Appendix: what is it, where is it, function and appendicitis

O appendix is a tube-shaped pouch that is located in the lower right region of the belly. It also receives other names such as: cecal appendix, vermiform appendix and vermicular appendix.

It is not considered essential for the body, but its inflammation can cause health problems.

What is the appendix?

appendix location
Appendix location

The appendix is ​​a small tubular extension that ends in a blind end. Shaped like a small pouch, it measures about 10 cm and is connected to the first part of the large intestine.

It is located in the lower right region of the abdomen, in the cecum, which in turn is connected to the first portion of the large intestine.

What is the appendix for?

For a long time there was an attempt to understand the function of the appendix in the organism, in which it was believed that the appendix would be a vestigial organ, that is, that with the evolution they were left out of use due to the adaptation to new lifestyles, different from the more primitive ancestors.

Today, it is known that the appendix serves as a shelter for intestinal bacteria that help in

digestion and prevent infections. This conclusion came after studies and research considered the hypothesis that the appendix was used in the digestion of vegetables.

Researchers also point out that within the appendix there is a large concentration of lymphocytes, which are the defense cells, indicating their relationship with the immune system.

However, if the appendix is ​​removed, its absence does not cause any damage, anomaly or deficiency to the body, which is one of the human body organs without which you can survive.


appendix inflammation

Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix and occurs frequently in children, adolescents and young adults.

Its causes are still not well understood. However, it is believed that obstruction of the bowel with stool or fat results in the development of inflammation and swelling of the appendix.

With inflammation of the appendix left untreated, it is possible for it to rupture, which can lead to serious infection and be life-threatening.

appendicitis symptoms

appendicitis symptoms

Symptoms of appendicitis can vary depending on the level of inflammation and possible rupture. The main feature of appendicitis is the appearance of abdominal pain.

See below for other typical symptoms of appendicitis

  • Abdominal pain, initially in the center of the abdomen and most intensely in your lower right side;
  • Vomiting;
  • Nausea;
  • Fever;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Loss of appetite.

In some cases, the appendix may rupture, bringing momentary pain relief. However, after that, the condition can worsen and the symptoms become more intense.

appendicitis treatment

appendicitis treatment
Exclusion from the appendix

In cases of appendicitis, the removal of the organ through surgery and the use of antibiotics is common.

After identifying a possible appendicitis, antibiotic treatment is performed to remove the appendix.

Surgery is the main treatment for appendicitis, as if it is infected it can rupture and cause damage to health.

It is estimated that 1 in 13 people develop appendicitis at some point in their lives.

Read too:

  • Digestive system
  • Organs of the Human Body
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