You Community Campaign Texts they are those used with the purpose of clarifying and paying attention to the interlocutors of a community on a given subject.
For example, the Campaign to Combat Drugs, Campaign on Dengue, Campaign on Trafficking in Persons, Campaign on Child Prostitution, Campaign on Warm Clothing, among others.
Community campaign texts arise through the detection of a problem. That is, a demand in the community (whether in the social, political, cultural, health, education, etc.), just like the vaccination campaign held in schools, in order to alert the population of its importance and thus, inviting them to participate and collaborate with the cause.
In this case, community campaign texts use the conative function language, where convincing the population is an important feature.
Thus, the community campaign texts aim to alert the population about a subject, focusing on the population's collaboration and the importance of the actions of its readers (interlocutor).
They are character texts
injunctive, that is, its function is to instruct, guide and explain to readers about a topic important to the community.Therefore, they are texts that can present the verbal and nonverbal language, promoting a debate on the current issue and drawing attention to its resolution.
The most used supports and vehicles for the dissemination of community campaign texts are posters, billboards, television, radio, internet, among others.
Although they are injunctive, expository and informative, they can present the authors' arguments and opinion, that is, they can also present characteristics of the dissertation-argumentative texts.
The texts of community campaigns can be produced by several people, that is, carried out after a team has worked together, for example:
- the researcher who collected statistical data on the subject;
- the interviewer, who collected information from the interviews;
- the popularizer, the person who is in charge of publicizing the campaign.
The main features of community campaign texts are:
- Injunctive, informative and/or expository text
- persuasive intent
- Simple, objective, clear and accessible language
- Verbs in the imperative or present tense
- Use of metaphors and puns
- Use of images and other graphic resources
- Current topics and of interest to the population
- Relatively short texts
Generally, community campaign texts follow the structure presented below:
- Presentation: Introduction on the proposed topic. They are usually followed by a prominent title, drawing the reader's attention to the importance of the subject covered.
- Development: At this point, the text's producers focus on exposing the campaign's objectives, as well as the most relevant data on the topic, guiding the population to benefit. Graphics, infographics, images, photos, among other resources can be used. This is the largest part of the text that should contain all the arguments raised.
- Conclusion: usually this type of text ends up inviting the reader to participate in such a campaign. They can be accompanied by contacts (phone numbers, email, websites, among others).
How to Write a Community Campaign Text?
To produce a community campaign text initially outline a relevant theme. Search and gather data about it. Focus on the importance and main objectives that present your project.
Imagine what would be the best way to present it to the target audience (the target audience), be it teenagers, children or adults. Therefore, it is very important to observe the purpose and focus of your campaign in order to choose the best language.
Images are widely used resources that can offer more consistency to the study, which can be graphics, infographics, photos, diagrams, among others. After analyzing the collected material, develop the text according to the structure proposed above: presentation, development and conclusion.
Below are two examples of community campaign text on the topic of dengue, aimed at the Brazilian population in general:

Produce a Community Campaign with your peers on a current topic that involves your school or neighborhood. It may be from a demand that arose, for example, Basic Sanitation in the Neighborhood, the Use of Drugs by Adolescents, the Donation of Books to the School Library, The Inclusion of Disabled Students, among others. To make the job easier, follow the tips below:
- What is the relevant theme chosen for the community campaign?
- Which audience is the campaign aimed at?
- What objective and/or purpose of the campaign?
- What arguments will be used to attract readers to participate in the campaign?
- What images will be used in the campaign?
- What vehicles or supports will the campaign be presented?