to make a good writing on Enem nothing more important than understanding the main points of assessment.
Composed of a panel of evaluators, these specialists rely on several criteria that interrelate and are essential in the construction of textuality.
From there, knowing and better understanding the established skills will make it easier to produce a good text and better prepare for the exam.
What are the required skills?
- Competence 1: Mastering the Portuguese language
- Competence 2: Understand the essay proposal
- Competence 3: Organization and argumentation
- Competency 4: Knowledge of linguistic mechanisms
- Competency 5: Elaborate an intervention proposal
What type of text is required?
It is important to keep in mind that the text to be produced by the students is a text in prose, like essay-argumentative with a defense of a point of view.
Its basic structure is:
- Theme: this is the subject that will be dealt with along with the idea that will be defended in the text. For this, the Enem tests offer some excerpts from motivating texts and even some images to help the student in the development of the essay.
- Thesis: as the texts are argumentative, in this part the student should have in mind opinions about the proposed theme to develop the argument.
- arguments: argumentation is one of the most important parts of text development. Knowing how to defend your opinion, as well as presenting arguments for and against, are essential for producing an interesting text. The argumentative strategies that the student can use include: examples, statistical data, historical facts and research.
- Intervention Proposal: in the final part of the text, the student must present a proposal for intervention, that is, present solutions to the problems presented.
Essential tips to do well on the test
To make the production of the text even easier, below are some essential tips for the student who wants to get the maximum grade in the essay:
- Carefully read the drafting proposal;
- Understand the theses and arguments of the motivating texts;
- Prepare a text project (draft);
- Focus on the requested textual typology (dissertation-argumentative text);
- Write in legible handwriting;
- Do not exceed the limit of lines for writing (up to 30 lines);
- Do not erase the final text that must be delivered in pen;
- Be creative in finishing the text.
Read too:
- Writing Themes for Enem
- Writing topics that have already been featured in Enem
- Enem: everything you need to know
- The 16 biggest writing mistakes made by students
- What NOT to do when writing Enem
- Urban mobility: the steps for an Enem grade 1000 essay
- Writing on Racism: how to make the best text?
- Domestic Violence: Step-by-Step to Good Writing
- Corruption in Brazil: how to write an essay on the topic
- Quotes from philosophers to help with the writing of the Enem
- How to study for Enem