Sunset, Sunset or Sunset: how do you spell it?

The word Sunset is a phrase written with a circumflex accent in the first term, with the words separated without a hyphen.

Confusion often arises from the use of the hyphen, since before the New Orthographic Agreement (2009) this term was written with it: sunset.

A synonym for sunset is the word west, which likewise means the time when the sun disappears over the horizon.

in short:

  • sunset - right
  • sunset - wrong
  • sunset - wrong
  • sunset - wrong

What is the plural of “sunset”?

The plural of sunset is sunsets. Note that sunset is a compound word and therefore follows the rule of plural formation of words that are joined by a preposition. So, only the first term goes to the plural.


  • O Sunset in the city of Belo Horizonte is very beautiful. (singular)
  • You sunsets in the city of Belo Horizonte they are very beautiful. (plural form)
  • Pedro likes to see the Sunset in the waterfall. (singular)
  • Peter likes to see the sunsets in the waterfall. (plural form)
  • On that trip, we were able to see the Sunset reddish. (singular)
  • On that trip, we were able to see the sunsets reddish. (plural form)

Understand everything about the Hyphen Use.

The New Spelling Agreement

The circumflex accent in the phrase “pôr do sol” remained with the new Orthographic Reform to differentiate from the verb “por”, since the two words are pronounced in the same way. It is worth remembering that the “pôr” in the phrase “pôr do sol” is not a verb, since the word plays the role of a noun.

Some examples of phrases that also lost their hyphen with the New Orthographic Agreement were: day-to-day, weekend, dining room, guard dog, café au lait, etc.

Learn more about New orthographic agreement.

Phrases with “sunset”

  • Nothing more beautiful than the Sunset.
  • Morgana likes to do yoga while Sunset.
  • Ana Vitória and Selma see the Sunset every day from the window.
  • That Sunset in Arpoador is amazing.
  • When she was in Salvador, she enchanted the Sunset of the city.
  • We always see the Sunset when we are walking on the beach.
  • Ana Vitória said that she thinks the most beautiful Sunset than the sunrise.
  • On that winter afternoon, the Sunset left the whole sky pink.
  • We can't miss the Sunset on this summer afternoon.
  • We couldn't leave the place before seeing the beauties of the Sunset.

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