Hydration degree of acids. Acid nomenclature

It can happen that there are acids of the same element, and this element has the same oxidation number (NOX), but the difference is in the degrees of hydration.

For example, below, we have three acids formed by the element phosphorus (P):


Note that in all three acids the oxidation number of phosphorus is +5; the difference is in the degree of hydration.

Based on this, these acids are differentiated in the nomenclature through the prefixes ortho, pyro and meta.

The most hydrated acid is called ortho. In the example given, the first (H3DUST4) is called acid orthophosphoric, because it is the most hydrated of the three. The ortho prefix is ​​expendable, so most of the time this acid will just be called phosphoric acid.

The prefixes pyro and meta are used with ortho acid as the reference point:

  • Pyrus: 2 molecules of ortho minus 1 molecule of H2O

Example: The H4P2O7 is called acid pirophosphoric because it is equal to two molecules of orthophosphoric acid (H3DUST4) minus one water molecule.

2. H3DUST4 =H6P2O8

H6P2O8 - H2O = H4P2O7

This process is a intermolecular dehydration:

Intermolecular dehydration of orthophosphoric acid to form pyrophosphoric acid
  • Goal: 1 molecule of ortho minus 1 molecule of H2O

Example: The HPO3 is called acid goalphosphoric because it is equal to a molecule of orthophosphoric acid (H3DUST4) minus one water molecule.

H3DUST4 - H2O = HPO3

This process is a intramolecular dehydration:

Intramolecular dehydration of orthophosphoric acid to form metaphosphoric acid

By Jennifer Fogaça
Graduated in Chemistry

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/quimica/grau-hidratacao-dos-acidos.htm

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