Urinary System Exercises

The urinary system is responsible for removing impurities from the blood, through the production and elimination of urine.

Test your knowledge below with 10 questions About the subject. Take advantage of the comments after the feedback to answer your questions about the resolution.

question 1

Correctly relate the organs of the urinary system with the function performed.

I. Kidney
II. Urinary bladder
III. Ureter
IV. Urethra

The. Responsible for temporarily receiving and storing urine;
B. Responsible for driving urine from the bladder out of the body;
ç. Responsible for filtering impurities from the blood;
d. Responsible for driving urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

Correct answer: I.c.; II.a.; III.d.; IV.b.

The urinary system is formed by two kidneys and the urinary tract, which are: two ureters, urinary bladder and urethra.

IC You kidneys are responsible for filtering the body's metabolic wastes that are in the blood and controlling the concentration of ions. Other functions are: control of blood pressure and the volume of fluid in the body.

II.a. THE bladder Urinary is the organ responsible for temporarily receiving and storing urine. In addition, it also communicates with the nervous system to indicate when it should be emptied.

III.d. The urinary system consists of two ureters approximately 20 cm long, which carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

IV.b. THE urethra it is the muscular tube that carries urine to the external environment. In the male urinary system this urinary pathway ends in the penis and in the female urinary system it ends in the vulva.

question 2

Urine is a liquid that has the function of excreting substances from our body. Its composition is 95% water and 5% dissolved waste, such as urea, ammonia, uric acid and mineral salts.

The correct sequence that indicates the steps of urine formation in the body is:

a) Solubilization, Filtration, Reabsorption and Elimination.
b) Secretion, Solubilization, Filtration and Excretion.
c) Filtration, Reabsorption, Secretion and Excretion.
d) Elimination, Concentration, Filtration and Excretion.

Correct alternative: c) Filtration, Reabsorption, Secretion and Excretion.

The first step in urine formation is the filtration, where structures present in the kidneys called nephrons will filter the elements of the blood plasma.

So that important substances, such as water, glucose and mineral salts, for the body are not lost, there is the process of resorption, which occurs in the renal tubules and return to the bloodstream.

THE secretion then it corresponds to the elimination of waste, such as urea, uric acid and ammonia, which together with water will form urine, a fluid that will go to the urinary tract.

Urine is then conducted through the ureters to the bladder, where it will wait until its excretion through the urethra.

Learn more about nephrons.

question 3

About the female and male urinary system, it is correct to state that:

a) The female and male urinary systems are identical.
b) The female and male urinary systems differ in the number of urinary tracts.
c) The female and male urinary systems differ in the size of the urethra.
d) The female and male urinary system have the same functions.

Correct alternative: c) The female and male urinary systems differ in the size of the urethra.

Although the female and male urinary system have the same organs: kidneys (2), ureters (2), bladder and urethra, there is a difference in the length of the urethra urinary tract, which leads urine out of the body.

While the male urethra has a length of approximately 20 cm, in females this tube measures about 5 cm.

Other differences are related to the functions performed. For example, in males, the urethra is also used to release sperm during sexual intercourse. In females, there are glands that perform sexual lubrication.

question 4

Indicate which of the following does NOT have a urinary system function.

a) Blood filtration to remove impurities.
b) Conduction, storage and excretion of urine.
c) Maintenance of the concentration of water and mineral salts in the body.
d) Regulation of the amount of blood circulating in the body.

Correct alternative: d) Regulation of the amount of blood circulating in the body.

The urinary system is responsible for filtering the blood to remove excess substances and metabolic waste. These substances are eliminated in the urine, which is produced, stored and eliminated by the system.

The functioning of the urinary system is important to maintain the body's homeostasis, that is, for the chemical composition to be kept stable. Therefore, the urinary system regulates the amount of water and minerals in the body.

question 5

About the kidneys, it is INCORRECT to state that:

a) They are organs connected to the circulatory system through the renal artery and the renal vein.
b) It has structures called nephrons that are responsible for the formation of urine.
c) They act directly in the preservation of nutrients and in the regulation of blood cells.
d) Performs blood filtration to eliminate metabolic waste.

Incorrect alternative: c) They act directly on the preservation of nutrients and on the regulation of blood cells.

The kidneys are organs located below the diaphragm, along the posterior wall of the abdomen. They are connected to the circulatory system by the renal artery and vein and with the ureters of the urinary system, which direct urine to the bladder.

The main functions performed by the kidneys are:

  • Urine production through its functional structures called nephrons;
  • Elimination of metabolic waste, such as urea and creatine, and toxins through blood filtration;
  • Regulation of blood pressure and fluid volume in the body.

Learn more about kidneys.

question 6

About the ureter and urethra urinary tract, it is correct to state that:

a) The passage of urine through the ureter and urethra urinary tract occurs involuntarily.
b) Ureter and urethra are anatomically identical urinary tracts with different functions.
c) The ureter carries urine from a kidney to the bladder and the urethra excretes the fluid out of the body.
d) The human body has two ureters, different depending on sex, and an equal urethra regardless of sex.

Correct alternative: c) The ureter carries urine from a kidney to the bladder and the urethra excretes the fluid out of the body.

The urethra is a urinary pathway whose function is to excrete urine out of the body in a process that involves voluntary and involuntary movements. The ureter, on the other hand, forwards urine from a kidney to the bladder by gravity and peristaltic movements.

The urethra in males and females are different both in length, being larger in sex. male, as in functions, because in men it is also responsible for the release of sperm in the act sexual.

question 7

The conduction of urine to the external environment can be explained by:

a) Peristaltic movements that take urine from the kidneys to the urethra for elimination.
b) Presence of receptors in the bladder that indicate when a maximum volume of urine is reached and a passage is opened for the fluid to be directed for excretion through the urethra.
c) Excess blood in the organs of the urinary system, which signals the release of urine from the ureter.
d) Elevation of plasma concentration in the urinary tract of the urinary system.

Correct alternative: b) Presence of receptors in the bladder that indicate when a maximum volume of urine is reached and a passage is opened for the fluid to be directed for excretion through the urethra.

The bladder is responsible for storing urine until the pressure in the organ increases when the bladder is full, causing the need to urinate.

The urethra is a canal with two holes: an internal one, located in the bladder, and an external one, which carries urine out of the body.

question 8

One of the functions of the kidneys is to control the reabsorption of water and substances that must return to the bloodstream. This process is performed by:

a) Adrenal glands.
b) Renal arteries.
c) Kidney tubules.
d) Renal corpuscles.

Correct alternative: c) Kidney tubules.

The renal tubules carry out selective transport of water and filtered solutes such as glucose, amino acids and sodium.

This process is important to regulate the concentrations of substances and return to the body important substances that have undergone filtration. Transport can be through cells (transcellular) or between cells (paracellular).

question 9

Hemodialysis is used to filter the blood in a machine when the body cannot perform this function. The alternative that indicates a promising replacement for the procedure is:

a) Mechanical urinary tract.
b) Urine receiving microchips.
c) Biocompatible filters.
d) Artificial kidneys.

Correct alternative: d) Artificial kidneys.

Filtration is a function of the kidneys in the urinary system. When the kidneys are unable to filter, the procedure adopted is to perform hemodialysis. However, artificial kidneys have been studied as an alternative to the usual procedure.

question 10

(Enem/2015) During an expedition, a group of students lost their guide. During the day that this group was lost, without water and under the sun, the students began to feel increasingly thirsty. Consequently, the excretory system of these individuals had an increase in one of its functional processes. In this situation the student excretory system

a) increased glomerular filtration.
b) produced a greater volume of urine.
c) produced urine with less urea.
d) produced urine with a higher concentration of salts.
e) reduced glucose and amino acid reabsorption.

Correct alternative: d) produced urine with a higher concentration of salts.

The situation described indicates the occurrence of dehydration. Therefore, the body tends to preserve water in the body and reduce its amount in urine. Urine eliminates metabolic waste such as mineral salts. Decreasing the amount of water (solvent) increases the concentration of salts (solute) in the urine.

In this process there is the production of the anti-diuretic hormone, ADH, which will act in the reabsorption of water.

Get more knowledge from the texts:

  • Urinary system
  • excretory system
  • human body systems
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