Formal and Informal Language

THE formal and informal language they are two linguistic variants that are intended to communicate. However, they are used in different contexts.

Therefore, it is very important to know how to differentiate these two variants in order to understand their uses in certain situations.

When we talk to friends and family we use informal language. However, if we are at a company meeting, at a job interview or writing a text, we must use formal language.

Formal and informal language differences

Charge formal and informal language
In the strip above we can note the presence of formal and informal language

Formal language, also called "cultured", is based on the correct use of grammatical rules as well as on the good pronunciation of words.

Informal or colloquial language, on the other hand, represents everyday language, that is, it is spontaneous, regionalist and unconcerned with grammatical norms.

In the context of written language, we can make serious mistakes between formal and informal languages.

Thus, when students produce a text, it may be difficult to distance themselves from the more spontaneous and colloquial language. This happens because of carelessness or even for not mastering the grammatical rules.

So, for this not to happen, it is very important to be aware of these variations, so as not to make mistakes.

Two very important tips to avoid writing a text full of mistakes and colloquial expressions are:

  • Know the grammar rules;
  • Having the habit of reading, which helps in the comprehension and production of texts, as it expands the reader's vocabulary.

Read too:

  • colloquial language
  • What is Slang?
  • Linguistic Variations
  • Verbal and Non-verbal Language
  • Difference between language and language: understand at once!

Examples of formal and informal language

To better understand these two linguistic modalities, let's look at the examples below:

Example 1

Dr. Armando went to the corner to meet his son who was arriving from school, while Maria, his wife, prepared lunch.

When they arrived home, Armando and his son found Dona Maria in the kitchen preparing one of the family's recipes, the famous creamy cornmeal cake, which he had learned from his grandmother Carmela.

Example 2

O Doctor Armando went to the corner wait the son who came home from school. In that, Maria stayed at home preparing lunch.

When they get to at home to maria was in the kitchen preparing the famous good family recipe too much the creamy cornmeal cake.

the one she learned cum Mrs. Carmela years before we got House.

According to the examples above it is clear to distinguish the formal text (example 1) from the informal text (example 2).

Note that the first example follows the grammatical rules for concordance and punctuation.

The second, on the other hand, does not follow the norms of the cultured language, that is, it has grammatical and spelling errors and lack of punctuation.

Solved Exercises

1. We use colloquial language in which situation:

a) During a job interview
b) During a conversation with friends
c) In a lecture to the public
d) In the classroom with the teacher

Alternative b) During a conversation with friends.

Colloquial language represents informal language, that is, the one we use in informal contexts with family, friends and neighbors).

2. Transform the speeches presented below from informal language to formal language:

it hurt too much the injection.

The injection really hurt.

I went to Mariana's house because was having a party way.

I went to Mariana's house because there was a fun party going on.

Filipe I am drooling on Cintia.

Filipe was admiring Cíntia a lot.

has a guys much clueless.

There are a lot of people (many people) who don't understand things.

AND aye brother, like you are?

Hello Friend how are you?

Keep studying about the topic:

  • Language Variation Exercises
  • Exercises on verbal and nonverbal language

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