Exclamation mark (! ): When to use?

The exclamation point (!), also called the wonder point, is a graphic sign used in text production.

As such, the exclamation point is a punctuation mark used to exclaim something. That is, it is used at the end of exclamatory sentences that express emotion, surprise, admiration, indignation, anger, amazement, fright, exaltation, enthusiasm, among others.

In mathematics, the exclamation point is used to indicate factor numbers, represented by n!

Exclamation Point Uses

Find out here when you should use the exclamation point in text production.

Exclamation Mark and Question Mark together

O Question Mark (?) is used to indicate a question, while the exclamation point is used in situations of great emotion of feelings. However, we can find expressions where both signs are used.

In this case, the speaker intends to ask a question, however, loaded with emotion, for example:

you really don't like ice cream?!

In the example above, we can see that the person asked the question to his interlocutor, at the same time that he expressed his surprise: “How can you not like such a good candy?!”

Note that in some speeches, in order to further emphasize the utterance, more than one exclamation point is used, for example:

I do not believe!!!

Exclamation and Vocative Point

O vocative it is an accessory term of the prayer that denotes a call or invocation.

When the invocation pause is longer, the exclamation mark is usually used, for example:

Don't say that, Sergio!

However, there are some cases where exclamation points are used at the beginning of the sentence and after the callout:

Lucia! Come to the party.

Or they can appear in a sentence that has only the calling expression: Guys!

Exclamation Point and Imperative Verbs

Verbs in the imperative mood indicate an order, direction, advice, or request. In this case, the exclamation point can be followed by imperative verbs, for example:

Do not do this! (negative imperative).
Look this! (Affirmative imperative).

Learn more aboutClassification of Verbs and Imperative mode.

Exclamation and Interjection Point

Remember that the exclamation point is always used after a interjection.

Interjections are invariable words that denote an affective language, expressing feelings, for example:

Heads up!; Thanks!; Help!; Hello!; Oops!; among others.

Uppercase and lowercase letters

One of the questions that can arise with the use of different punctuation marks is the use of capital and small letters.

Both the question mark and the exclamation point have, in essence, the same value as the period. That is, they are used at the end of sentences to indicate the end of the speech.

Therefore, in sentences that have more than one exclamation or question mark, capital letters are normally used, for example:

My God! Did you talk to him?

Fun Facts: Did you know?

The verb to exclaim (from the Latin “exclaim”) means to pronounce it out loud, that is, it corresponds to shouting or shouting. Thus, when a person exclaims something, he emits words with intonations of surprise, admiration or exaltation.

To complement your research on the subject, see also the articles:

  • Punctuation marks
  • Phrase and Punctuation Types
  • Comma Uses: Learn the Tricks
  • Use of End Point
  • Semicolon

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