Word Formation Exercises

Words formed by prefixal derivation (or prefixing), which are those whose prefix is ​​added to the primitive word forming a new word:

d) superhuman (the prefix super- was added to the primitive word "human")
f) undo (the prefix un- was added to the primitive word “do”)
h) surname (the prefix sur- was added to the primitive word “name”)
i) counter-attack (the prefix counter- was added to the primitive word “attack”)

Words formed by suffix derivation (or suffixation), which are those whose suffix is ​​added to the primitive word forming a new word:

a) loyalty (the suffix -dade was added to the primitive word “loyal”)
b) foliage (the suffix -agem was added to the primitive word “leaf”)
g) library (the suffix -aria was added to the primitive word “book”)

Words formed by parasynthetic (or parasynthesis) derivation, which are those whose prefix and suffix are added to the primitive word, at the same time, forming a new word:

c) sadden (the prefix en- and the suffix - ecer were added simultaneously to the primitive word “sad”.)

e) entardecer (the prefix en- and the suffix - ecer were added simultaneously to the primitive word “afternoon”.)

Right alternative: c) parasynthetic derivation.
The word anoitecer results from the addition, at the same time, of the prefix a- and the suffix -ecer to the primitive word “night”.

Words formed by the derivation process, which are those in which, most of the time, prefixes or suffixes are added to the words:

b) drizzle (suffix derivation process, because the suffix -bait was added to the primitive word "rain")
e) forearm (prefix derivation process, because the prefix -ante was added to the primitive word “arm”)

Words formed by the composition process, which are those in which the joining of radicals occurs:

a) hobby (composition process by juxtaposition, because the word is formed by the joining of two radicals: pass- and temp-, without phonetic alteration in the words)
c) audiovisual (composition process by juxtaposition, because the word is formed by the junction of two radicals: audio- and visu-, without phonetic alteration in the words)
d) parachutes (composition process by juxtaposition, because the word is formed by joining the verb "stop" with the noun "falls", without phonetic alteration in the words)

The right alternative: a) latte, umbrella, kick.
The words formed by the process of composition by juxtaposition join two or more radicals without phonetic changes.

As for the remaining alternatives:

b) vinegar, brandy, plateau
These words are formed by the process of composition by agglutination, because at the junction of the radicals, the words are no longer pronounced in the way they were before their junction:

  • vinegar (junction of wine + acrid).
  • brandy (junction of water + burning).
  • plateau (junction of plane + high).

c) schooling, inequality, blessing

  • schooling: word formed by the suffix derivation process, because suffixes were added to the primitive word “school” - school-school-schooling.
  • inequality: word formed by the process of derivation, prefixal and suffixal, because the prefix des- (unequal) and the suffix -dade (equality) were added to the primitive word “equal”. As this process did not happen at the same time, we are not facing a parasynthetic derivation).
  • bless: word formed by the process of parasynthetic derivation, because the prefix a- and the suffix -ar were added simultaneously to the primitive word “benção”.

d) sunflower, coming and going, though

  • sunflower: word formed by the process of composition by juxtaposition, because the verb “girar” was joined with the noun “sol”, without phonetic alteration in the words.
  • vaivém: word formed by the process of composition by juxtaposition, because the verbs “vai” and “come” were joined, without phonetic alteration in the words.
  • although: word formed by the process of composition by agglutination, because the addition of “in + good + hour” occurred, with phonetic alteration in the words.

e) marigold, nobleman, leggy

  • daisy: word formed by the process of composition by juxtaposition, because the junction of “mal + me + quer” occurred, without phonetic alteration in the words.
  • fidalgo: word formed by the process of composition by agglutination, because the junction of “son + de + algo” occurred, with a phonetic alteration in the words.
  • leg: word formed by the process of composition by agglutination, because the combination of “leg + alto” occurred, with a phonetic alteration in the words.

Right alternative: b) domestic - home - domesticate.
The words domestic, domicile and domesticate are formed from the primitive word "domus" (stem dom-), adding suffixes, that is, all of them are formed by the derivation process suffix.

The right alternative: a) to lose weight
The word emagrecer is formed by the process of parasynthetic derivation, because the prefix e- and the suffix -ecer were added simultaneously to the primitive word “skinny”.

As for the remaining alternatives:

b) assistant manager
The word submanager is formed by the prefixal derivation process, because the prefix sub- was added to the primitive word “manager”.

c) can opener
The word abre-latas is formed by the process of composition by juxtaposition, because the verb “abrir” was joined with the noun “latas”, without phonetic alteration in the words.

d) stream
The word riacho is formed by the process of suffix derivation, because the suffix -acho was added to the primitive word “river”.

e) devaluation
The word devaluation is formed by the processes of prefixal derivation and suffixal derivation, because despite the primitive word “value” having received the prefix de- and the suffixes -iza and -ção, ​​this process did not happen simultaneously, after all, we can add to the word valorize the prefix de- and form the word “devalue” (which means to lose value), just as we can add the suffix -iza to the word value and form the word “values” and also add one more suffix and form “appreciation”.

Right alternative: e) composition by juxtaposition.
The words bem-me-quer, rain hat and marigold are formed by the process of composition by juxtaposition, because they join radicals without phonetic changes.

Right alternative: c) prefixal derivation.
The immobile word is formed by the prefixal derivation process, because the prefix i- was added to the primitive word “mobile”.

Right alternative: c) pointed.
The word pointed is formed by agglutination composition, because it joins two radicals (point + acute). In addition, words formed by composition by agglutination are no longer pronounced as they were before their joining, as is the case with the pointed word, different from the word marigold (mal + me + quer), in which there is no phonetic alteration and, thus, it is formed by composition by juxtaposition.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) thicken
The word thicken is formed by the process of parasynthetic derivation, because the prefix en- and the suffix -ar were added simultaneously to the primitive word “gross”.

b) rescue
The word rescue is formed by the process of regressive derivation, because it is a noun that arises from the removal of the verbal ending of “rescue”.

d) parachute
The word paraquedas is formed by the process of composition by juxtaposition, because it joins the verb “to stop” with the noun “falls”, without phonetic alteration in the words.

e) reset
The word reset is formed by the prefixal derivation process, because the prefix re- was added to the primitive word “by”.

Right alternative: b) buy, jump, sing.
The words buy, jump and chant are formed by the regressive derivation process, because they all arise from the removal of the verbal endings of “buy, skip, sing”, respectively.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) telephone, perfume, plant
The above words are primitive words, therefore, it is possible to form words derived from them, such as telephone, perfume, plant.

It is important to understand why the words "phone, perfume, plant" are not formed by the derivation process regressive, which is explained by the fact that they do not convey the idea of ​​action, but of an object or a thing.

c) propose, dispose, counter
The above words are formed by the prefixal derivation process, because prefixes (pro-, dis- and contra-) were added to the primitive word “by”.

d) beforehand, through, save
The above words are formed by prefixal derivation processes, because prefixes (ante-, a- and re-) were added to the primitive words “hand, través, save”, respectively.

e) itchiness, malice, stabbing
The above words are formed by suffix derivation processes, because suffixes (-eira, -dade and -ada) were added to the primitive words “scratch, evil, knife”, respectively.

Right alternative: d) crestfallen.
The words crestfallen and openmouthed are formed by the process of composition by agglutination, because he joined two radicals (head + down and mouth + open), whose words are no longer pronounced the way they were before his junction.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) kick
The word “kick” is formed by the process of composition by juxtaposition, because there was a combination of “tip” and “pé”, without phonetic alteration in the words.

b) nest egg
The word pe-de-meia is formed by the process of composition by juxtaposition, because the junctions “pé + de + half” occurred, without phonetic alteration in the words.

c) beforehand
The word antemão is formed by the prefixal derivation process, because the prefix ante- was added to the primitive word “hand”.

e) above
The above-quoted word is formed by the prefixal derivation process, because the above-prefix has been added to the primitive word "quoted".

true alternatives:

b) The suffix derivation process, also known as suffixation, can change the meaning of a primitive word.
Examples: knife - stab, nail - nail, beard - barber.

c) The prefixal derivation results from the addition of a prefix to the primitive word.
Examples: happy - unhappy, guilt - sorry, loyal - disloyal.

d) The word choro is formed by the process of regressive derivation.
The word cry is formed by the process of regressive derivation, because it is a noun that arises from the removal of the verbal ending of “cry”.

false alternatives:

a) The derivation process results from the joining of radicals.
The process mentioned above is composition. In the derivation process, we base primitive words - not radicals - to which prefixes or suffixes are added.
Correction: The composition process results from the joining of radicals.

e) Werewolf is a word formed by the derivation process.
The word werewolf is formed by the process of composition by agglutination, because it joined two radicals (wolf + man), whose words are no longer pronounced the way they were before his junction.
Correction: Werewolf is a word formed by the process of agglutination composition.

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