When it comes to energy sources, there is a big separation between renewable energy sources and non-renewable energy sources.
Renewable energy sources:
- wind energy;
- biomass;
- hydroelectric,
- thermoelectric.
Non-renewable energy sources:
- mineral coal;
- Petroleum;
- fossil fuels.
Over time, the environmental and climate crisis has intensified this debate and this type of theme has become quite present in the tests of various competitions.
Question 1 (Enem)
Which of the following sources of energy production is the most recommended for reducing the gases that cause global warming?
A) Diesel oil.
B) Gasoline.
C) Coal.
D) Natural gas.
E) Wind.
Correct alternative: E) Wind.
Wind energy (wind energy) in addition to being renewable is understood as clean energy.
The production of electric energy is done through wind turbines and does not involve any type of burning, being the most recommended for reducing the gases that cause the greenhouse effect.
Question 2 (Enem)
The company will supply 230 turbines for the second wind-based energy complex in southeastern Bahia. In 2014, the Alto Sertão Wind Complex will have the capacity to generate 375 MW (megawatts), a total sufficient to supply a city with 3 million inhabitants.
MATOS, C. GE seeks good winds and closes a R$820m contract in Bahia. Sheet of S. Paul, 2 dec. 2012.
The technological option portrayed in the news provides the following consequence for the Brazilian energy system:
A) Reduction of electrical usage.
B) Expansion of bioenergy use.
C) Expansion of renewable sources.
D) Containment of urban-industrial demand.
E) Intensification of geothermal dependence.
Correct alternative: C) Expansion of renewable sources.
According to the text, a company will supply "230 turbines for the second wind-based [electric] energy complex." This represents an increase in the production of wind energy (energy from winds), which is one of the great sources of renewable energy.
Question 3 (Mackenzie)
Modern civilization is focused on a high consumption of energy that is used in industries, transport, household appliances and telecommunications. In this search for energy, man goes after several sources, such as,
I. fossil fuels.
II. Hydro-electric energy.
III. nuclear energy.
IV. ethanol.
V. wind energy (energy from winds).
Of these 5 types,
A) only one is renewable.
B) only two are renewable.
C) only three are renewable.
D) only four are renewable.
E) all are renewable.
Correct alternative: C) only three are renewable.
The energy sources presented in the question are:
- Renewable sources: hydroelectric energy, ethanol and wind energy;
- Non-renewable sources: fossil fuels and nuclear energy.
Question 4 (FGV)
The country's energy matrix is based on coal, transported by railroads, which use a lot of diesel; the ore is shipped on ships, which consume a lot of fuel, and the country still has a large demand for petrochemicals, due to civil construction and consumer goods and its growing urbanization. In 2010, it became the world's largest oil consumer, surpassing the United States. In 2003, the value of oil exports from Brazil to that country was 0.5% of the total, and, in 2013, Brazilian exports jumped to 8.7%, confirming the country's trade leadership with the Brazil.
(Economic Value, 08.23.2014)
The text refers to
The Germany.
B) Italy.
C) China.
D) Australia.
E) India.
Correct alternative: C) China.
In addition to the Chinese energy matrix being based on coal, in the last decade, Brazil and China did several trade agreements that have made China the main destination for oil exports Brazilian companies.
Question 5 (Enem)
Many hydroelectric plants are located on dams. The characteristics of some of the large Brazilian dams and power plants are shown in the table below.
Power plant | flooded area (km2) |
power (MW) |
System hydrographic |
Tucuruí | 2 430 | 4 240 | Tocantins River |
little house | 4 214 | 1 050 | São Francisco River |
Itaipu | 1 350 | 12 600 | Parana River |
Single island | 1 077 | 3 230 | Parana River |
Furnas | 1 450 | 1 312 | big River |
The ratio between the area of the region flooded by a dam and the power produced by the plant in it installed is one of the ways to estimate the relationship between the damage and benefit brought by a project hydroelectric.
Based on the data presented in the table, the project that most burdened the environment in terms of flooded area by power was
A) Tucuruí.
B) Furnas.
C) Itaipu.
D) Single Island.
E) Sobrado
Correct alternative: E) Sobradinho.
In the table, the Sobradinho plant is the one with the largest flooded area (4 214 km2) and the lowest power (1050 MW). Thus, it is the one that caused the greatest impact on the environment, in relation to the production of electricity per flooded area.
- Tucuruí - 1.75 MW/Km2
- Sobradinho - 0.25 MW/Km2
- Itaipu - 9.33 MW/Km2
- Ilha Solteira - 3.0 MW/Km2
- Furnas - 0.90 MW/Km2
Question 6 (PUC-RS)
INSTRUCTION: To resolve the issue, read the following text on energy sources and select the words/expressions that correctly and coherently fill in the blanks.
_____ was an important source of energy for the First Industrial Revolution. Currently, the largest reserves are located in the _____ hemisphere. It is one of the main causes of _____, as its burning releases large amounts of sulfur oxide into the atmosphere.
A) coal - north - acid rain
B) oil — south — ocean pollution
C) oil — south — acid rain
D) coal — south — ocean pollution
E) oil - north - acid rain
Correct alternative: A) coal — north — acid rain
The first machines, important in the First Industrial Revolution, were steam powered with the use of mineral coal.
The main coal producers in the world are China and the United States, both in the North hemisphere, which together account for more than half of all world production.
Oxides released by burning coal react in the environment and form acids such as sulfuric acid (H2ONLY4), causing the precipitation to have a pH below 5.5, considered acid rain.
Question 7 (UFPB)
Consider the lyrics of the song by Sá, Rodrix and Guarabyra.
little house
Man arrives, already undoes nature
Take us out, put in a dam, say that everything will change
São Francisco up there in Bahia
Says day by day it will rise very slowly
And step by step it fulfills the prophecy
Of the blessed who said that the sertão would flood
The hinterland will turn to sea
The fear that one day the sea will also turn backcountry
Will turn to sea, heart
The fear that one day the sea will also turn backcountry
Adeus Remanso, Casa Nova, Santo Sé Adeus Pilão Arcado, the river comes to swallow you
Underwater there goes a lifetime
Over the waterfall the cage will rise
There will be a dam on the Sobradinho waterfall
And the people leave for fear of drowning
Remanso, Casa Nova, Santo Sé, Pilão Arcado, Sobradinho goodbye, goodbye.
Source: CD: Another time on the road, Som Livre, 2001
The São Francisco River is used in multiple ways by man and is of fundamental importance for the integration and development of Brazil. This intense use generated wealth for the country at the same time that it also caused serious environmental damage.
Based on the text and literature on the subject, it is correct to state that the music portrays the
A) São Francisco River transposition project, which changed its course to allow irrigation.
B) fruit crop irrigation system in the municipalities mentioned in the song, which accelerated the desertification process.
C) transport of cereal cargo through its waterway, mainly soybean cultivated in the west of Bahia, which caused siltation in a large part of the river.
D) destruction of the cities mentioned in the song by the great flood in the 1950s and their subsequent reconstruction.
E) construction of a hydroelectric plant that generated the largest artificial lake in the country, flooding the cities mentioned in the song.
Correct alternative: E) construction of a hydroelectric plant that generated the largest artificial lake in the country, flooding the cities mentioned in the song.
Question 8 (PUC-Rio)
The fire at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, in Japan, after the tsunami of March 11, 2011, has rekindled international discussions on the sustainability of this type of energy.
Proponents of nuclear power production claim that one of its advantages is:
A) the zero need for radioactive waste storage.
B) the lowest cost when compared to other energy sources.
C) the low production of radioactivity emitting waste.
D) the low degree of interference with local ecosystems.
E) the zero contribution to the global greenhouse effect.
Correct alternative: E) Zero contribution to the global greenhouse effect.
The production of energy in nuclear power plants does not pollute, it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. The risks related to this type of energy source are related to possible accidents, as in Fukushima, and in the disposal of radioactive waste used in the process.
Question 9 (Enem)

The impact presented in this environment has been intensified by the
A) direct human intervention when waterproofing the urban soil.
B) irregularity of rainfall resulting from the weather phenomenon El Niño.
C) burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas.
D) increasing vaporization of the oceans due to melting glaciers.
E) extinction of marine organisms responsible for the production of oxygen.
Correct alternative: C) burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas.
As shown in the image, the large presence of CO2, the effect of fuel burning by industry and automobiles, has a major impact on some marine living beings such as: molluscs, corals, echinoderms and shelled microorganisms.
Question 10 (UFPB)
The energy resources currently used can be classified in several ways, the distinction based on the possibility of renewing these resources (renewable and non-renewable), in a time scale compatible with the life expectancy of the human being.
Considering the above and knowledge about the topic discussed, it is correct to state:
A) Oil is a renewable energy source, as new discoveries, such as oil extracted from the pre-salt, prove that it is a permanent and inexhaustible resource.
B) Coal is a renewable energy source, as the use of firewood for its production can be supplied through reforestation projects.
C) Natural gas is a renewable energy source, as it is produced concomitantly with oil, through geological processes of reduced duration, similar to the human time scale.
D) Biomass is a renewable energy source, as it is produced from the refining of oil, which is a non-renewable resource but can be recycled.
E) Wind energy is a renewable energy source, as it is produced from the movement of air, which makes it inexhaustible.
Correct alternative: E) Wind energy is a renewable energy source, as it is produced from the movement of air, which makes it inexhaustible.
Both oil, coal and natural gas are non-renewable energy sources. Biomass is a renewable energy source, but it is not produced from oil refining, but from the decomposition of different types of organic matter (vegetable and animal).
Wind energy, on the other hand, is renewable and inexhaustible as it uses the force of the wind to drive wind turbines.
See too:
- Energy sources
- Alternative energy sources
- Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Nuclear plant
- Thermoelectric power plant