Portuguese language (3)

Regular and irregular verbs

Regular and irregular verbs are the two inflections of verbs based on the conjugation forms to which they belong. Thus, it is important to note that verbs are divided into 3 types of...

The term “above” and the phrase “above” have the same sound, however, they are used in different contexts. For this reason, they cause great confusion when we have to write a...

Verbal Modes (indicative, subjunctive and imperative) indicate the ways in which verbs are expressed: Indicative - expresses facts, certainties. Example: Spokens very well. Subjunctive - expresses...

The syllabic separation, also called syllabic division, is the delimitation of words into syllables, whose action is marked by the hyphen. Remember that there is no syllable without a vowel, seen...

Homeland Adjectives are those that characterize people or things according to their origins, considering countries, continents, cities, regions, among others. Homeland adjectives must...

Conjunctions are terms used to link two sentences or words of the same grammatical value establishing a relationship between them. Conjunctive phrases, on the other hand, are two or more words that...

Subordinate noun clauses are those that play the role of noun in the sentence. They can exercise the syntactic functions of subject, predicate, nominal complement, object...

Noun complement is information that completes the meaning of a name - noun, adjective or adverb - contained in the sentence. Examples of nominal complement Fried foods are bad for the liver...

The pronominal placement indicates the position of the unstressed pronouns - me, nos, te, you, if, the (s), the (s), the (s) - in relation to the verb, which results in proclisis, mesoclisis and a enclisis. Before...

The advertisement (or simply advertising) is a textual genre that promotes a product or an idea being conveyed by the mass media: newspapers, magazines, television,...

Phoneme and Letter represent respectively sounds (speech) and graphic signs (writing). Phonemes are the sound units that make up speech or speech and are represented between oblique bars...

Simple nouns characterize a type of noun that has only one stem or one word, for example: paper, man, pen. Inflection of simple nouns The noun is a...

Intertextuality is a resource carried out between texts, that is, it is the influence and relationship that one establishes over the other. Thus, it determines the phenomenon related to the production process of...

The form of language and the presentation of information are among the differences between literary and non-literary texts. The literary text is presented in a personal language, wrapped in...

The Diary is a genre of personal text in which a person reports daily experiences, ideas, opinions, desires, feelings, events and facts. Even with the expansion of the internet the...

Metaphor is the figure of speech in which an implicit comparison is found. Widely used in poetic texts, it can make speech more elegant. Because the stylistic resource...

The adverbial adjunct is the term referring to the verb, the adjective and the adverb. Classification Depending on the usage, they are classified into several types: Adjunct Mode Adverbial Well, bad,...

The subject is someone or something who or what is talked about. It is easily identified in the prayer by using the question method, for example: The shop assistant ran a lot with the...

The sentences can present an indeterminate subject, non-existent subject or determined subject. The latter is further subdivided into three types: simple subject, compound subject and hidden subject. 1...

Learn more about subject types (determined, simple, compound, hidden, indeterminate and non-existent) by solving exercises that have already fallen in competitions and unpublished exercises, all created...

The letter or correspondence is among the most applied in everyday communication. The main characteristic of this textual genre is the existence of a sender (sender) and a receiver...

Check out 20 subject and predicate exercises below to test your knowledge of this subject. Remembering that the subject is the one or the one that (m) is being talked about. The predicate is information...

Colloquial language comprises informal, popular language, which we often use in informal situations such as conversations between friends, family, neighbors, etc. When we use the...

Homonyms and Paronyms are terms that are part of the study of semantics (meaning of words). Thus, homonyms are words that have the same pronunciation (sometimes the same...

The back, marked by the grave accent (`), is seen as the villain. But the poor thing is simply a + a, that is, the sum of the definite article "a" with the preposition "a". Students keep complaining...

The Personal Letter is a type of epistolary text generally used between individuals who have a certain approach (friends, family, etc.). Although it is little used nowadays, considering the...

Long numbers are written in words, not numbers. For example: one, twelve, fourteen, one hundred or first, twelfth, fourteenth, hundredth. List of cardinal numbers by...

The scientific popularization text is a more elaborate type of expository and argumentative text. They are produced through research, theoretical deepening and results of investigations on...

What is spelling? Spelling studies the correct way of writing the words of a language. From the Greek "ortho", which means correct, and "graph", in turn, which means writing. She if...

The Theatrical or Dramatic Texts are those produced to be performed (staged) and can be written in poetry or prose. They are, therefore, plays written by playwrights and...

Adverbs are classified according to the circumstances or ideas they express: time, intensity, place, mode, affirmation, negation and doubt. Adverb of time still, now,...

Question 1 Tick the alternative that does not have an asyndetic coordinated sentence a) At Natalia's party we ate, sang, and danced all night long. b) Don't drink when you're eating, it will...

Intransitive verbs are those that do not need a complement because they have a complete meaning. For this reason, they are able to form the predicate on their own. Examples: Carmen died. Jordan...

The words that make up the language lexicon are mainly formed by two morphological processes: Derivation (prefixal, suffixal, parasynthetic, regressive and inappropriate) Composition...

Racism is a topic that is currently being discussed a lot, including in Brazil. So, nothing more interesting than being on top of all this discussion to write a good...

Vowel clusters are clusters of vowels or semivowels, without intermediate consonants. They occur in the same or another syllable and are classified into: diphthong, tritongo and hiatus. That wants...

Adversative conjunctions are those that indicate opposition and contrast within the same sentence. The classification of conjunctions occurs based on their use in sentences because they...

Test your knowledge of verbal transitivity through unpublished exercises and also those that have already fallen in competitions. Check the hidden answers that were commented on by the teacher...

The ante is the name given to the term that exemplifies or better specifies another one of substantive or pronominal value, already mentioned earlier in the clause. Generally, the pause between a term and...

Comics are one of the 11 types of art present in the world. Much appreciated by young audiences, they are a relaxed and fun way to tell stories. What is History in...

Textual cohesion is the linguistic connection that allows the binding of ideas within a text. Properly used, cohesion allows for efficient transmission of the message to the interlocutor and, for...

The Bilhete is a type of everyday text very frequently used in informal contexts and written among people who have a degree of affection. In short, they are communicative texts that contain...

Direct and indirect objects are verbal complements that complete the sense of transitive verbs. One of these complements, the indirect object, is necessarily accompanied by a preposition, while...

The verb is the class of words that expresses action, state, change of state, phenomenon of nature and has numerous inflections, so that its conjugation is made through variations of...

The main tools to prepare a good essay-argumentative text are: mastering formal writing, the use of words that name ideas and concepts, the absence of temporality, the...

The essential terms of the sentence are the subject and the predicate. It is around these two elements that prayers are structured. The element to whom something is declared is called the subject. At...

The narrative chronicle is a type of chronicle that reports the actions of characters in a current time and a specific space. In relation to language, narrative chronicles have a language...

Transitive verbs are those that need a complement to constitute the predicate because they do not have a complete meaning. These complements may or may not be followed by a preposition, so...

Subject and predicate are the essential terms of prayer. While the subject is the one or what (m) is spoken of, the predicate is the information given about the subject. An easy way to detect...

Prose is text in the natural style, without subjection to rhyme, rhythm, paragraphs, metric structure, alliteration or number of syllables. The main difference between poetry is musicality. THE...

Meaning of Through (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Through is an adverb of mode and indicates that something has been passed around, through or beca...

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Meaning of Itinerant (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Itinerant is a term originated in Latin whose meaning is related to the act of constantly moving ...

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Meaning of I reiterate (What it is, Concept and Definition)

I reiterate is synonymous with "insist" and "repeat", used when a certain subject wants reinforce...

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