Meaning of Bargain (What it is, Concept and Definition)

bargain is take advantage unexpectedly. It is an expression used informally in Brazilian Portuguese to highlight what was a good deal, which cost very little, less than anticipated.

It is used, for example, to talk about an outfit bought on sale: "this dress was a bargain". Or when you find a property very cheap compared to others in the same neighborhood or region: "I only buy my apartment here if I find a bargain".

Bargaining is the act of asking prices to be reduced. It is negotiating the value of the asset to be acquired.

Between the synonyms for bargaining, we can find the words haggling, convenience, profit, advantage, find, and meager.

Bargain is also a neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro, located in the West Zone and part of the administrative region of Jacarepaguá.

Bargain or pexinxa

The correct spelling of the word is bargain, with repeated CHs. The pexinxa spelling does not exist.

There is no proven etymological origin of the word bargain, but it is said that it comes from the term chincha., for this reason the writing is kept according to the original word.

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