Natural aspects of Goiás

The State of Goiás has a wide variety of natural aspects, so the study of such components becomes necessary.
Below is the presentation, in a simplified way, of some characteristics.


The relief of Goiás is not homogeneous, which means that it is presented in different rock shapes and compositions. Therefore, areas with formation of ancient sedimentary crystalline and plateaus are perceived molded by erosive processes interspersed with plateau areas, all differ in composition chemistry.

Goiás does not have high altitudes, the highest points are established in Chapada dos Veadeiros. In this location, the relief exceeds 1,200 meters of altitude, especially in Pouso Alto (1,784 m.), Serra dos Cristais (1,250 m.) and Serra dos Pirineus (1395 m.).
The municipality of Cristalina has the highest altitude in the Center-West Region, around 1,250 meters, and the Serra dos Pireneus with 1,395 meters of altitude. On the other hand, the flattest areas, that is, with low relief elevation, are located to the west of the state.


The State of Goiás has a predominantly tropical semi-humid climate, its characteristics are presented in two distinct seasons, one of dry (May to September) and the other rainy (October to April).
The average annual temperature in the state can vary between 18º and 23ºC, thus, the highest temperatures occur in the months of September and October and may reach up to 39°C, and the lowest temperatures are between the months of May and July, in which temperatures reach, in certain regions, 4°C.


The vegetation that characterizes the state is the cerrado, this vegetative composition has particular aspects, the trees are low with twisted trunks, leaves and thick bark, in addition to deep roots so that during the dry season (May to September) the roots can reach the water table and thus obtain water.
The cerrado undergoes variations that give rise to the classification of the biome, thus, the cerrado is divided into subsystems: common cerrado subsystem, cerrado subsystem, cerradão, forest subsystem, field subsystem and sub-system of paths and wetlands, however, there are other classifications of subsystems even more specific.
In addition to the predominant savannah, a restricted area of ​​tropical forest is also found in the state, which covers the Mato Grosso Goiás and traces of the Atlantic forest near Goiânia, Anápolis, as well as other cities in the south of Goiás. This type of vegetation is common, mainly, in rugged areas and on the banks of water sources.


Goiás has a great water potential, there is an immense amount of streams, rivers and huge aquifers (groundwater).
The State is bathed by three important hydrographic basins, Paraná Basin, Araguaia-Tocantins Basin and São Francisco Basin.
Below are the main rivers in the State of Goiás:

Aporé River
Araguaia River
clear river
Current River
Corumba River
Rio Crixá Grande
Small Crixá River
river of souls
Rio dos Bois
Alligator River
Rio Manoel Alves
Maranhão River
Half-Bridge River
Parana River
Paranaíba River
fish river
Rio Preto
Santa Teresa River
São Marcos river
river of sleep
Tocantins River
Rio Tocantinzinho
Red River

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Goiás - Midwest region

geography of Brazil - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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