Meaning of Interpretation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Interpretation is a feminine noun that characterizes the action or effect that establishes a relationship of perception of the message you want to transmit, whether simultaneous or consecutive, between two people or entities.

The term can also refer to the idea of ​​explaining or declaring the meaning of something, translating from a language for another, expressing or conceiving reality in a personal way or performing or representing a work artistic.

The word comes from Latin interpretation, ōnis which means “explanation, meaning”.

Interpretation can characterize the process that leads an individual to understand a given feat and its subsequent recitation, such as the translation of a language performed by an interpreter or translator of languages.

It can be considered an ambiguous term, as it refers to both the process and the result of something that is the result of human action, as in reading practice, where the reader uses a set of mental processes to understand a given text, in addition to being able to make comments about this.

The word interpretation can be replaced by synonyms that vary according to the intended use. When the term refers to analysis, the synonyms used will be perspective, version, look, vision, criticism, analysis, etc. When the word refers to the explanation, it can be replaced by synonyms such as meaning, explanation, exegesis, clarification, among others.

In music, the word interpretation can be replaced by execution, performance. When it refers to simultaneous interpretation, synonyms such as paraphrase and oral translation will be used.

See the meaning of exegesis.

Text interpretation

In Portuguese, text interpretation refers to the act of understanding a certain language contained in a text, through the speech that represents the message that that text wants to transmit.

For this interpretation to be done in the best way, some particularities and requirements in the text are necessary, such as cohesion, coherence, paragraphing and well-defined semantic relations, so that the reader has a full understanding of the text.

See too understanding and cohesion and coherence.

musical interpretation

The performance performed by artists, musicians and singers on a stage is also considered interpretation, as they use different means of language to communicate with the audience.

Legal Interpretation

Interpretation, in the legal field, is defined as the understanding and application of the rules of law, using the called hermeneutic circle, where the jurist brings together textual and non-textual elements to understand the facts of a case. This method is mainly based on argumentation and is based on hermeneutics.

Learn more about the meaning of hermeneutics.

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