proof of geography is applied on the first day of Enem and is within the Human Sciences and its technologies, which encompasses History, Sociology and Philosophy.
The Geography discipline is versatile and allows relating various contents to topics in History and Sociology. In addition, it focuses on current issues.
Therefore, it is necessary to master the main topics and be well informed, as the key to success is knowing how to relate the themes.
We analyzed the Geography exams at Enem in recent years, and made a survey of the subjects that have fallen the most in the exam, so that you can prepare yourself and get a place at the university.
Check out our listing and good studies!
Geography Themes that fell the most in Enem
In the last years of Enem, in addition to general knowledge, we noticed many issues related to Brazil, especially in the field of Physical Geography.
1. Environmental problems
The problems of our planet are directly linked to changes in geographic space due to anthropic (human) activities.
The advance of industrialization and the excessive use of natural resources have been depleting the world reserves, producing large amounts of waste, generating imbalance and impacts environmental issues.
Generally, in the Enem test, the candidate must master the concepts related to environmental problems and relate them to the human activities that caused them. The impacts that they generate to the planet must be studied, and what would be the solutions to reduce or end these effects.
Air and water pollution, destruction of landscapes, problems related to waste disposal, are some of the issues to be faced in today's society.
These texts will be useful for studying this topic.:
- Geographic space
- Natural resources
- Global warming
- Acid rain
- Climate changes
- Types of garbage
- Air pollution
- heat islands
- thermal inversion
- Environmental impacts
2. physical geography
A subject of great importance in Enem, Physical Geography addresses all aspects of landscape, such as the study of soil, relief, climate and vegetation.
At Enem, this topic is charged, especially, in issues related to the Physical Geography of Brazil.
Regarding the study of the soil, it is important to know its formation process and its use by human beings. Some questions on the test, for example, may cite features of the terrain, requiring the candidate to be able to identify the most common type or region to find it.
It is also important to know the impacts caused by human activity, such as its use by intensive agriculture and ways to recover or protect the soil.
Text that will help you in your soil study:
- Ground
- Types of soil
- Ground pollution
- Soil salinization
- desertification
- Organic and inorganic soil
- the importance of soil
In the geomorphology part, study the formation of the relief in the lithosphere. Endogenous processes (tectonic plates and volcanism) and exogenous ones (wind, rain, temperature, living beings), which are responsible for the transformation of the earth's surface.
Understand the forms of relief (plain, plateau, plateau, mountains and depressions) and rock types. Study geological structures (modern folds, ancient massifs or crystalline shields, sedimentary basins), mainly from Brazil.
These are the texts that will help you in this part:
- Relief
- relief agent
- Brazilian relief
- volcanism
- plain and plateau
- modern folding
- crystalline shields
- sedimentary basin
Climate and Vegetation
In the topics of climate and vegetation, study their characteristics and the elements that can influence "weather" change. Also understand the causes and impacts of the exploitation of forests on the climate in the short and long term.
Do not forget to study the climograms, as there is a high chance of these indicators falling on the tests, so that the student can demonstrate knowledge of the interpretation of this element.
Here you will find texts to increase your knowledge:
- Types of weather
- Brazil climates
- Factors influencing the climate
- Vegetation of Brazil
- Logging
- Agribusiness
- geological structure of Brazil
- Brazilian Biomes
- Agriculture in Brazil
3. Water (hydrography)
Water has been approached in the Enem and college entrance exams quite frequently, due to its extreme importance for life on Earth.
Study about the availability of water on the planet, the current crisis in the world due to its misuse and understand the preventive measures for saving this resource.
See also issues about water distribution, management of water resources, social conflicts over water disputes and basic sanitation.
Still on hydrography, it is necessary to read about the hydrographic basins of Brazil and the world, lakes and seas, groundwater and eutrophication.
Don't stop here and see texts about water:
- Potable water
- Water desalination
- water shortage
- waste of water
- Hydrosphere
- Water pollution
- rivers of Brazil
- Groundwater
- Guarani Aquifer
- Sanitation
- Watersheds
4. Urbanization
The growth of cities is linked to the movement of population from rural to urban areas, generating the phenomenon of urbanization.
A good analysis of the urbanization process in Brazil and in the world is essential. Understand what were the factors for this growth to occur and know how to differentiate the urbanization observed in developed and developing countries.
It is also important to see some subdivisions in the urbanization process, such as the urban hierarchy, urban networks, urban macrocephaly and conurbation.
See the main problems of metropolises, such as mobility and its impact on human life, social inequality, lack of security and the increase in urban violence.
Learn more about urbanization:
- Urbanization
- Brazilian urbanization
- urban revolution
- Slums in Brazil
- Brazilian urban network
- urban hierarchy
- Conurbation
- rural area and urban area
- global cities
- metropolitan regions
- Brazil's social problems
- Urban violence
- Social Inequality in Brazil
5. Population
The world population registers a great growth, but when we compare different regions of the planet, we see that there is a great disparity in relation to each area.
Understanding the reasons for the inequality in world demographic growth, the living conditions of the population and the demographic policies of each country, can guarantee your success in the test.
In particular, the candidate is expected to ascertain the information from the observation of graphs. Therefore, you must know how to analyze the Human Development Index, the HDI. Compare and study the HDI of developed and developing countries.
Learn how to interpret age pyramids and understand their contrasts between countries, changes and predictions from the pyramid shape.
We have population topics for you:
- Human Development Index (HDI)
- Demography
- Life expectancy
- birth rate and mortality
- vegetative growth
- Demographic density
- Brazilian population
- demographic theories
- Neomalthusian Theory
- Developed countries
- Age pyramid
6. immigrations
Immigration is a topic that is directly linked to the movement of peoples on the planet. This occurs due to economic, political or natural disasters.
Knowing the history of immigration helps to understand societies from prehistory to the present day, as these changes in space take place since the most remote times.
Differentiate the concepts between migration, immigration and emigration and study the causes that make a group migrate from one area to another and their consequences. Find out what the main current migratory and immigration flows are to understand the dynamics of changing peoples on the planet.
Geopolitical issues must be studied closely. In Brazil, for example, the crisis in Venezuela caused thousands of Venezuelans to settle in the country, also bringing changes to the national territory.
Don't stop here and see:
- Immigration in Brazil
- Economic and social crisis in Venezuela
- Xenophobia
- Social prejudice
- Refugees
7. industrialization and trade
The industrial process involves the production of goods and services, which transform cities and the way of life of the local population.
Consequently, the expansion of international trade is directly linked to industrial, technological and population development.
Thus, it is necessary to understand how industrial development was carried out in the world, the phases of the Industrial Revolution and how it arrived in Brazil.
The following deserve attention at the time of the study: knowing how to identify the most industrialized areas, what types of industry exist, the products manufactured in each region and how this impacts the environment.
We prepare texts that can help you:
- Industrialization of Brazil
- Industry Types
- industrial society
- phases of capitalism
- economic crisis in Brazil
- economic miracle
- Sectors of the economy
8. Geopolitics
Agreements (or disagreements) between countries are present in Enem. In the Geography test, the candidate is asked to know how to analyze the consequences, on a world level, of the decisions that have taken place between government officials.
One of the subjects that deserves to be highlighted in the studies is Brexit, the process of leaving the United Kingdom from the European Union. So, understand the reasons for this disconnection, and its impact on Europe and the UK.
Also, read about the War in Syria, the discussion between North Korea and the United States and the trade war between the United States and China
Pay attention to the current Brazilian political scenario. With the arrival of the new government there was a turn in Brazilian foreign policy. For this reason, understand the projects of the current president, in relation to the international scenario and the effects that his attitudes can bring to Brazil.
Want to know more? These texts will help you:
- Brexit
- European Union
- Geopolitics
- War in Syria
- Conflict between the United States and North Korea
- Trump government
- North American Imperialism
- globalization
Learn more for Enem:
- Geography issues that fell in Enem
- Subjects that most fall in Enem
- Questions about social inequality