunlight the country is exposed to throughout the year.

Transformation of energy sources

The sources of energy are found in nature in their raw state, and to be used economically, they must undergo a process of transformation and storage.

Water, sun, wind, oil, coal, uranium are channeled by human beings in transformation centers such as:

  • Hydroelectric Power Plants - the force of the waterfall makes the turbines spin and thus converted into electricity
  • Petroleum Refineries - Petroleum is transformed into diesel oil, gasoline, kerosene, etc.
  • Thermoelectric Power Plants - by burning coal and oil, energy is obtained.
  • Coke ovens - coal is transformed into coke, which is a product used to heat blast furnaces in the steel industry and industries.
Energy Sources - All Matter

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  • Energy Sources Exercises (with template)
  • Types of energy
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