The joints of the human body, belonging to the joint system, are responsible for many of the movements we perform.
It connects the bones of the human skeleton to other bones and cartilage. This happens on knees, elbows, wrists, ankles, shoulders, among others.
Therefore, we can say that the articulation is the meeting place between bones, enabling the movements of the body.
Classification of joints
The joints are classified according to the degree of mobility they offer. They can be of three types:
- synarthrosis: Are the fibrous joints, located between one bone and another, characterized by being inflexible. The two bony surfaces are practically continuous, separated only by a layer of connective tissue or cartilage. Examples: the articulation of the skull (suture), teeth and jaw, tibia and fibula.
- amphiarthrosis: Are joints semi-furniture, flexible and cartilaginous. They have cartilage between the bones and allow for movements that prevent excessive wear and tear on the bones, thus helping to slide over each other from the different movements of the body. Examples: hip bones and vertebrae.
- diarrhea: Are joints flexible, characterized by the presence of synovial bags, which contain the synovial fluid or synovia, which prevents the wear caused by friction. They are located between the skin and bones. Examples: shoulder joints, knees and elbows.
Joint elements
The movement of the body is produced from the communication between the ends of the bones involved, carried out by the synovial joints.
Synovial pouches act as shock absorbers in moving joints. O synovial fluid it is viscous, transparent and facilitates displacement between two bony parts.
With aging, the production of this fluid decreases, causing joint pain.
For this, check out some elements that are part of the joints below:
- The joint cartilage (elastic connective tissue);
- you ligaments (fibrous structures);
- The joint capsule (fibrous membrane);
- The synovial membrane (bag with synovial fluid);
- you menisci (knee joint structure).
Main Joints and Movements
Get to know some of the main joints of the human body and the movement they perform.
Skull Joints
The bones of the skull are connected in a way that does not allow movement. It is formed by fixed joints or sutures, characterizing synarthrosis.
Another example is the articulation between the ribs and the sternum, movement hardly occurs.
Shoulder Joints
At shoulder joints they are Glenoumeral, Acromioclavicular and Sternoclavicular. Together, they allow movements of gliding, adduction and abduction, flexion and extension, rotation and circling.
It is common to have dislocations in the shoulder, which is when it dislocates. The most common cause is during the practice of certain sports, such as swimming, basketball and volleyball, or due to an accident.
Elbow Joints
The elbow joints are: Humerus-ulnar, Humerus-radial, and Radius-ulnar proximal. They allow flexion and extension movements.
It makes the connection between the arm and the forearm, being fundamental for its movement as it works as a kind of hinge.
Wrist and Hand Joints
The wrist and hand joints are: Distal Radioulnar, Radiocarpal, Carpometacarpal, Metacarpophalangeal, Interphalangeal.
They allow for adduction, abduction, flexion, extension and sliding movements. Together, they are responsible for moving the wrist and fingers.
Hip Joints
The hip joints are: Sacroiliac and Coxofemoral. The sacroiliac joint only performs the gliding movement.
The movements performed by the hip joint are abduction and adduction, flexion and extension, rotation and circling.
Knee Joints
The knee joints are: Patellofemoral, Tibiofemoral, Tibiofibular. Together, they perform sliding, flexion and extension movements.
She is responsible for making the connection between the tibia and the femur, and also between the femur and the patella.
In addition, it works in stabilization, biomechanics and impact absorption. In some cases, cartilage wear may occur and some movements may be impaired.
Spine Joints
The joints of the column can be considered one of the most complex, as it is responsible for movements that are extremely important for daily activities.
The movement between two vertebrae is considered small, but together they represent movements of great amplitude.
Don't forget that the muscles they also play an important role in moving the body.
joint disease
Arthritis is characterized by joint inflammation. It is associated with excess body weight, repetitive work, advanced age, injuries, among others.
Symptoms caused by arthritis are: difficulty moving the joints, pain, redness and swelling.
Some types of arthritis are: rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis (gout), osteoarthritis (arthrosis), psoriatic arthritis, septic arthritis, among others.
Arthrosis or osteoarthritis is a chronic disease that affects bones and cartilage of the body. It is most common to develop in the joints of the hands, wrists, shoulders, elbows, knees and feet.
It is a type of degenerative arthritis, which normally occurs in people with excess weight, old age, manual workers, being more common in women.
Fun Facts About Joints
- Arthrology is the science that studies joints.
- Rheumatism is a set of diseases related to the skeleton, muscles and joints. For example, gout, fibromyalgia, arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, lupus, among others.
See too:
- Skeletal System
- Skeletal System Exercises
- Classification of Bones in the Human Body