What is Daily Textual Genre and Examples

The daily text genre is a personal and informal text, in which a person writes about their ideas, feelings, actions, desires, emotions and events of their daily lives.

It is a textual genre of personal accounts, which only the author himself can read, or persons authorized by him.

The diary has an informal, simple language and is written in first person. It is usually used as an instrument for self-reflection, release or a way to keep memories of events in your life.

There are also other types of diaries. You blogs Virtual ones, for example, resemble the everyday textual genre, but are not exactly the same.

The personal diary has reports that the author does not usually share with other people, while the blog, even when it comes to personal accounts, is open to the public.

There are also the fictitious diaries. These are texts created in the same structure as the personal diary, but not necessarily with personal accounts of the author's life. The fiction journal is intended to be published and revealed to others, usually in book form.

As much as journals are not used as much, some people still cultivate the habit of writing stories about their lives.

Examples of Daily Textual Genre

As can be seen in the image, the diary is a personal account written by the author for himself.

The language is informal, there is not much concern with literary rules and the reports are about facts of your life, feelings, desires or thoughts that marked that day.

Example 1:

example of daily textual genre

Example 2:

Alagoas, 03/04/2021

Dear Diary,

Today I argued with my sister and I'm feeling bad about it. Despite loving her a lot, it seems that we don't have the same connection as before. I avoid certain types of subjects around her and my parents understand that.

I didn't want to have this feeling of guilt about something I can't change about her. I think this whole situation that we are going through is contributing even more to our distance and I don't want that.

Tomorrow I'm going to write her a letter and tell her what I'm feeling. Asking forgiveness for anything wrong I've done, maybe I've hurt her too and I didn't even notice.

I hope this situation is resolved as soon as possible and that our relationship returns to being great as it was.

Letícia Silva

Structure and characteristics of the daily textual genre

The daily textual genre has the following structure:

  • Place and date;
  • Vocative: Used as a way of talking to someone, before developing a subject. Most of the time, the vocative is “Dear Diary”;
  • Development: it is when the author writes his personal report;
  • Author's signature;

See the structure of a diary in the image:

example of daily textual genre

At main features of the daily text genre are:

  • Informal and simple language;
  • First-person text;
  • Text that the author's written for himself;
  • Personal stories the author wants to write \ express;
  • Text with date, place, development and signature;
  • It is a type of personal text, usually read only by the author or by people authorized by him;
  • Types of personal accounts to expose the author's feelings, ideas, events, desires, dreams and emotions;
  • It has no minimum or maximum lines to be written.

See too:

  • What is blog?;
  • What are text genres?;
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