Portuguese language (9)

Reading strategies bring together the various techniques and methods that facilitate reading and, consequently, understanding the texts. We practice reading for specific purposes whether for...

The observer narrator is a type of narrator who knows the entire story that will be narrated, but does not participate in it. So he knows the facts, but he doesn't act as a plot character. That...

The didactic text is a textual genre with pedagogical objectives. It is arranged so that all readers will come to the same conclusion. For this reason, it is considered a utilitarian text. THE...

The hyphen (-) is a graphic sign used to: Form compound words; Linking oblique pronouns to the verb; Separate syllables, as well as the translineation of words. This is one of the themes...

The epicene noun is a type of uniform noun that has only one word for both genders (male and female). They are related to animals being differentiated by...

Homophone words are those that have identical pronunciation but different spellings. Thus, the word is composed by the joining of the terms homo, which means “same” and phonia, which means...

The endings are morphemes that are added to the final part of variable words in order to mark their inflections, so they are also called inflectional morphemes. The endings...

Writing Techniques vary according to the types of texts used, which can be essay, descriptive or narrative. Whatever type of text is used, the content is...

Tritongo is the vowel cluster consisting of the sequence semivowel + vowel + semivowel (SV + V + SV) in the same syllable. Examples: i-guais, Para-guai, how. They are also meetings...

What is a composite subject? Compound subject is one that presents more than one nucleus of the subject, which is the most important term. Examples: Ana and Bia go to the party (subjects: “Ana” and...

The Portuguese language is a very rich language, which has a very diversified lexicon. Many of the words and expressions in Portuguese are directly related to history and the...

The past tense is a tense used to indicate actions that occurred in the past. It is conjugated in indicative and subjunctive modes. In addition to it, there are two other types of past tense:...

Gerundism is a language addiction and therefore should be avoided. It is often found when one chooses to use the gerund frequently, having in its place an appropriate conjugation in...

Grammatical class is each of the groups by which words are organized taking into account their grammatical functions. This means that every word that exists in the Portuguese language belongs to...

To separate syllables is to divide every bit that makes up a word. To do this we use a dash, the hyphen, like this: do-ce, pi-po-ca, fu-te-bol, necklace. The separation is made according to your...

Abbreviation is the short form of some words and expressions. It is usually formed by the initial letters and ends with a period. It must be read in full, that is, the abbreviation...

The words session and section (or section) are spelled correctly. Despite the different spellings, they have the same pronunciation, with the exception of the word section, whose c is pronounced. Fur...

Language addictions are grammatical deviations that occur due to carelessness or ignorance of the rules at different linguistic levels: phonetic, semantic, syntactic or...

A pleonasm is a figure or language addiction that adds unnecessary information to speech, whether intentionally or not. From Latin, the term “pleonasm” means...

The active voice is a verbal voice in the Portuguese language. The function of verbal voices is to indicate whether the subject practices or receives/suffers the verbal action of a prayer. When you finish reading this text,...

Reflective pronouns indicate that the subject performs a verbal action on himself. Examples: I looked in the mirror and saw that I was really pale. He combed his hair and left. Reflective Pronouns...

The ATA is a type of text widely used in assemblies, meetings, meetings, conferences, among others. The minutes are produced with the main purpose of recording all the information and the...

Collective numerals are those that refer to an exact number of a set of days, months, year, quantity, among others. They are part of the variable word class called...

Argumentation is a rhetorical resource of the language used in the production of argumentative texts, which presents a set of propositions, thus promoting dialogue and reflections...

Defective Verbs are those that are not conjugated in certain people, tenses or modes, that is, they do not have complete conjugation. This is because the bending sounds so...

Stressed syllable is the one emitted with more emphasis in a word, being able to receive or not a graphic accent. Check out 10 exercises, with commented answers, prepared by our teachers...

Anacoluto is a figure of speech that is related to the syntax of sentences. For this reason, it is called a syntax figure. It is characterized by changing the logical sequence of...

The TCC (Course Completion Work) is a final work of mandatory character, done individually, in pairs or in groups, and presented in the last year of a technical course or in the last...

Biform Adjectives have two forms: one form for the male gender and the other for the female gender. This is the condition of most adjectives. Examples: Beautiful speech - voice...

The tense perfect tense is a tense used to talk about things in the past. There are two more types of past tense: past tense imperfect and past tense more-than-perfect. Note that...

Phonemes are the sounds that represent each letter - the graphic signs of our language, that is, phonemes are sound units. For example, the word “fixed” is pronounced as follows...

Silepsis is a figure of speech that falls into the category of syntax (or construction) figure. This is because it is closely related to the syntactic construction of sentences. THE...

The Subjunctive Future is a tense that indicates an action that will take place in the future. It expresses the possibility that something is going to happen soon and generally follows the term...

Context is an essential circumstance in text production. It corresponds to the set of conjectures (material or abstract) that surround an event or fact. So the context are...

The participle is one of the nominal forms, just like the infinitive and the gerund. They are nominal forms because they can replace a name; the participle, for example, can be used as...

Affine or Affine are two terms that cause a lot of confusion among language users. Using this term together or separately can affect the understanding of the text. While the first is part of a...

The neologism corresponds to the formation of new terms or expressions of the language which appear with the intention of filling momentary or permanent gaps about a new concept. Since the...

Language functions correspond to the way the speaker of the language uses language, depending on the intention of the message he wants to convey. Below is a selection of examples of...

Circular is the type of text that fits into technical writing. Used in academic and professional life, it serves to provide information, warn, transmit, give orders and standardize...

Development is one of the three main elements of writing, be it narrative, descriptive, argumentative, argumentative or explanatory. Either way, it is necessary to: Express yourself...

You already know that there are rules for using the backtack. It can be used in certain situations, however it should not be used in others. Now, let's talk about when the use of the backquote is optional...

Compound tenses are verbal tenses - present, past and future - that are expressed by more than one word. They express action, state, change of state or phenomenon of nature...

Prosody is the correct use of the tonic accentuation of words. It is linked to orality. There are cases where a prosody error can turn oxytone words into paroxytone ones or a...

Simple and compound nouns are nouns classified according to the number of radicals they present in their structure. Radical is part of the word that contains the meaning common to...

The thematic vowel is the vowel that joins the root of the word. The function of this word-forming morpheme is to link the stem to the endings, thus forming the theme. Remember that the radical is a...

A catachresis is a figure of speech that represents a type of metaphor in common use that, over time, has been eroded and crystallized. That's because when we use so much determined...

Check out 10 new exercises on preposition commented by our expert teachers. Question 1 “Prepositions are words _____ that _____ two terms of a clause in a...

There's nothing worse than making serious mistakes in writing and getting a low grade in Enem and college entrance exams. This is because the text produced has a very high weight in the final average. So check it out...

Acronym is the set of initial letters of words that are used to name companies and organizations, states, countries, among others. Examples: UN - United Nations FGTS -...

Urban mobility is one of the most discussed topics nowadays, as the great metropolises of the world and Brazil face serious problems arising from displacement in cities. It's for...

Meaning of Period (What it is, Concept and Definition)

period is the time span between two different events or dates. It can also be understood as a spe...

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Meaning of Contingent (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Contingent consists so much in the idea of ​​what is uncertain, unforeseen and accidental, as it ...

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Meaning of Therefore (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

So it's a conjunction used to indicate the conclusion of a previous idea within a sentence.Accord...

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