Hiato: what is it and word examples

Hiato is the meeting of two vowels in a word, each belonging to a different syllable, for example: sauof (sa-ú-de), mohda (mo-and-da), sOuchda (out-out), cohson (co-and-lho).

This means that for a word to be hiatus it has to contain two vowels together, but that are separated when the syllables are separated.

Examples of hiatus

  • alcool (alcohol)
  • amendHeym (a-men-do-im)
  • Bau (trunk)
  • Boh (Good)
  • çohson (bunny)
  • crwas goingchildren (children)
  • dwas going (morning)
  • dwas goingbo (da-to-bo)
  • elogyo (praise)
  • epidemicwas going (Epidemic)
  • fOuchsca (fa-is-ca)
  • fiel (fi-el)
  • freezewas going (jelly)
  • genyo (genius)
  • Hwas goingto (hi-to-to)
  • Hiena (hi-and-na)
  • gowas going (idea)
  • startyo (start)
  • johson (jo-and-ho)
  • jwherezo (ju-i-zo)
  • karto theke (ka-ra-o-ke)
  • lagoh (lagoon)
  • therewow (moon)
  • mohda (mo-and-da)
  • mHeynho (mo-i-inho)
  • mobilewas going (furniture)
  • navyo (ship)
  • nacyonal (na-ci-o-nal)
  • hellosis (o-a-sis)
  • the wand thein the ocean)
  • Pwas goingno (pe-a-no)
  • Pohswas going (poetry)
  • whatwas goingbo (qui-a-bo)
  • whatieto (qui-and-to)
  • rhim (bad)
  • rwherena (ru-o-na)
  • sOuchfrom (out-out)
  • sauof health)
  • suitwas going (Mermaid)
  • twas going (aunt)
  • tit's therwas going (theory)
  • unicornyo (unicorn)
  • urgentwas going (urgency)
  • vwas goinggem (vi-a-gem)
  • voo (flight)
  • xintHeysmo (xin-to-ís-mo)
  • zodwas goingco (zo-di-a-co)
  • zoological (zo-o-lo-gi-co)

Difference between diphthongs and hiatus

The difference between diphthongs and hiatus is that although both are vowel encounters, at the time of syllable separation the gaps separate.

In the diphthong, the vowels do not separate, remaining in the same syllable, for example: herHey (he-roi), mmother (mother), pHeyxe (fish).

On hiatus, each vowel is on a different syllable, for example: was goingyou (you), pOuchs (country), rtherenha (ha-ha-ha).

What is hiatus, diphthong and tritongue?

Hiatus, diphthong and tritongo are the three types of vowel encounters that exists. Remembering that vowel encounter is the encounter of vowels or semivowels (vowel sounds pronounced with less force) in a word, without the presence of consonants between them.

Hiato is the meeting of two vowels in different syllables. Examples: mohda (mo-and-da), pwas goingda (cheep), pyoson (pi-o-lho).

Diphthong it is the meeting of a vowel with a semivowel in the same syllable. Examples: bHeyjo (kiss), ctherexa (box), satto the (soap).

Triphthong it is the meeting of a semivowel, a vowel and a semivowel in the same syllable. Examples: igWows (equals), saghuh (concourse), StopWow (Paraguay).

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