What is Asyndeton?

The asyndeton is a figure of speech, more precisely a syntax figure. It is characterized by the absence of a syndete.

The syndet, in this case, is a coordinating conjunction used to join terms in coordinated clauses.

Hence, the asyndeton corresponds to a figure of syntax marked by the omission of conjunctions (connectives) in compound periods.

Generally, in place of the connectives, a comma or semicolon is placed, thus creating asyndetic coordinate clauses.

In addition to being used in oral language, the asyndeton is used as a stylistic resource in texts poetic and musical in order to increase the expressiveness, as well as to emphasize some terms of the prayer.

In addition to the asyndeton, other syntax figures are: Ellipse, zeugma, hyperbatic, silepsis, polysyndeton, anaphora, anacolutton and pleonasm.

How about finding out more about the Coordinating conjunctions?

Asyndeton Examples

  • It has to be sealed, registered, stamped, evaluated, labeled if you want to fly. For the moon, the rate is high. pro sol: identity.” (song “Carimbador Maluco” by Raul Seixas)
  • For you I drop everything. I'll beg, steal, kill./ That for you I'll drop everything. career, money, straw.” ("Exaggerated" song by Cazuza)
  • Birthing, breaking, tearing, And taking my body and then... Me... crying, suffering, liking, adoring.” (Music "I Can't Hold (Explode Coração)" by Gonzaguinha)
  • Your adventure race wanted the earth, the sky, the sea / Your race wants to leave, fight, suffer, win, come back.” ("Epigram No. 7" by Cecília Meireles)
  • I had gold, I had cattle, I had farms.” (“Confidencia do Itabirano” by Carlos Drummond de Andrade)
  • It was impossible to know where Father Inacio's eye was fixed, hard, made of glass, immobile in its dark socket. Nobody saw me. I stayed in a corner, biting my nails, looking at the deceased's feet, long, flat, yellow.” ("Angustia" by Graciliano Ramos)

Asyndeton and Polysyndeton: Differences

While the asyndeton is determined by the omission of a conjunction (syndeton), the polysyndeton it is marked by the repetition of the coordinating (connective) conjunction.


  • Maria ran, took the bus, went to work. (Asyndeton)
  • Maria ran and took the bus and went to work. (Polysyndeton)

Learn more about Connectives.

Fun Facts: Did you know?

From the Greek, the word “asndets” is composed by the “The”, which indicates a negation, and by the verb “syndeo”, which means “to unite”, “to connect”. Therefore, the term asyndeton means the absence of binding.

Want to know more about figures of speech? Read the articles:

  • Figures of Language
  • Thought Figures
  • Word Pictures
  • Syntax figures
  • Sound Figures

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