What is Concrete Noun?

Concrete noun it is a type of noun that designates real beings or objects. It represents beings with their own existence (chair, table, cat, woman, man) and who do not depend on others to exist.

Concrete and Abstract Noun

Unlike concrete nouns, the abstract noun is a type of noun that depends on another to manifest itself.

Abstract nouns are terms that name actions, states and qualities, which need to be attributed to others, for example: happiness and beauty.

Examples of Concrete and Abstract Nouns

It is important to emphasize that, depending on the context in which the words are used, the same noun can be concrete or abstract. Let's look at some examples:

  1. THE sale of clothing is increasing with the arrival of Christmas.
  2. At sale Manuel has fruits, vegetables and greens.

Note that in the first example, the word "sale" depends on the word "clothing" to exist, so it is an abstract noun.

On the other hand, in the second example, the word "sale" represents a store, a grocery store, and therefore, in this case, it designates a concrete noun.

  1. THE alliance among nations favored adherence to international agreements.
  2. won one alliance white gold heart.

The example above presents the same word in different contexts. In the first example, the "covenant" depends on "nations" to exist, so it designates an abstract noun.

In the second example, the word "alliance" designates an object and, therefore, does not depend on something else to exist. So it is a concrete noun.

And Fictional Things?

The words that designate fictional beings. Are those terms that have a representation or a concept known to everyone, for example: fairies, goblins, Santa Claus, witches, vampires, among others.

Classification of Nouns

In addition to concrete and abstract, nouns can be:

  • simple
  • compound
  • ordinary
  • own
  • primitive
  • derivative
  • collective

Read too:

  • nouns
  • classification of nouns
  • Noun Exercises
  • Exercises: simple and compound nouns
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