Meaning of Period (What it is, Concept and Definition)

period is the time span between two different events or dates. It can also be understood as a specific phase, epoch or duration, with a beginning, middle and end.

In geological and artistic studies, for example, a period corresponds to a phase in the time scale, which delimits a stage marked by certain characteristics or events.

In Physics, the period consists of the time that a given body needs to repeat a movement. According to the International System of Units, in physical studies the period is always measured in seconds.

Simple Period and Compound Period

In Portuguese grammar, the simple period consists of the prayer that has only a tense, that is, a verb.

Example:"They fight much".

The compound period is the sentence that has two or more verbs.

Example:"They fight a lot, that's why stay of punishment".

There is still the period composed by coordination (consisting of two or more sentences that are independent of meaning from each other) and the period composed of subordination (when the main clause is completed by one or more subordinate clauses).

Fertile period

It consists of the time when a woman is at the peak of her fertility, when her ovaries produce and release eggs that can be fertilized when they come into contact with sperm.

Normally, women usually have a specific period of fertility per month, which varies between 12 and 48 hours.

For calculate the female fertile period it is necessary to know the woman's menstrual cycle. Normally, ovulation occurs 14 days before menstruation, so just count two weeks before the first day of your next period to know the fertile period.

Learn more about Ovulation.

Governing Period

Phase in which Brazil was governed by regency (1831 – 1840), when the then emperor of the country, D. Pedro I, abdicated his post.

The successor to the throne would be D. Pedro de Alcântara (son of D. Pedro I), but he was only 5 years old, so, according to the Brazilian Constitution at the time, the country should be governed by regency until D. Pedro II of Brazil reaches the age of majority to govern.

During this period, Brazil had five main regency: Provisional Threesome (1831), Permanent Triangle (1831 – 1835), One of Feijó (1835 – 1837), Interim of Araújo Lima (1837) and One of Araújo Lima (1838 – 1840).

The Regency Period came to an end with the approval of the anticipation of the majority of D. Pedro II for the Federal Senate, an episode that would become known as the Coup of Majority. Thus, in 1840, at the age of 14, the emperor began his reign.

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