When to Use: This or This?

the pronoun This one indicates proximity of the speaker, while the pronoun that indicates proximity to the person you are talking to.

This and this are demonstrative pronouns that have the function of positioning the discourse in space as well as in time, and they vary in gender and number.

East: Near or Present

This (s), this (s) and this indicate a position close (spatial) or present (temporal) in relation to the person who speaks, that is, the 1st person in the speech - me and us.


  • This one place is beautiful! We have to come back more often.
  • This one year it isbeing very difficult for the Brazilian economy.

Esse: Nearly Distant or Past and Near Future

This (s), this (s) and this indicate a somewhat distant (spatial) position or past and near future (temporal) in relation to the person you are talking to, that is, the 2nd person in the speech - you and you, or you).


  • After getting to know the north of Portugal I'm sure you'll tell me: That yea was an excellent tour!
  • Whose is it That bag that youit isholding?

Deepen your knowledge in Demonstrative pronouns.


1) This one month is dedicated to the study of verbs. What has happened... Oh, that month should have been devoted to the study of pronouns…

Notice that when the teacher says "this month" he is referring to the present, the month we are in. When the teacher says "this month" he is referring to what happened last month.

2) This one book is mine and that, Whose is it?

"This" book is with me, while "this" book is with the person I'm talking to.

3) This one weekend is to rest! Last week I was studying on Saturday and Sunday... That I couldn't enjoy anything.

"This weekend" refers to the next one, while "this weekend" refers to what happened.

Anaphora and Cataphor

Anaphora and cataphora are cohesion elements that make use of these pronouns in order to bring harmony to the text.

This one works as an element cataphoric because it announces something that it will besaid.


The books I want are these: the science fiction, the novel and the art book.

That, in turn, works as an element anaphoric because it refers to something that alreadywassaid.


Science fiction, the novel and the art book. These are the books I want.

The One: Distant or Remote Past

Another pronoun that also raises doubt is that one, whose positioning indicates proximity to the person or thing being spoken of. Thus:

That(s), that(s) and that indicate a distant (spatial) position or remote past (temporal) in relation to the person or thing they are talking about, that is, the 3rd person in the speech - he (s) and they).


  • Whose are those things thrown there?
  • That day was unforgettable! It's been a few years...

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