Portuguese language (7)

The words behind and trailing are homophones, which means they have the same sound but different spellings. That's why these stressed monosyllables cause a lot of confusion when...

The Proparoxytone Words, or oddities, are those whose third to last syllable is pronounced with greater intensity (stressed syllable). As for the position of the stressed syllable, in addition to...

Morphemes are units or elements of meaning that form words, as well as alter their meaning. They can also be called morphic elements. Examples: born, reborn,...

Technical writing is a text written in a more elaborate and formal way. It differs from literary essays, as they are objective and impartial, in addition to using language...

E-mail or Electronic Message is an epistolary textual genre in the electronic medium that is currently being explored. From English, the term “e-mail” corresponds to the abbreviation of “eletronic...

Vocative is a term that indicates the “calling”, “invocation”, “interpellation” of a real or fictitious person (interlocutor). It is usually isolated by commas when the pause...

The verbal complement has exactly the function of completing the sense of the direct transitive and indirect transitive verbs. They are the direct object and the indirect object. These verbal complements...

The history of writing begins thousands of years ago when man felt the need to record not only events, but particularly primitive trade operations. Given your...

The simple adjective is the most common type of adjective, consisting of just one stem (or element). Remember that the root is the fundamental basis of the words, being a common element in the formation...

The use of the letters S and Z can raise a number of questions. This is mainly because there are words that are written with an S but have a Z sound. To help you with that, Toda Matéria has...

The descriptive text is marked by the proposal to be a portrait of people, objects or scenes. Thus, this type of text is a kind of photograph of the object described. In addition to the features...

Reduced clauses are clauses introduced by nominal forms (infinitive, gerund or participle) and which are not accompanied by a conjunction or relative pronoun. Reduced prayers from...

Indefinite pronouns are those that vaguely refer to the 3rd person of the speech. This is what we saw in the examples: Can anyone explain what happened? Everyone was happy...

The alphabet, as we use it today, is the legacy of various cultures from the need to record the sounds of words and went through several transitions. The first representations of...

The Inflection of Adjectives can happen in three ways: in genus (uniform and biform), in number (singular and plural) and in degree (comparative and superlative). Gender Flexion As for gender,...

Predicates can be classified into three types: Nominal predicate: is one whose nucleus is made up of a name (noun or adjective) that indicates the quality or state of something, and it is...

An ellipse is a figure of speech that falls into the category of syntax (or construction) figures. This is because it is related to the syntactic construction of statements. It is used...

Orality and writing are two forms of linguistic variation, where orality is generally marked by colloquial (or informal) language, while writing is largely associated...

A comparison (or simile) is a figure of speech that falls into the category of word pictures. It is determined through the similarity relationship, that is, by comparing two...

Figures of Sound or Harmony correspond to a category of figures of speech associated with sonority. They value the expressiveness of the text, through the sound, that is, the...

Noun Gender Flexions refer to the masculine and feminine of beings, objects and entities. All nouns in which it is possible to prepend the article or or... belong to the masculine gender.

In the Portuguese language, cardinal numbers are words that indicate the precise and absolute quantity and/or count of something, being, therefore, the most basic way to express the numerals. Numeral:...

Narrative Focus is a key element of narrative texts as it determines the type of narrator in a narration. In other words, the narrative focus represents the “voice of the text”,...

Alphabet is the ordered set of graphic signs (letters) that are used in written production. The first alphabet is the Phoenician alphabet. It came up with the evolution of pictograms -...

Hypertext is a concept associated with information technologies and that makes reference to electronic writing. Since its origin, hypertext has been changing the traditional notion of authorship, a...

Test your knowledge of word formation through unpublished exercises and also those that have already fallen in competitions. Check the answers in the feedback, all of them commented by our...

Primitive Adjectives are not derived from any word. They are the ones from which other adjectives are formed - the derivatives. Derived Adjectives, therefore, derive from other words, that...

Versification is the set of methods used in the art of composing verses, making use, for this purpose, of some elements that contribute to the harmonization and beauty of the lyrical genre, such as...

The omniscient narrator, also called the omnipresent, is a type of narrator who knows the entire story and plot details. Also, he has knowledge about his characters since...

Domestic violence has been one of the most discussed topics in recent years. Taking into account the topicality of the theme, be aware and inform yourself to be prepared in case you are confronted...

The Compound Adjective is a type of adjective that has more than one radical. Remember that the root is the invariable and common element of some words, for example: anthropology, anthropology,...

The semicolon (; ) is a graphic sign used in text production to indicate a pause that is longer than the comma and shorter than the period. It is therefore a punctuation mark...

The paragraph corresponds to a textual structure where information about a text is contained, being characterized by an indentation in relation to the left margin of the text. The text constitutes a whole...

The pronoun “if”, among other functions, serves to indeterminate the subject. The indeterminate subject is the type of subject that one does not want or cannot identify, which can happen in two ways...

Alliteration is a figure of speech, more precisely a figure of sound (or harmony). It is defined by the repetition of consonant phonemes in an utterance. That means these sounds...

The constituent terms of the sentence are the words that compose or structure the linguistic discourses. They are classified into: Essential terms (subject and predicate) Integrating terms...

Mesoclisis is the placement of the pronoun in the middle of the verb. It is only possible in one way: with verbs in the future of the present (I'll make an effort) or in the future of the past tense...

The verb to be indicates a permanent state. It is one of the main linking verbs and as such its function is to link the subject and its characteristics (predicative of the subject). This causes,...

Description is the same as detailing, showing or making known the characteristics of something or someone, which can be done orally, textually or visually. The description can be present in a...

Conjunctive phrase is the name for the set of one or more words with a conjunction value in the sentence. They are: As long as, in spite of, in order that, in proportion to,...

The indicative mode is used to express a fact or habitual action in its certainty when referring to the present, past and future. This is the main prayer mode. In short, it is used: To...

The common noun of two genders, also called the common of two, is a kind of uniform noun. That is, one that has only one term for both genders (male and...

Sequential cohesion is a resource that collaborates with textual evolution by pointing out the passage of time. It is a cohesive mechanism that takes place through verbal and connective markers...

Syllables are phonemes emitted at once. This is most easily seen when we do syllabic separation exercises and divide words as they are pronounced. So, the...

A gradation (or climax) is a figure of speech that falls into the category of figure of thought. It occurs through a hierarchy of terms that make up the sentence. Gradation is used by...

The acute accent (´) is a graphic sign used in all vowels of the language: a, e, i, o, u. They mark the stressed (strongest) syllable of a word and are therefore used in vowels...

The Dash (—) is a punctuation mark used especially at the beginning of each line in direct speech. There are, however, other ways of using it, in which it replaces parentheses, commas or...

Auxiliary verbs are those that help in the conjugation of other verbs and that is why they receive this name. They join the main verb in the formation of compound tenses and locutions...

Parody and Paraphrase represent two types of intertextuality, that is, they are resources that establish dialogues between different texts, creating a new one based on a source text...

Monosyllables are words formed by only one syllable, that is, they are pronounced through a single sound emission, such as: color, spade, knot. According to the tone with which they are...

Ratify and rectify: meanings and differences between words

Ratify and rectify are words paronyms (they have almost identical spelling and pronunciation, but...

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Meaning of Noun (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Substantive is what by itself designates the substance itself, i.e the essence, the matter. It is...

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Meaning of Narrative (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Narrative is an exposition of facts, a narration, a tale or a story. Newspaper news, comic books,...

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