Portuguese language (11)

Verbal and nominal conducting exercises with feedback

Do the exercises below and assess your knowledge of verbal and nominal conducting using the commented feedback. Question 1 (VUNESP/2020) Suppose the following photo and text...

From Latin, the term “communication” (communicare) refers to the act of communicating, that is, sharing information, participating, making something common. Thus, communication represents social acts...

The abbreviation for hours is h (lowercase h and no dot). This is how it is both singular and plural, that is, the abbreviation of hour and hours is simply h. The hr, hs, hrs forms are...

Monograph is a dissertation work that is dedicated to a specific study. It is required in most universities as a course completion work, better known by the dreaded name...

Do the exercises and check your knowledge of nominal complement. If you still have questions, the answers commented at the end of each exercise will help you to understand better. Question 1 A...

The best way to differentiate the uses of "what" and "what" is by identifying the grammatical classification that each one can exercise. However, as a general rule, take into account the...

Although both are classified as accessory terms of the clause, the difference between the adjunct adnominal and the adverbial adjunct lies in their respective functions: Adjunct adnominal:...

The linguistic sign represents the signifier and the signified. When you hear the word “house”, you will think of the letters that compose it (c-a-s-a) and the phonemes that represent it (/k/ /a/ /s/ /a/) ...

Abstracts are an excellent help when studying. With them, you can refresh your memory and ensure that you absorb matter much faster. Some tips are essential at the time...

A certificate is a type of technical writing, which is why it has very particular characteristics that differ from literary writing. It is a document in which the language...

Personal Verbs, unlike impersonal verbs (dawn, rain, wind, for example), have a subject, but they cannot be conjugated in all people. They are called defective verbs...

The Portuguese Language Day, also called the Portuguese Language and Culture Day at CPLP, is celebrated on May 5th. This is the international day, as every country whose mother tongue is...

Reflective Verbs are those that express actions performed on the person, that is, whoever does it also receives the action (to hurt, wash, comb). They are always accompanied by...

Syntagma is the linguistic unit that joins another to form a sentence. The phrases vary according to their nuclei. They can be nominal, verbal, adjectival, prepositional and...

Me and me are personal pronouns that have the function of replacing the noun in the sentence and indicating the person(s) in the speech. The "I" is a personal pronoun of the straight case that exercises...

What is irony? Irony is a figure of speech that uses words with the opposite meaning to emphasize speech. As this stylistic resource uses the combination of ideas and...

What is a dichotomy? Dichotomy means division into two parts. It is the opposition between two things, such as love and hate. The word has a Greek origin. It arises from dikhotomy, and its meaning results...

A contract is a type of technical writing used to establish a legal relationship between two or more parties. It fits into the legal genre, such as certificates, statutes, laws,...

Too much is, in most cases, an adverb of intensity, but it can also be a noun or an adjective. There is also more. It is an expression that has the equivalent meaning of “not enough”...

This text was designed especially for you who are preparing for Enem. Do the exercises and check the answers: all, including the incorrect alternatives, have an explanation of a...

Fyodor Mikhailovitch Dostoevsky was a Russian writer, journalist and philosopher. Dostoevsky's literary works are known for exploring the psychological of individuals, as he says...

Litote is a figure of speech, more precisely a figure of thought. It is used to soften an expression by negating the opposite. It allows you to affirm something through...

To make a good writing on Enem, nothing is more important than understanding the main points of assessment. Composed of a panel of evaluators, these specialists rely on the various...

1. What is description? Description is text that contains detailed information about the characteristics of something or someone. Thus, it enables the person who reads or hears it to imagine with...

Due to its different functions, the use of the “if” is usually the target of many doubts among Portuguese language students. To help you master this topic, we have prepared a list with...

Studying the formation of simple tenses, which are verbs expressed by a single word, is essential for learning to conjugate regular verbs correctly. So, initially, it's important...

It is possible that you have already had difficulty using the words trip or journey, as both exist and are correct in their context. This doubt happens because of...

The adjoint adjunct and the nominal complement are two concepts that often confuse many students. To differentiate them, just observe the particularities of each one: Deputy...

Verb forms are the different forms that verbs can take. They depend on the person, the time and the mood. I love, loved, ate, ate, left and left are examples of verbal forms that...

The professional curriculum, also called curriculum vitae (CV), is a textual genre that aims to win a job opening. So, nothing is more important than knowing...

Augmentative and diminutive are degree inflections that nouns can have. Thus, the word nose is a noun that appears in the normal degree, whose augmentative and diminutive degrees are...

Unipersonal Verbs are those that indicate voices or actions of animals (but not only) and, thus, they are normally conjugated in the 3rd person singular and plural. They are called verbs...

Company is a feminine noun and is written with the digraph nh, as well as the terms of the same family: companion, accompany, companionship. Therefore, the term “company” does not exist. THE...

What is a bracket? Brackets, or square brackets, is a graphic sign that is used in the Portuguese language to punctuate very specific situations. It is also used in the exact areas,...

Description and discretion are two paronyms, as they are similar in spelling and pronunciation, however, they have different meanings. Description means reporting something and discretion...

Practice with our new exercises and check the answers commented by our teachers. But, first, let's review: Session has the sense of meeting (film session); section has the...

Synonym is the approximation of meanings between two or more words. So, when we use "beautiful" we can also use "beautiful" to have a very close or identical meaning in...

The word "that" can play the role of an adverb, conjunction or pronoun: "That" with the role of an adverb In some sentences, the "that" can play the role of an adverb of...

"Concert" designates a musical session and "repair" means a repair. To remember that repair, repair, it is always with "S" imagine someone repairing a shoe. Repair is always with "S", for shoes...

Test your knowledge of morphology with new exercises. At the end of each one, check the commented answers. Question 1 Which of the alternatives correctly fills the spaces of the...

The position of the comma in relation to the word “but” is directly related to the function it plays in the sentence. The comma precedes the "but" when it indicates opposition to...

Ratify is used to confirm something. Rectify is used to correct something. Both are very similar words, but they have very different meanings. Therefore, many people use them in...

Check out a series of verb exercises for elementary school students. The activities can be used by teachers in the classroom or by those who want to reinforce the learning of...

Derivation and composition are the two processes that underlie word formation. They are classified as follows: Derivation process - prefixal, suffixal,...

1. Replace what follows article “a” with a masculine term. If you need “ao”, the phrase has a backtape. Examples: Am I going to school? --> I'm going to college. Call the doctor...

It suddenly writes itself apart. The "sudden" form, written together, does not exist. Suddenly an adverbial phrase is formed by the preposition “of” and the noun “suddenly”. She is...

Meaning of Too Much (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Too much is an adjective that qualifies what is above or is higher than what is considered normal...

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Meaning of Misfortune (What it is, Concept and Definition)

misfortune is the same as disgrace and bad luck, characterizing a state or situation that is trag...

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Meaning of Functioning (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Functioning is a term referring to how something or someone performs a function own. It is relate...

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