Exercises on the use of commented-out whys

Before doing the exercises, check out a summary that will help you understand the correct use of the "whys":

  • Because: used in question initiation, indirect questions, and rhetoric. It can also be used to link sentences, and can be replaced by "by which" and its inflections.
  • Because: used at the end of direct questions.
  • Why: used in answers; explanations.
  • Because: although it may be preceded by a pronoun or a numeral, it is usually used after the article "o" and the article "one", and is synonymous with "reason".

Now that you are on top of the subject, consolidate your learning through practice:

question 1

____________ are you so late?

b) Why
c) Why
d) Why

Correct alternative: c) Why

At the beginning of direct questions, use "why" (separate and without accent).

question 2

The teacher wanted to know the ____________ of no one having done their homework.

b) why
c) why
d) why

Correct alternative: a) why

The correct alternative to filling the gap is because (together and with accent), as this gap is preceded by the definite article "o", and can be replaced by the word "reason" without changing the meaning of the sentence.

question 3

Identify the correct alternative:

a) Why is he crying?
b) Why is he crying?
c) Why is he crying?
d) Why is he crying?

Correct alternative: b) Why is he crying?

At the end of direct questions, use because (separate and accented).

question 4

I ended up buying the other television ____________ was the cheapest.

b) why
c) why
d) why

Correct alternative: d) because

Because (together and without accent) it is used in answers/explanations and has the same meaning as the conjunction "because".

question 5

I didn't understand the ____________ of all this fuss.

b) why
c) why
d) why

Correct alternative: a) why

Note that the use of the definite article "o" before the blank to be filled is an indication that the sentence must be completed with because (together and with accent). It has the function of a noun and, if replaced by the word "reason", the meaning of the phrase does not change.

question 6

Identify the wrong alternative:

a) I asked my son why he was crying.
b) I asked my son why he was crying.
c) I asked my son why he was crying.
d) I asked my son why he was crying.

Correct alternative: c) I asked my son why he cried.

Although it does not end with a question mark, the sentence presented is an indirect question.
Why (separate and unaccented) is used at the beginning of direct questions, indirect questions, or rhetoric.

question 7

____________ don't you like her sister?

b) Why
c) Why
d) Why

Correct alternative: b) Why

At the beginning of direct questions, the word "why" (separate and without accent) is used.

question 8

We were the ones who painted the walls ____________ we couldn't afford a painter.

b) why
c) why
d) why

Correct alternative: a) because

When an answer or an explanation indicates the cause or reason for something, the word is used why (together and without accent), which is a synonym for the conjunction "because".

question 9

Match the columns:

( why
(b) why
(c) why
(d) why

( ) used at the beginning of questions, in indirect questions or in rhetoric. It can also be used with the meaning of "by which" to link sentences
( ) used at the end of direct questions
( ) used in responses; explanations
( ) although it may be preceded by a pronoun or numeral, it is usually used after the article "o" or the article "one", and may be replaced by the synonym "reason"

Right answer:

( c ) used at the beginning of questions, in indirect questions or in rhetoric. It can also be used with the meaning of "by which" to link sentences
(d) used at the end of direct questions
(a) used in responses; explanations
( b ) although it may be preceded by a pronoun or numeral, it is usually used after the article "o" or the article "a", and may be replaced by the synonym "reason"

Check out an example sentence below that illustrates each of the uses of the "whys":

  • we gave up going to the beach why time has changed. - explanation; answer
  • The reason why I stopped talking to her is personal. - links two sentences; can be replaced by "by which"
  • After hearing the proposal I thought: and why no? - rhetoric
  • I did not understand why he missed. - indirect question
  • you didn't wash the dishes because? - end of direct question
  • Because Didn't you invite Natalia to the party? - start of direct question
  • I wanted to understand the because of all this drama. - synonymous with “reason”; used after article "o" or article "a"

question 10

In the sentences below, replace the underlined words with “because”, “why”, “why” or “why”

1. For what reason did you miss the day of the exam?
2. we will not travel once we do not have money.
3. This is the reason that I didn't like going to their house.
4. You broke up for what reason?
5. I shared the problem with her by which I'm passing.
6. I do not know for what reason he got upset.

Right answer:

1. Because did you miss the day of the exam?
2. we will not travel why we do not have money.
3. This is the because that I didn't like going to their house.
4. You broke up because?
5. I shared the problem with her why I'm passing.
6. I do not know why he got upset.

As you can see in the sentences above, the “why” can be replaced by certain other words or phrases that keep the meaning of the sentences.

Check out a table with this correspondence below:

why because
why (beginning of question; rhetorical question; indirect question)

for what reason; for what reason

why (when calling prayers) by which
because reason
why (end of direct question) for what reason; for what reason

See too: Use of Why, Why, Why and Why

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