20 most used verbs in Spanish

The use of verbs is a crucial item in every communication process, whether oral or written.

Through the verbal inflections used, it is possible to know if a communication refers to the past, the present or the future.

Do you know what are the most common verbs in the Spanish language?

Naturally, some verbs are used more than others, especially given the context in which they are applied.

For you to stay tuned in the main verbs of the Spanish language, the All Matter prepared a list with the 20 most used verbs.

The list is arranged in alphabetical order and also presents the translation of each verb and an illustrative example.

Stay in!

1. coger

Translation: To take


1. I thought of your hand to cross the calle. (I took his hand to cross the street.)

2. Cogimos the autobus at 9. (We took the bus at 9am.)

2. get to know

Translation: to meet


We've known each other for a long time. (We've known each other for a long time.)

3. decide

Translation: to say


Juan tells me he is very happy for you. (Juan tells me he's very happy for you.)

4. elect

Translation: to choose


She has been elected director of the Academy. (They chose her as president of the Academy.)

5. empezar

Translation: to start


Spanish classes empezan mañana. (Spanish classes start tomorrow.)

6. Be

Translation: be


We studied in Argentina last year. (We were in Argentina last year.)

7. taste

Translation: like


I like the paella. (I like paella).

8. know

Translation: to have


Ayer hubo un accidente en mi calle. (Yesterday there was an accident on my street.)

9. Hablar

Translation: speak


Ella habla english, spanish and italian. (She speaks English, Spanish and Italian.)

10. do

Translation: to do


Hicieron all possible to help the girl. (They did everything possible to help the girl.)

11. Go

Translation: go


voy al work walking. (I walk to work.)

12. call

Translation: 1. Call; 2. to phone


1. Call me hermano. (Called my brother.); call me carla. (My name is Carla.)

2. You call, but at home. (I called you, but you weren't home.)

13. To aim

Translation: to look


Look at me in the espejo. (I looked in the mirror.)

14. Poner

Translation: put, put


I put the flowers in a crystal flowerpot. (He placed the flowers in a crystal vase.)

15. To want

Translation: to want


Want to come with me? (Want to come with me?)

16. quit

Translation: get out


today salimos de la universidad later. (Today we left the university later.)

17. To be

Translation: to be


we are brazilian. (We are Brazilians.)

18. tener

Translation: to have


1. I have ten years ago. (I am fifteen years old.)

2. I have a new book. (I have a new book.)

19. work

Translation: work


Mañana let's work from the bad hours. (Tomorrow we will work another two hours.)

20. back

Translation: come back


She came back because she forgets about the key of the coach. (Came back because she forgot her car keys.)


Now that you know what the 20 most used verbs in Spanish, meet some idiomatic expressions with these verbs.

Be the candles

Meaning: be hard; be smooth; be out of money.

decideread one for five

Meaning: put the dots on the is.

Goif by a tube

Meaning: enter through the pipe.

empezar la casa by el tejado

Meaning: put the cart before the horse.

If you want to expand your knowledge of the Spanish language, be sure to check out the contents below!

  • Spanish verbs
  • regular verbs in spanish
  • irregular verbs in spanish
  • Spanish verbs exercises
  • Indefinite past tense in Spanish (simple perfect past tense)
  • Main Spanish slang (Spain and Latin America)
  • 10 Spanish expressions you need to know
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