THE verbal language is that expressed through written or spoken words, that is, verbalized language.
already the nonverbal language uses of visual signs to be effected, for example, the images on the signs and the colors in the traffic signs.

Examples of Verbal and Nonverbal Language
It is noteworthy that both are communicative modalities, and communication is defined by the exchange of information between the sender and the receiver with the purpose of transmitting a message (content).
In this sense, language represents the use of language in different communicative situations.
Both modalities are very important and used in everyday life, however, verbal language is the most used.
When we write an e-mail, we use verbal language, expressed in writing, and when we observe the traffic lights, we are faced with visual (non-verbal) language.
In short, if the transmission of information in the message is carried out through the use of words, it is a verbal discourse. Otherwise, if the message is not produced by writing, we are using a speech with non-verbal language.
Understand more about Communication: Communication Elements
Mixed Language
In addition to verbal and non-verbal language, there is a mixed (or hybrid) language, which combines these two modalities, that is, it uses verbal and non-verbal language to produce the message.

An example of mixed language are comic books, in which we follow the story through the characters' drawings and speeches.
Formal and Informal Language
The two linguistic variants of the language can be classified into formal language, called cultured language, and informal language, also called colloquial language.
Thus, while formal language is used through grammatical norms (for example, in an interview with informal language is spontaneous and unconcerned with the rules (for example, in a conversation between friends).
We can cite numerous examples of verbal and non-verbal language since we receive these two types of messages every day without realizing their difference.
When we attend a lecture (or a class) we are decoding the speaker's message (sender), which is expressed through the linguistic sign (word and expressions).
In this case, verbal communication is taking place and the word is the code used. Other examples of verbal communication are: dialogues, reading books, magazines, among others.
On the other hand, when we are watching a theatrical presentation in which the actor expresses himself through mimes (body language) and does not emit any words, we are faced with non-verbal language.
Other examples of non-verbal language can be: body language, gestures, paintings, sculptures, dance performances, among others.
solved exercises
Below are some exercises on verbal and non-verbal language:
Exercise 1
What type of language is used below:

- Verbal language
- non-verbal language
- mixed language
- connotative language
Correct answer: 3. mixed language
In comic books, mixed language is the most used, that is, one that involves verbal and non-verbal language.
Exercise 2
When watching a football game, verbal and non-verbal languages are involved. Which of them below represents the verbal language used in football matches:
- Offside flags
- red and yellow cards
- Football Announcer
- the judge's whistle
Answer: 3. Football Announcer
Among the alternatives above, the soccer announcer uses verbal language, that is, expressed through words, while the other options are to express through non-verbal language.
See too:
- Exercises on verbal and nonverbal language
- Visual communication