Period Composed by Coordination

Period Composed by Coordination is one whose clauses do not syntactically depend on each other because they are independent.

  • Shouted with the brother/ and ran to the room.
  • I rested,/ went to the beach/ and visited Wonderful places.

Coordinated prayers can be Syndetic or Asyndetic. In syndectics, conjunction is used, while in asyndetics, no.


  • Do not eat hot cake;/ you will get tummy aches. (Asyndetic Coordinated Prayer)
  • I'll go out/and I will be back in a moment! (Coordinated Syndetic Prayer)

To remember, read: Conjunction.

Classification of Syndetic Coordinated Prayers

Syndetic coordinated prayers can be of 5 types:

1) Additive - express the idea of ​​sum. The most frequent conjunctions are: and, as well as, as well, but still, but also.


  • I like cinema as well as theatre.
  • He got to know Europe as well as Asia.

2) Adversative - express the idea of ​​adversity, opposition. The most frequent conjunctions are: however, however, but nevertheless, however, nevertheless.


  • I'm going for a walk today, but I can only walk after dinner
  • Dinner was delicious, but I should have cut down on the salt.

3) Alternative - express the idea of ​​alternation, choice. The most frequent conjunctions are: already...already, or, now...well, or...or, either...whatever, it.


  • Well it's fine, sometimes it's not.
  • I will watch a movie or read a book.

4) Conclusive - express the idea of ​​conclusion. The most frequent conjunctions are: so, so, so, so, so, therefore.


  • I do everything I have to do in the morning, as I have the whole afternoon free.
  • She got bad grades, so she won't be traveling on vacation.

5) explanatory - express the idea of ​​explanation, justification. The most frequent conjunctions are: because, because, that.


  • I didn't visit you because I didn't know you had already arrived from your trip.
  • He was rewarded because he was a good student.

Read too Coordinated Prayers and Coordinating conjunctions.

Subordination Period

Unlike the period composed of coordination, in the period composed of subordination, the clauses syntactically depend on each other.


  • Everything that I wanted/ was the truth.
  • No know/ what to do.
  • I ignore/ because you acted thus.

Period Composed by Coordination and Subordination

There are periods that are formed by coordinated clauses and subordinate clauses. Thus, this period presents independent prayer at the same time as it presents syntactically dependent prayer.


I started reading/ and finished the book/ that I had been given that day.

  1. StartedTheto read it is a coordinated prayer.
  2. andI finishedObook it is also a coordinated prayer.
  3. whathe hadwon that day is subordinate prayer.
  4. Therefore, we are facing a period composed of coordination and subordination.

Would you liketo knowmore?Read:

  • Compound Period
  • Simple and Composite Period
  • Subordination Period
  • Subordinated prayers
  • Coordinated and subordinate prayers


1) Classify the highlighted clauses in additive, adversative, alternative, conclusive or explanatory syndetic coordinates.

a) I wanted to read but I have headaches.
b) You didn't bring the document, so you can't open the account.
c) he ate and drank, but left the party talking badly.
d) I called, but no one answered.
e) Don't be late, because we have a lot to do.
f) I told you, so you are warned.
g) “It serves this as well as this and this.”, he said pointing to the manual.
h) Join the queue or you will lose your turn.

a) Adversative syndetic coordinated prayer
b) Syndetic concluding coordinated prayer
c) Adversative syndetic coordinated prayer
d) Adversative syndetic coordinated prayer
e) Syndetic explanatory coordinated prayer
f) Syndetic concluding coordinated prayer
g) Additive syndetic coordinated prayer
h) Syndetic alternative coordinated prayer

2) Indicate which is the adversative syndectic coordinated prayer.

a) I must have had about 2 liters of water and I am still thirsty.
b) Did not study or rest.
c) He was the best teacher, but also the class leader.

a) I must have had about 2 liters of water and I am still thirsty.

3) Indicate the concluding syndectic coordinated prayer.

a) I prefer the beach, so we went to the pool.
b) I spoke to him as I am not rude.
c) I don't know why he doesn't talk to me.

a) I prefer the beach, so we went to the pool.

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