Exercises on Matter Properties

Matter properties are grouped into general and specific. While general properties are common to all materials, specific properties are unique characteristics of a particular material.

Use the 15 questions below to test your knowledge and learn a little more with the commented resolution.

Proposed exercises (with answers)

question 1

Identify which of the following properties is NOT a general property of matter.

a) Indestructibility
b) Extension
c) Combustibility
d) Severability

Correct alternative: c) Combustibility.

Of the alternatives, general properties of matter are:

  • Indestructibility: matter cannot be destroyed, but transformed.
  • Extension: capacity of matter to occupy a space.
  • Divisibility: Matter can be divided into smaller fractions.

Combustibility is a specific property of matter, that is, through it a chemical reaction of a material can occur, which can be perceived by the appearance of fire.

question 2

A piece of Styrofoam when placed in water stays on the surface, but if we throw a piece of iron, it will sink to the bottom. To what property is this phenomenon due?

a) Impenetrability
b) Density
c) Discontinuity
d) Malleability

Correct alternative: b) Density.

Density is a physical property that expresses the amount of matter contained in a given volume. In the statement three materials were presented: Styrofoam, water and iron.

Expressing the approximate density values ​​for the substances, we have:

  • water density: 1.0 g/cm3
  • Styrofoam density: 0.035 g/cm3
  • iron density: 7.87 g/cm3

Comparing the density of the two materials with the density of water, we notice that Styrofoam has a lower density and iron has a higher density.

We can then associate this with the fact that one object floats and the other sinks. Styrofoam floats because its density is less than that of water. Iron, on the other hand, sinks because its density is greater than that of water.

question 3

One material differs from another by its specific properties. These defining characteristics are useful for us to choose a material.

For example, when we are going to heat food in the microwave, it is preferable to use a glass container when instead of plastic, as plastic when heated can release harmful substances such as bisphenol A (BPA).

What type of specific property was identified in the text?

a) Physical property
b) Organoleptic property
c) Functional property
d) Chemical property

Correct alternative: d) Chemical property.

BFA is a chemical compound used in the manufacture of resins. When the plastic containing the substance is heated in the microwave, this can trigger a chemical transformation and, consequently, release the compound.

question 4

Four vials with different colorless substances are identified with the following information: mass, volume, density and viscosity. What properties make it possible to recognize a material?

a) mass and volume
b) volume and density
c) mass and viscosity
d) density and viscosity

Correct alternative: d) density and viscosity.

Density is the property that identifies the amount of matter contained in a given volume. Viscosity is the property that measures the resistance of a fluid to flow. These are material-specific properties that allow us to differentiate between materials.

Mass and volume are general properties and therefore any material can exhibit.

question 5

Melting point and boiling point are physical properties and, through them, we can know the state of aggregation of matter.

According to this information, identify the physical state, respectively, of the materials below at room temperature (25°C).

properties THE B Ç
Fusion point – 20°C 250 °C – 10°C
Boiling point 40°C 500°C 10°C

a) liquid, solid and gas
b) solid, liquid and gas
c) gaseous, liquid and solid
d) gaseous, solid and liquid

Correct alternative: a) liquid, solid and gas.

When a material is at a temperature between its melting and boiling point, it remains in a liquid state.

When the substance is heated to its boiling point, it can change its physical state and change to a gaseous state. Likewise, being at a temperature below its melting point, the material will be in a solid state.

Based on this information, let's analyze the table.

Substance A: – 20°C

25°C is a temperature higher than the melting point and lower than the boiling point. Therefore, substance A is in a liquid state.

Substance b: 25°C

25°C is a temperature lower than the melting and boiling point of the material. Therefore, substance B is in a solid state.

Substance b: 25 ºC > 10 ºC > – 10 ºC

25°C is a temperature higher than the melting and boiling point of the material. Therefore, substance C is in a gaseous state.

Entrance exam questions (with commented resolution)

question 6

(Enem/2000) The juice extracted from red cabbage can be used as an indicator of the acid character (pH between 0 and 7) or basic (pH between 7 and 14) of different solutions. By mixing a little cabbage juice and the solution, the mixture starts to show different colors, according to its acidic or basic nature, according to the scale below.

red cabbage pH scale

Some solutions were tested with this indicator, producing the following results:

Material Color
I Ammonia Green
II Milk of magnesia Blue
III Vinegar Red
IV Cow milk pink

According to these results, solutions I, II, III and IV have, respectively, the following character:

a) acid/basic/basic/acid.
b) acid/basic/acid/basic.
c) basic/acid/basic/acid.
d) acid/acid/basic/basic.
e) basic/basic/acid/acid.

Correct alternative: e) basic/basic/acid/acid.

Acids and bases are functional properties that differentiate materials.

The most acidic material is the one that has its pH close to 0. Likewise, the basicity of a substance increases the closer the pH approaches 14.

Analyzing the color for each material, we have to:

I. Ammonia showed a green color, its pH is between 11 and 13. Therefore, it has character basic.

II. Milk of magnesia showed a blue color, its pH is between 9 and 11. Therefore, it has character basic.

III. Vinegar showed a red color, its pH is between 1 and 3. Therefore, it has character acid.

IV. Cow's milk showed a pink color, its pH is between 4 and 6. Therefore, it has character acid.

question 7

(UTFPR) In Chemistry, to characterize a given material, four physical constants: melting point, boiling point, density and solubility that constitute a "quartet Fantastic". In a laboratory, the data in the table below were obtained, relating to specific properties of samples of some materials. Considering the data in the table, analyze the following statements.

Materials Mass (g) at 20°C Volume (cm3) Melting temperature (°C) Boiling temperature (°C)
THE 115 100 80 218
B 174 100 650 1120
Ç 74 100 - 40 115
D 100 100 0 100

I) At a temperature of 25°C, materials C and D are in a liquid state.
II) Mass and volume are specific properties of each material.
III) If material B is insoluble in D, when added to a container containing material D it should sink.
IV) If material A is insoluble in D, when added to a container containing material D it should float.
V) At a temperature of 20 °C, the density of material C is equal to 0.74 g/mL

From the above statements, only:

a) I, III and V.
b) II, III and IV.
c) III, IV and V.
D) I and V.
d) I, III and IV.

Correct alternative: a) I, III and V.

I. CORRECT The melting temperature determines the transition from solid to liquid state. As the fusion of materials C and D occurs at temperatures lower than 25 ºC, it means that at this temperature the materials are in a liquid state.

II. WRONG. Mass and volume are general properties of matter. Every material has a mass and occupies a place in space.

III. CORRECT Density is the relationship between mass and volume, expressed as follows: straight d space equal to straight space m over straight v

Calculating the density of materials B and D, we have to:

Material B Material D
straight d space equal to space numerator 174 straight space g over denominator 100 space cm to cube end of fraction straight d space equal to space 1 comma 74 straight space g divided by cm to cube straight d space equal to space numerator 100 straight space g over denominator 100 space cm to cube end of fraction straight d space equal to space 1 comma 00 straight space g divided by cm to cube

Because it has a higher density, when added to the container that contains material D, substance B will be at the bottom, it will sink.

IV. WRONG. Comparing the density of the two materials:

Material A Material D
straight d space equal to space numerator 115 straight g over denominator 100 space cm to cube end of fraction straight d space equal to space 1 comma 15 straight space g divided by cm to cube straight d space equal to space numerator 100 straight space g over denominator 100 space cm to cube end of fraction straight d space equal to space 1 comma 00 straight space g divided by cm to cube

We noticed that material A has greater density, so, as it is denser, it should sink.

V. CORRECT Density is a specific property of the material and at a temperature of 20 °C we have to:

Material C
straight d space equal to space numerator 74 straight space g over denominator 100 space cm to cube end of fraction straight d space equal to space 0 comma 74 straight space g divided by cm to cube

question 8

(UFMG) Some physical properties are characteristic of the set of molecules of a substance, while others are intrinsic attributes of individual molecules. Therefore, it is CORRECT to state that an intrinsic property of a water molecule is:

a) density.
b) polarity.
c) steam pressure.
d) boiling temperature.

Correct alternative: b) polarity.

a) WRONG. Density is a physical property of materials and corresponds to the relationship between mass and volume of a material.

b) CORRECT. Polarity is an intrinsic property of the water molecule (H2O), since the compound is covalently bonded and contains:

  • Two hydrogen atoms (positive poles)
  • An oxygen atom (negative pole)

The angular geometry of water makes the hydrogen side the most electropositive and the oxygen side the most electronegative, making the molecule a permanent electrical dipole.

c) WRONG. Vapor pressure is a physical property of materials and corresponds to the dynamic balance between a liquid and the vapors given off by it.

d) WRONG. Boiling temperature is a physical property of materials and corresponds to the passage from a liquid to a gaseous state.

question 9

(CFT-PR) The properties of a material used to distinguish one material from another are divided into Organoleptic, Physical and Chemical. Combine the first column with the second column and mark the alternative that presents the correct order of answers.

(A) Organoleptic Property ( ) flavor
( ) Fusion point
(B) Physical Property ( ) Combustibility
( ) Reactivity
(C) Chemical Property ( ) Density
( ) Odor
( ) States of Matter

a) A, B, C, C, B, A, B.
b) A, B, C, A, B, C, B.
c) A, C, B, C, B, C, B.
d) A, B, C, B, B, A, B.
e) C, B, A, C, B, A, B.

Correct alternative: a) A, B, C, C, B, A, B.

(A) Organoleptic Properties: they are perceived by the sense organs.

  • Taste: Recognized by the palate.
  • Odour: Recognized by smell.

(B) Physical properties: do not depend on transformations, that is, they are inherent to matter.

  • Melting Point: temperature at which the substance changes from solid to liquid phase.
  • Density: amount of matter in a given volume.
  • States of Matter: solid, liquid and gas.

(C) Chemical Properties: are obtained through chemical transformation/reaction.

  • Combustibility: tendency to burn and produce heat, flame and gases.
  • Reactivity: tendency to react chemically.

question 10

(UFAL) A person bought a bottle of anhydrous alcohol. To make sure that the contents of the bottle have not been tampered with by the addition of water, it is enough for her to accurately determine

I. the density
II. the volume
III. the boiling temperature
IV. mass

Of these statements, are ONLY correct

a) I and II.
b) I and III.
c) I and IV.
d) II and III.
e) III and IV.

Correct alternative: b) I and III.

I. CORRECT It is a specific property that determines the concentration of matter in a given volume.

To measure this physical property, it is necessary to consider the interaction between the mass of a material and the volume it occupies.

II. WRONG. It is a general property and applies to any subject, regardless of its constitution.

III. CORRECT It is a specific property that determines the change from a liquid to a gaseous state.

It happens when a portion of liquid, subjected to a given pressure, receives heat and reaches a certain temperature.

The amount of heat that the body must receive to transform itself completely into vapor depends on the substance that constitutes it. Therefore, when mixing alcohol with water, its boiling point will be changed.

IV. WRONG. It is a general property and applies to any subject, regardless of its constitution.

question 11

(UFBA) Instruction: indicate the true propositions, add up the numbers associated with them and indicate the result in your notebook.

Matter is made up of atoms and has properties that make it possible to identify and classify the forms in which it appears in nature. The table below lists some properties of material samples:

Matter Properties
* There is no set melting or boiling point.

Based on the information in the table and on their knowledge of the structure and characterization of the matter, it can be stated that:

(01) Density, melting and boiling point are functional properties of matter.
(02) Iron and pentane are pure substances.
(04) Sea water and alcohol at 96 ºGL are composite substances.
(08) Pentane is a liquid at 25 ºC and at 1 atm.
(16) Coin and coffee are mixtures.
(32) Pentane, in the system formed by pentane and sea water, constitutes the upper phase.
(64) The mass of 50 ml of coffee is equal to 50 g.

Correct answer: 58 (02 + 08 + 16 + 32)

(01) WRONG. These three properties are physical in that they do not depend on transformations. Functional properties are constant characteristics in certain materials, belonging to the same functional group, such as acids, bases, oxides and salts.

(02) CORRECT. Iron is a pure and simple substance made up only of iron atoms. Pentane, on the other hand, is a simple and compound substance, formed by the elements carbon and hydrogen.

(04) WRONG. The two examples are mixtures. Seawater contains dissolved salts and gases, while the alcohol in the table consists of 96% ethyl alcohol and 4% water.

(08) CORRECT. At this temperature it is liquid and only changes to a gaseous state when it reaches its boiling temperature, which is 36 ºC.

(16) CORRECT. Coins are made of metal alloys such as steel, which contain iron and carbon, as well as other elements such as copper, nickel and silver. The coffee solution indicates that the coffee is dissolved in the water.

(32) CORRECT. Pentane has a density less than the value for seawater. This way, in a system with these two components, the pentane will be on top.

(64) WRONG. The mass of 50 ml of coffee is equal to 55 g.

straight d space equal to 1 comma 10 straight space g divided by mL table row with cell with 1 comma 10 straight space g end of cell long dash cell with 1 space mL end cell row with straight x long dash cell with 50 space mL end of cell end of table table row with straight x equal to cell with numerator 1 comma 10 straight space g space. space 50 horizontal space risk mL over denominator 1 horizontal space risk mL end of fraction end of cell line with straight x equal to cell with 55 straight space g end of cell end of table

question 12

(Unicamp) Three unlabeled vials are on a laboratory shelf. One contains benzene, one contains carbon tetrachloride and the third contains methanol. Its densities are known to be: 0.87 g/cm3 (benzene); 1.59 g/cm3 (carbon tetrachloride) and 0.79 g/cm3 (methanol). Of the three liquids, only methanol is soluble in water, whose density is 1.00 g/cm3. Based on this information, explain how you would go about recognizing the three liquids. Note - All three liquids are highly toxic and should not be snorted.

A common principle in solubility is: "like dissolve like”. This means that a polar solute tends to dissolve in a polar solvent. The same is true for non-polar substances.

As the three substances presented have different densities and different solubilities, we can differentiate them as follows:

Benzene Carbon tetrachloride Methanol
d = 0.87 g/cm3 d = 1.59 g/cm3 d = 0.79 g/cm3
apolar apolar Polar

Methanol: when adding water to the bottle containing it, it will show only one phase. It is a mixture of water and alcohol, which is a polar compound and, therefore, soluble in water.

Carbon tetrachloride: when adding water to the bottle that contains it, it will have only two phases. As it is a non-polar compound, CCl4 does not mix with water. As its density is greater than that of the solvent, it will be in the lower part because it is denser and water in the upper layer.

Benzene: when adding water to the bottle that contains it, it will have only two phases. Benzene is a non-polar compound and also does not mix with water. As its density is less than that of the solvent, it will be at the top as it is less dense and water will be in the lower layer.

question 13

(Unicap) Judge the items below:

00) Any portion of any material has mass and occupies space.
01) When we say that the density of aluminum is 2.7 g/cm3, we are saying that if we weigh a volume of pure aluminum equal to 1 cm3, we will obtain a mass of 2.7 g.
02) When two materials have different densities, under the same pressure and temperature, we can say that they are different materials.
03) When we have equal volumes of different materials, the material with higher density has greater mass. 04) When we have equal masses of different materials, the material with the highest density has the greatest volume.

00) CORRECT. Mass and volume are general properties of matter, that is, they are independent of its constitution.

01) CORRECT. Density is the relationship between mass and volume occupied by a material.

straight d space equal to space straight m over straight v straight m space equal to straight d space. straight space v straight m space equal to space 2 comma 7 straight space g divided by horizontal strikeout over cm cubed end of strikeout space. space 1 horizontal strikeout space over cm cubed end of straight strikeout m space equal to space 2 comma 7 straight space g

02) CORRECT. Density is a specific property of the material, classified as a physical property that differentiates it from others.

03) CORRECT. Density and mass are proportional quantities: the greater the mass, the greater the density.

04) WRONG. Density and volume are inversely proportional quantities: the larger the volume, the lower the density. In this case, the material with the highest density has the smallest volume.

question 14

(PUC-SP) In a methanol manufacturing industry, CH3OH, the accidental drop of alcohol in the drinking water reservoir made it unsafe for consumption. Despite the incident, two characteristics of drinking water remained unchanged:

a) color and density.
b) flavor and boiling point.
c) odor and specific heat.
d) color and electrical conductivity.
e) flavor and melting point.

Correct alternative: d) color and electrical conductivity.

a) WRONG. The color remains unchanged as both liquids are colorless. There will be a change in density, as a homogeneous mixture of the two compounds will form.

b) WRONG. The boiling point of water is 100 °C, whereas methanol is 64.7 °C. When mixing these two substances, these values ​​will change.

c) WRONG. Specific heat determines the amount of heat needed to increase the temperature by 1 °C of 1 g of the substance. The specific heat of water 1 cal/g.ºC, whereas methanol is 0.599 cal/g at 20°C. When mixing these two substances, these values ​​will change.

d) CORRECT. Both water and methanol are colorless, so spilling methanol into water does not cause a noticeable change as a homogeneous mixture forms.

The electrical conductivity of water does not change because methanol is a molecular and electrically neutral compound, whereas water conducts electricity by forming ionic species in solution,

e) WRONG. The melting point of water is 0 °C, while methanol is -97.6 °C. When mixing these two substances, these values ​​will change.

question 15

(UnB) Judge the items below, indicating those that refer to chemical properties of substances and those that refer to physical properties of substances.

I. Glucose is a white solid.
II. Ethanol boils at 78.5°C.
III. Ethyl ether undergoes combustion.
IV. Metallic sodium is a soft, low-melting solid.
V. The metabolism of sugar in the human body leads to the production of carbon dioxide and water.

I. Physical Property. Specifies the appearance of the material.

II. Physical Property. Identifies the transition from liquid to gaseous state.

III. Chemical property. It involves a chemical reaction, characterizing ethyl ether as fuel.

IV. Physical properties. Specifies the appearance of the material and identifies the transition from solid to liquid.

V. Chemical property. It involves a chemical reaction as new substances are created.

To gain more knowledge, check out the following texts.

  • Matter Properties
  • Physical and Chemical Transformations
  • Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Mixtures
  • Mixture Separation Exercises
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