What do Japanese greetings mean?

The differences that exist between the different nations are quite interesting. The Japanese, for example, have a very special way of greeting each other, as the independent greeting for whoever whether it is done with a lot of reverence, but people with higher social levels are less inclined than people socially. lower.
Since the 8th century, the most used form of greeting is called ojigi. While it seems easy to lean in and imitate the Japanese, the way a person leans can mean different things:

Kirei: Form used long ago, today it is no longer practiced. The person should get down on his knees and lean with his face almost on the ground, a posture called kiza.

Dogeza: Form used in the feudal period when the lord stood in front of a common man. The common man had to touch his forehead to the ground. Today it is used to ask for forgiveness when a person makes a very serious mistake.

Keirei: Standard form used to greet friends and family. The inclination is 45º.

Saikeirei: Form used to show respect to socially superior people. The inclination is done at 75º. Curiosity: This form of greeting was formerly used to salute the emperor.

Eshaku: Quite used form to demonstrate warmth only. The inclination is 15º.

Although they are important forms of expression, greetings always need to be accompanied by words suitable for greeting.

By Gabriela Cabral
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/japao/o-que-significam-as-saudacoes-japonesas.htm

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