What is Periphrase?

A periphrase is a figure of speech that is related to words. For this reason, it is in the word pictures category.

Periphrases occurs by replacing one or more words with another expression. This substitution is made through a characteristic or outstanding attribute on a given term (being, object or place).

In addition to being used in colloquial (informal) language, it is common to use the periphrase as a stylistic resource in poetic and musical texts.

Even though the periphrase and the antonomasia are considered the same figure of speech, the antonomasia is a type of periphrasis. Thus, antonomasia is when it refers to a person (proper names).

Note that the periphrase is also called the circumlocution as it presents a thought in an indirect, roundabout way. From the Greek, the word “periphrasis” means the act of speaking in circles.

Other word pictures are: metaphor, metonymy, Comparation, catachresis and synesthesia.

To learn more about this figure of speech, check out some examples below.

Periphrase Examples

  • THE city ​​of light was hit by terrorists that afternoon. (Paris)
  • THE drizzle land is increasingly dangerous. (Sao Paulo)
  • Sampa it is the great financial center of the country. (Sao Paulo)
  • O soccer country won another medal at the Olympics. (Brazil)
  • O carnival country celebrated yet another political achievement. (Brazil)
  • THE wonderful city hosted the 2016 Olympics. (Rio de Janeiro)
  • O helm won another championship. (Corinthians)
  • More black gold was discovered in Brazil. (Petroleum)
  • O old boy has been suffering from environmental problems. (San Francisco River)
  • O lung of the world is suffering from rampant deforestation. (Amazon)

Examples of Antonomasia

  • O slave poet wrote several abolitionist poems. (Castro Alves)
  • O King of reggae in 1976 he received the award for "Band of the Year". (Bob Marley)
  • THE Brazilian theater lady was nominated for an Oscar for best actress. (Fernanda Montenegro)
  • O divine master shared several teachings. (Jesus)
  • O father of aviation was a great Brazilian inventor. (Santos Dumont)
  • O village poet is considered one of the most important musicians in Brazil. (Noel Rosa)
  • the show of King it was packed. (Roberto Carlos)
  • O pop king passed away in Los Angeles in 2009. (Michael Jackson)
  • THE queen of the short ones was born in the city of Santa Rosa, in Rio Grande do Sul. (Xuxa)
  • O soccer king is considered one of the greatest footballers in world history. (Skin)

Verbal Periphrase

In terms of grammar, the verbal periphrase is a verbal phrase that replaces a simple verb, for example:

He must work tonight. (auxiliary verb and main verb)

Complete your research. Read the articles:

  • Figures of Language
  • Word Pictures
  • Thought Figures
  • Syntax figures
  • Sound Figures

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