I bet: what is it, types, examples and exercises

O bet it is the name given to the term that best exemplifies or specifies another one of substantive or pronominal value, already mentioned earlier in the clause.

Generally, the pause between one term and another is separated from the other terms of the clause by a comma, colon, parenthesis or dash.


  • Maria, Bernadette's sister, sold all his embroidery.
  • I like everything they serve at the restaurant: fish, meat and desserts.
  • Holy Week in Seville (largest religious festival in Europe) it is one of the most sought after events by tourists during the Easter celebrations.
  • Chico Buarque - one of the greatest composers of Brazilian music — launched another literary work.

bet types

According to the intention of the speech, the bet can be classified as:

1. Explanatory

Offers an explanation of the previous term:

The geography, land study, is a fundamental subject of the school curriculum.
Julia, of Human Resources, asked you to fill in these forms.

2. Distributive

It resumes the explanations on the terms, however, separately in the sentence:

Vitória and Luís were the winners, that one on the run and This one in athletics.
I love Hansel and Gretel, a example of calm and the other, of agitation.

3. Enumerative

Lists the explanations about the term, being separated by commas:

In the bag I had what I needed: clothes, bikinis and towels.
Today's program is: beach, pizza and cinema.

4. Comparative

Compare the term of the sentence:

The girl, who seemed unconscious, was taken to the hospital.
of the candy, food of the gods, there was nothing left.

5. Summary or recapitulative

Summarizes the previous terms of the statement:

Health, education and access to culture, all this they are priorities for the improvement of a country.
Peace and quiet, Those are my wishes for the holidays.

6. Specific

Specifies a term of the sentence:

The student Joana continues to surprise us.
The avenue Paulista it is beautiful.

7. prayer bet

It consists of a sentence that depends on the other in syntactical terms:

The cakes were beautiful and tasty, fruit of your technique and dedication.
Things went wrong, inevitable outcome.

bet and vocative

Very common there is confusion between the bet and the vocative. However, while the bet explains an earlier term said in the statement, the vocative, is a call, an invocation or it can characterize a person who calls for another in the utterance.

Furthermore, the vocative corresponds to a term that has no syntactic relationship with another term in the clause, so that it is neither part of the subject nor of the predicate. Meanwhile, the aft maintains a syntactic relationship with other terms in the clause.


moisés, come to dinner! (Vocative)
Moisés, the religious prophet, is considered the great liberator of the Jews. (I bet)

Also read about others accessory terms of prayer.

Template Exercises

1. (UNESP) "Three elusive beings who compose the institution of the family, the cell of society around the table." The highlighted excerpt is:

a) nominal complement
b) vocative
c) liability agent
d) direct object
e) bet

Alternative e: I bet.

2. (Carlos Chagas Foundation) Give the syntactic function of the term highlighted in: "He joined the best of brides, the Church, and may you love each other so much."

a) bet
b) adnominal deputy
c) adverbial adjunct
d) pleonasm
e) vocative

Alternative to: I bet.

3. (Faculdade Tibiriçá-SP) In prayer "José de Alencar, Brazilian novelist, was born in Ceará", the highlighted term performs the syntactic function of:

a) bet
b) vocative
c) predicative of the object
d) nominal complement
e) n.d.a

Alternative to: I bet.

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