Márcia Fernandes (Professor with a degree in Languages)

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Marcia Fernandes

Professor, researcher, producer and manager of online content. Graduated in Literature from the Catholic University of Santos (UNISANTOS), she completed the course on February 13, 2004.

Post-graduated in Compliance at the Superior Institute of Banking Management (ISGB), in Lisbon, completed in 2013, she took several courses in the areas of administration and secretariat.

She worked as a teacher and banker, but in love with the world of letters and education, she decided to dedicate herself exclusively to what gives her the most pleasure. This is how she has been working since 2015 with the production and management of educational content for the web.

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Trava-Línguas are a type of parlenda, a play on words that is part of popular literature. The tongue twister is a difficult phrase to recite due to the similar sound of its...

General Knowledge Questions and Answers

General knowledge involves several subjects: mathematics, geography, history, Portuguese, science. If you want to know if you're in the know, propose a game with the family or with the...

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Figures of Language

Figures of Language, also called figures of style, are stylistic devices used to emphasize communication and make it more beautiful. Depending on your role, they are...

text interpretation exercises

Text interpretation involves reading and understanding written texts. Check below 23 exercises on textual, entrance exam and Enem interpretation, as well as new exercises...

Proverbs and Sayings

Proverbs and Sayings are short phrases that have the social function of advising and warning, while transmitting teachings. Some of them have rhymes, a feature that facilitates...

Verbal Agreement Exercises

Verbal agreement is the harmonic relationship established between subject and verb inflections. To train your knowledge on this topic, check out 40 exercises below that...


Adverbs are words that modify a verb, an adjective or another adverb. They are inflected in degree (comparative and superlative) and divided into: adverbs of mode, intensity, place, time,...


What is filing? The record is a record made in cards, where you can simply gather quotes or include topics and expose a critical analysis of a given text. In the registration if...

Difficult words and their meanings

Difficult words are usually those that are not used very often, which arise mainly in a formal context. For that reason, they look different, or even strange. The biggest...

58 general knowledge and current affairs questions

Test your general knowledge and make sure you are up to date with current affairs! Question 1 “The scheme worked through the over-invoicing of works that were part of a program that...


Economic History of the Southeast Region. Southeast region

The occupation of the Southeast region had its beginning associated with the period of the Great ...

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Skeletal system: bones and joints

Skeletal system: bones and joints

O skeletal system it's composed by bones and cartilage which are perfectly arranged in the format...

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Republic of the Sword (1889-1894)

Republic of the Sword (1889-1894)

THE Republic of the Sword corresponds to the initial period of the First Brazilian Republic. The ...

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