Bees are social insects that live in colonies.
In nature, they are responsible for pollination, a reproductive process that ensures the production of fruits and seeds in plants.
There are several pollinating agents such as insects, birds and bats. However, it is estimated that 40% of pollinators in the world are bees.
This situation demonstrates the risk of extinction of bees, being a threat to biodiversity and man.
Bees carry pollen. With this, they guarantee the development and reproduction of species, the balance of ecosystems and even the production of food.
Bees can be specialists or generalists. Specialist bees visit flowers of specific species, keeping a close relationship with them. Meanwhile, generalist bees visit flowers of many species and use different food sources.
Learn more about social insects.
brazilian bees
The native bees of Brazil are called “stingless indigenous” because they have a stunted stinger. Thus, they do not have the ability to sting.
They are part of the group of meliponini. These bees inhabit tropical regions. In Brazil, they are represented by more than 192 species.
Examples of Brazilian bees are: uruçu, jataí, mandassaia, tubi, dog bee, white-wing, sanharol, mosquito bee, among others.

Uruçu, melipona scutellaris
Researchers estimate that the pollination 40% to 90% of Brazilian native trees are due to native stingless bees.
However, in Brazil it is also possible to find exotic bees, that is, originating from other regions. An example of an exotic bee is the Apis mellifera, of European origin and domesticated for honey production.
We can also find Africanized bees that result from crosses between African and European bees.
bee anatomy
The bee's body is divided into three parts: head, chest and abdomen.
In the head are located the sensory organs and the mandibular glands.
The antennas are fundamental, as they have the senses of hearing, smell and touch. Through their sense of smell, bees recognize enemies, companions and pick up flower scents.
Vision is composed of three single eyes on the front of the head and two compound eyes on the side of the head.
The mandibular glands dissolve the wax and contribute to the processing of royal jelly.
The locomotor organs are located in the chest. They have three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings.
In the abdomen are located the honeydew, stomach, intestine and tracheas.
When bees have a stinger, they are located at the end of the abdomen. Bumblebees don't have a stinger.
worker bees, queens and drones
Worker bees are the most abundant in a colony. They are responsible for maintaining the hive, defending, caring for the young, cleaning the nest and feeding the members of the colony.
They are distinguished by the presence of the corbicula, a basket-shaped structure, where it carries pollen, resin or clay.
Queen bees have a reproductive function. She is capable of laying thousands of eggs a day.
The drones are the breeding males, generated by parthenogenesis from unfertilized eggs.
Understand more about the Societies in the Animal World.
- Until the year 1840, there were only native bees in Brazil. With European colonization, exotic bees were introduced;
- Bee stings can cause allergies. In some cases it can even be fatal;
- Some species of bees can reach a flying distance of 600 to 2400 meters;
- Meliponiculture is the rearing of stingless bees;
- Beekeeping is the creation of Apis mellifera;
- October 3rd is National Bee Day.
Learn more about Insects.