30 examples of language functions that will help you right away

Language functions correspond to the way the speaker of the language uses language, depending on the intention of the message he wants to convey.

See below a selection of examples of texts and sentences that illustrate all the functions of language: referential, emotive, poetic, factual, appealing and metalinguistic.

5 examples of referential or denotative function

The denotative or referential function is also known as the informational function, as it aims to inform.

This type of function usually predominates, for example, in news, scientific texts and teaching materials.


1. Amanda went to live in another country to pursue a doctorate.

2. Error in the correction of Enem proofs affects about 6,000 proofs.

3. The passive voice is the verbal voice that indicates that the subject of the prayer undergoes or receives a certain action, instead of performing it.

4. Malnutrition in mothers exacerbates Zika's effect on babies' brains, study shows. (Source: Jornal O Globo, 02/21/2020: https://oglobo.globo.com/sociedade/ciencia/desnutricao-de-maes-agrava-efeito-do-zika-no-cerebro-de-bebes-mostra-estudo-1-24183263).

5. Please be advised that we received the requested products on January 19, 2020. We appreciate the speed in delivering the goods.

5 examples of emotive or expressive function

The expressive or emotive function conveys the emotions and feelings of the sender of the message.

It is a function of language that is characterized by subjectivity, and usually predominates in personal letters, testimonies, interviews, poems, etc.


1. We, favela residents, live every day torn between fear and distrust.

2. I'm very proud! My son has passed a federal university!

3. I had a very happy childhood: I played in the street, climbed trees, played ball, … it was a wonderful time in my life.

4. The defendant telephoned A. and said: "I'll kill you, you're worthless!!!"

5. Excerpt from the poem "Feeling of the world", by Carlos Drummond de Andrade:

"I only have two hands
and the feeling of the world,
but I'm full of slaves,
my memories run
and the body compromises
at the confluence of love."

5 examples of poetic function

The poetic function values ​​the melody and sound of words, and the way a given message is conveyed.

One of its main characteristics is the use of different figures of speech, and also the use of connotative language (figurative meanings). The poetic function usually predominates in song lyrics, literary works, advertisements, etc.


1. Excerpt from the song "For you guarded love" by Nando Reis:

"I found
seeing in you
None of this requires
If the heart beats and burns
On fire the ice will burn"

2. In a quarrel between husband and wife, nobody gets in the way.

3. Quote from the work "Grande Sertão: Veredas", by Guimarães Rosa:

"The course of life wraps everything up, life is like that: it heats up and cools down, tightens and then loosens, calms down and then makes restless. What she wants from us is courage."

4. Advertising phrase: "In times of turmoil, fly with fixed income funds."

5. Excerpt from the poem "Portrait of the artist when it's something", by Manoel de Barros:

"The greatest wealth
of the man
it is your incompleteness.
In this point
I'm wealthy.
words that accept me
how I am
- I do not accept."

5 examples of phatic function

The phasic function is used to initiate a communication, to make sure it is happening, or to stop it. This language function is often present in phone calls, greetings, messages, etc.


1. Are you listening me?

2. The disagreement between them could have been avoided, do you understand?

3. You know you should be done by now, don't you?

4. That's it.

5. Hello?

5 examples of appealing or conative function

The conative or appealing function is used when you want to induce the message receiver to have a certain thought, conclusion or behavior.

This function usually predominates in political communications, advertisements, publicity texts, horoscopes, sermons, etc.


1. Horoscope of the Day for Pisces (January 21, 2020): Venus approaches Neptune in her sign and receives a tense aspect of Mars in Sagittarius marking a period in which its sensibility, which is already immense, gains even more space and strength. The moment can involve an excess of romanticism and sensuality, so being with your love is the best choice. (Source: https://www.terra.com.br/vida-e-estilo/horoscopo/signos/peixes/, 21.01.2020).

2. Unmissable promotion! Check out the best deals!

3. With our online course, your language performance will improve by 70% in three months.

4. Don't miss your chance to get two pizzas for the price of one!

5. Barack Obama's speech upon taking over the US presidency on January 20, 2009:

"The challenges we face are real. They are serious and there are many. They will not be faced easily or in a short period of time. But know this, America – they will be faced. On this day, we come together because we chose hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord. On this day, we have come to proclaim an end to the petty conflicts and false promises, to the recriminations and outworn dogmas that have long strangled our politics."

5 examples of metalinguistic function

The metalinguistic function has an explanatory role, that is, the language code used in communication provides an explanation that refers to itself.

This type of function is used in grammars, dictionaries, or any concept whose definition is self-explanatory (such as a message that explains what a message is; an email that explains what email is, etc.)


1. A message is an oral or written communication.

2. A phrase is a linguistic unit of complete structure and meaning.

3. See "How to edit a video" to learn how to edit videos.

4. Pleasant and pleasant are synonymous with charismatic.

5. Excerpt from the poem "The poem", by Mário Quintana:

"Like a little silver coin lost forever in the night forest
A poem with no other anguish than its mysterious condition as a poem
Wounded with deadly beauty."

To learn more about this topic, see also:

  • referential function
  • Emotional function
  • poetic function
  • phatic function
  • conative function
  • metalinguistic function
  • language functions
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