Banana: properties and health benefits

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THE banana it is one of the best known and most cultivated fruits in the world.

In the botanical area, the plant belongs to the Musaceae family, species Muse sp., native to Asia. Today, it is an intensively cultivated plant in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the planet.

Fruits grow in bunches, and banana trees reproduce asexually, by vegetative propagation. In turn, the fruits are produced throughout the year.

There are several types of bananas, the best known are: plantain, silver banana, golden banana, apple banana and dwarf banana. It is estimated that there are more than 100 species of bananas around the world.

Banana properties

Banana is one of the most consumed fruits in the world

The banana consists of a fleshy, seedless fruit, the little black dots we see on the fruit are the unfertilized eggs. However, some species of bananas, considered wild, have seeds. An example of this case is balbisian muse.

Generally, when green, a banana is rich in starch and has an astringent taste, but as it ripens, the starch turns to sugar. Thus, you have a softer and sweeter fruit.

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Banana is rich in vitamins (C, B1, B2 and B6) and in the minerals calcium, iron, potassium and phosphor.

It is a fruit with great versatility in terms of consumption, it can be eaten fresh, cooked, fried, dehydrated or roasted. It can also be processed into flour, serving as a food supplement.

The banana peel, well sanitized, can also be used for the preparation of cakes, jellies, breads and vitamins.

Banana Benefits

Banana is a fruit that is widely consumed and appreciated in food. As an advantage, it offers several health benefits:

  • Power supply;
  • Lowers blood pressure;
  • Controlling cholesterol levels;
  • Reduces risk of stroke or heart problems;
  • Helps in the feeling of satiety;
  • Prevention of anemia;
  • Assists in weight maintenance;
  • Helps fight stress and depression.

There are several types of banana-based recipes to improve the appearance of the skin and hair, reduce eye puffiness and rejuvenate the skin.


  • On September 22, Banana Day is celebrated.
  • Brazil is one of the largest banana producers in the world. In 2017, 41 tons were exported.
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