Savannas. Savannah species

There are a large number of natural landscapes in the world, vegetation characteristics, for example, are the result of climatic compositions. Savana is the name given to a type of vegetation cover consisting, in general, of grasses and sparse trees. The topography is generally flat with a tropical climate, with two well-defined seasons, one rainy and one dry. Savannas occur mainly in the intertropical zone of the planet, which is why they receive an enormous amount of sunlight.

The best known species of savannah is the African one, however, there are others: tropical savannah (African), subtropical savannas, temperate savannas, Mediterranean savannas, marshy savannas and savannas mountainous.

Tropical and subtropical savannas are found on all continents, with two well-defined seasons (one hot and one rainy). The soils in these areas are relatively fertile, with grasses, usually devoid of trees, attached to them. Africa has savannas with these aspects, especially those of the Serengeti.

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Temperate savannas are identified in mid-latitudes and in all continents, they are influenced by the temperate climate, whose summer is relatively humid and the winter is dry. The vegetation consists of grasses.

Mediterranean savannas are vegetation that occur in regions with a Mediterranean climate. In these areas the soil is poor, with small shrubs and trees germinating on the surface, this composition is at serious risk of extinguish in the face of constant human intervention, mainly through the extraction of firewood, animal husbandry, agriculture, urbanization and etc.

Swampy savannas are vegetative compositions that occur in both tropical and subtropical climate regions on five continents. This type of savannah suffers periodic flooding.

Mountain savannas is a type of vegetation that occurs mainly in alpine and subalpine areas in different parts of the world, due to its geographical isolation, it shelters endemic species.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Savannas"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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