You Roman numbers (or Roman numerals) are numerical indications used to indicate centuries, chapters and pages of books, clock hours, names of popes and kings, among others.
Roman numerals are represented by capital letters, in a total of 7 numbers: I (1), V (5), X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), M (1000).
O I corresponds to number 1, V at 5, X at 10, L at 50, Ç to 100, D to 500 and the M to the thousand.
Roman Number Converter
Convert a roman number to decimal or decimal to roman by filling in the following box.
Converter in Roman numbers
Roman Numbers Table
Check Roman numerals from 1 to 100 and every hundred up to 2000.
Number | Roman Number | Calculation |
0 | does not exist | |
1 | I | 1 |
2 | II | 1+1 |
3 | III | 1+1+1 |
4 | IV | 5-1 |
5 | V | 5 |
6 | SAW | 5+1 |
7 | VII | 5+1+1 |
8 | VIII | 5+1+1+1 |
9 | IX | 10-1 |
10 | X | 10 |
11 | XI | 10+1 |
12 | XII | 10+1+1 |
13 | XIII | 10+1+1+1 |
14 | XIV | 10-1+5 |
15 | XV | 10+5 |
16 | XVI | 10+5+1 |
17 | XVII | 10+5+1+1 |
18 | XVIII | 10+5+1+1+1 |
19 | XIX | 10-1+10 |
20 | XX | 10+10 |
21 | XXI | 10+10+1 |
22 | XXII | 10+10+1+1 |
23 | XXIII | 10+10+1+1+1 |
24 | XXIV | 10+10-1+5 |
25 | XXV | 10+10+5 |
26 | XXVI | 10+10+5+1 |
27 | XXVII | 10+10+5+1+1 |
28 | XXVIII | 10+10+5+1+1+1 |
29 | XXIX | 10+10-1+10 |
30 | XXX | 10+10+10 |
31 | XXXI | 10+10+10+1 |
32 | XXXII | 10+10+10+1+1 |
33 | XXXIII | 10+10+10+1+1+1 |
34 | XXXIV | 10+10+10-1+5 |
35 | XXXV | 10+10+10+5 |
36 | XXXVI | 10+10+10+5+1 |
37 | XXXVII | 10+10+10+5+1+1 |
38 | XXXVIII | 10+10+10+5+1+1+1 |
39 | XXXIX | 10+10+10-1+10 |
40 | XL | 50-10 |
41 | XLI | 50-10+1 |
42 | XLII | 50-10+1+1 |
43 | XLIII | 50-10+1+1+1 |
44 | XLIV | 50-10-1+5 |
45 | XLV | 50-10+5 |
46 | XLVI | 50-10+5+1 |
47 | XLVII | 50-10+5+5+1 |
48 | XLVIII | 50-10+5+1+1+1 |
49 | XIX | 50-10-1+10 |
50 | L | 50 |
51 | LI | 50+1 |
52 | LII | 50+1+1 |
53 | LIII | 50+1+1+1 |
54 | LIV | 50-1+5 |
55 | LV | 50+5 |
56 | LVI | 50+5+1 |
57 | LVII | 50+5+1+1 |
58 | LVIII | 50+5+1+1+1 |
59 | LIX | 50-1+10 |
60 | LX | 50+10 |
61 | LXI | 50+10+1 |
62 | LXII | 50+10+1+1 |
63 | LXIII | 50+10+1+1+1 |
64 | LXIV | 50+10-1+5 |
65 | LXV | 50+10+5 |
66 | LXVI | 50+10+5+1 |
67 | LXVII | 50+10+5+1+1 |
68 | LXVIII | 50+10+5+1+1+1 |
69 | LXIX | 50+10-1+10 |
70 | LXX | 50+10+10 |
71 | LXXI | 50+10+10+1 |
72 | LXXII | 50+10+10+1+1 |
73 | LXXIII | 50+10+10+1+1+1 |
74 | LXXIV | 50+10+10-1+5 |
75 | LXXV | 50+10+10+5 |
76 | LXXVI | 50+10+10+5+1 |
77 | LXXVII | 50+10+10+5+1+1 |
78 | LXXVIII | 50+10+10+5+1+1+1 |
79 | LXXIX | 50+10+10-1+5 |
80 | LXXX | 50+10+10+10 |
81 | LXXXI | 50+10+10+10+1 |
82 | LXXXII | 50+10+10+10+1+1 |
83 | LXXXIII | 50+10+10+10+1+1+1 |
84 | LXXXIV | 50+10+10+10-1+5 |
85 | LXXXV | 50+10+10+10+5 |
86 | LXXXVI | 50+10+10+10+5+1 |
87 | LXXXVII | 50+10+10+10+5+1+1 |
88 | LXXXVIII | 50+10+10+10+5+1+1+1 |
89 | LXXXIX | 50+10+10+10-1+10 |
90 | XC | 100-10 |
91 | XCI | 100-10+1 |
92 | XCII | 100-10+1+1 |
93 | XCIII | 100-10+1+1+1 |
94 | XCIV | 100-10-1+5 |
95 | XCV | 100-10+5 |
96 | XCVI | 100-10+5+1 |
97 | XCVII | 100-10+5+1+1 |
98 | XCVIII | 100-10+5+1+1+1 |
99 | XCIX | 100-10-1+10 |
100 | Ç | 100 |
200 | CC | 100+100 |
300 | CCC | 100+100+100 |
400 | CD | 500-100 |
500 | D | 500 |
600 | A.D | 500+100 |
700 | DCC | 500+100+100 |
800 | DCCC | 500+100+100+100 |
900 | CM | 1000-100 |
1000 | M | 1000 |
2000 | MM | 1000+1000 |
Years in Roman Numerals
Year | Roman Number |
1000 | M |
1100 | MC |
1200 | MCC |
1300 | MCCC |
1400 | MCD |
1500 | MD |
1600 | MDC |
1700 | MDCC |
1800 | MDCCC |
1900 | MCM |
1990 | MCMXC |
1991 | MCMXCI |
1992 | MCMXCII |
1993 | MCMXCIII |
1994 | MCMXIV |
1995 | MCMXV |
1996 | MCMXCVI |
1997 | MCMXCVII |
1998 | MCMXCVIII |
1999 | MCMXXIX |
2000 | MM |
2001 | MMI |
2002 | MMII |
2003 | MMIII |
2004 | MMIV |
2005 | MMV |
2006 | MMVI |
2007 | MMVII |
2008 | MMVIII |
2009 | MMIX |
2010 | MMX |
2011 | MMXI |
2012 | MMXII |
2013 | MMXIII |
2014 | MMXIV |
2015 | MMXV |
2016 | MMXVI |
2017 | MMXVII |
2018 | MMXVIII |
2019 | MMXIX |
2020 | MMXX |
Centuries in Roman Numbers
Century | Years Interval |
XI | 1001 to 1100 |
XII | 1101 to 1200 |
XIII | 1201 to 1300 |
XIV | 1301 to 1400 |
XV | 1401 to 1500 |
XVI | 1501 to 1600 |
XVII | 1601 to 1700 |
XVIII | 1701 to 1800 |
XIX | 1801 to 1900 |
XX | 1901 to 2000 |
XXI | 2001 to 2100 |
XXII | 2101 to 2200 |
Rules for using Roman Numbers
- The letter I is used only before the V and the X, for example: IV = 4; IX = 9.
- The letter X is used only before L and C, for example: XL = 40; XC = 90
- The letter C is used only before the D and the M, for example, CD = 400; CM = 900
- The letters I, X, C and M are only grouped followed three times, for example: III = 3; XXX = 30.
- To represent numbers greater than 4000 use a dash above the letters, which means multiplying the number by one thousand, for example,
- Equal letters add up the values, for example: II = 2; XX = 20.
- Two different letters with the smallest before the largest subtract their values, for example: IV = 4; IX = 9.
- Two different letters with the largest before the smallest, add up their values, for example: VI = 6; XI = 11.
- If between any two letters there is another smaller one, its value will belong to the letter following it, for example: XIX = 19; LIV = 54.
Invented in ancient Roman times, Roman numerals were created to make counting easier. So the Romans developed a numbering system, with the letters of the alphabet.
The Romans did not know the representation of zero and, for this reason, this numbering system does not have any letter to represent it.
More about Roman numerals:
- 2017 in roman numbers
- Roman number MCMXCV
- Roman number I = 1
- Roman number V = 5
- Roman number X = 10
- Roman number L = 50
- Roman number C = 100
- Roman number D = 500
- Roman number M = 1000