August commemorative dates

The month of August brings one of the richest celebrations in our country, the folklore day. Besides her, the Father's Day it is another date that is widely celebrated in August, whose month has no holidays.

Folklore Day, August 22

O folklore day it is the celebration that privileges the most varied cultural manifestations of our country, among which dances, parties, popular literature and food.

The date was established by Decree No. 56.747, of August 17, 1965, and August 22 was chosen because it remembers the first time in the word folklore started to be used, which happened in 1846.

Father's Day, 2nd Sunday in August

Initially celebrated on August 16, the date on which Saint Joaquim is celebrated - the grandfather of Jesus, Father's Day is now celebrated on the second Sunday in August.

The change in the date will have been motivated in order to promote the interaction between parents and children, which would be easier to provide on a Sunday.

Learn more at Father's Day and Father's Day Story.

Other dates celebrated in August

Learn more about each of the dates celebrated in August:

National Stamp Day, 1 August

National Stamp Day, August 1st, recalls the date on which the first postage stamp was issued in the country, which happened in 1843.

Brazil was the second country to approve the use of postage stamps, preventing damage to the Post. In the past, recipients were the ones who paid for the letters, and when they refused to pay the Post Office, they had to bear the expense.

Capoeirista Day, August 3rd

Despite being celebrated throughout the country, Capoeirista Day, august 3rd, is a commemorative date that originates and is official in the state of São Paulo, where it was established by Law No. 4,649, of August 7, 1985.

The practice of capoeira began in the 17th century, when slaves began to use it as a defense mechanism against overseers. For many years it was considered a crime, but today it is recognized by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan) as Brazilian intangible cultural heritage.

Father's Day, August 4th

Father's Day, August 4, pays tribute to the priests, recalling the day when St. John Mary Vianney was proclaimed patron of priests by Pope Pius XI, which happened in 1929.

Saint John Maria Vianney (May 8, 1786 - August 4, 1859) was born in France and was an example of a priest, having become a priest despite all the difficulties encountered in studying.

National Health Day, August 5th

National Health Day, August 5, aims to raise awareness among the Brazilian population about health care and how health education can ensure a healthy environment.

Established by Law No. 5,352, of November 8, 1967, the date recalls the birth of the sanitary doctor Oswaldo Cruz (August 5, 1872 - February 11, 1917). The outstanding Brazilian sanitarist was in charge of the great challenge of combating outbreaks of diseases such as yellow fever, bubonic plague and smallpox, which he managed to do successfully.

National Day of Education Professionals, 6 August

The National Day of Education Professionals, august 6, aims to pay tribute to all teachers and pedagogues, recognizing their contribution to society.

The date was established by Law No. 13,054, of December 22, 2014. The chosen date is related to the law that amends the Law of Guidelines and Bases, with regard to the distinction of those who should be considered education professionals.

Inter-American Scout Day, August 6

Inter-American Scout Day, august 6, recalls the date when Baden-Powell was named Head Scout of the World. This happened in 1920, in London, at the first world scout camp.

Robert Baden-Powell (February 22, 1857 – January 8, 1941), General of the British Army, was the founder of the Boy Scout movement. The objective of this movement was to teach young people different practices, in teams and outdoors, that would make them more skillful and independent.

National Day of Brazilian Documentary, 7 August

The National Day of Brazilian Documentary, august 7th, aims to show people the importance of documentaries - film productions that explore realistic themes and convey messages.

The date recalls the birthday of Brazilian filmmaker Olney São Paulo (August 7, 1936 - February 15, 1978). Olney made the documentary Manhã Cinzenta (1969), broadcast aboard a Brazilian plane hijacked by members of the MR-8 organization. Because he was considered to be involved in the kidnapping, he was arrested under the military dictatorship.

Gray Morning tells the story of a couple of students who are caught by the police while participating in a march, being arrested and tortured.

National Cholesterol Day, 8 August

National Cholesterol Day, august 8th, aims to alert people about the risks for those who have high cholesterol, as well as guide for its prevention.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 300 thousand people die each year in Brazil as a result of cardiovascular disease, one of the major risks of cholesterol.

International Day of Indigenous Peoples, 9 August

The International Day of Indigenous Peoples, August 9th, provides homage to the Indians. More than that, it aims to make the world population aware of the importance of including indigenous peoples in society, without prejudice.

The date appears on the calendar of the United Nations (UN), having been established in 1994.

International Biodiesel Day, August 10

The International Biodiesel Day, august 10th, celebrates the importance of this renewable energy source as a resource to reduce atmospheric pollution.

Produced from vegetables in Brazil - one of the world's largest producers - biodiesel uses soy as its main raw material.

Television Day, August 11th

Television, which accompanies most people every day, is celebrated on two dates in Brazil.

The first time that this means of communication received a commemorative date was in 1958, when Pope Pius XII declared Santa Clara de Assis the patroness of television. Thus, August 11th, Santa Clara day, became also the Day of television.

In 2001, however, Law nº 10.255, of July 9, 2001 established the Television Day on September 18, as this was the date of the first television transmission in the country, in 1950, by TV Tupi.

International Day of Logosophia, 11th August

The International Day of Logosophia, August 11th, celebrates the science created by Carlos Pecotche, on his birthday.

Carlos Pecotche (August 11, 1901 - April 4, 1963) was the Argentine thinker who in 1930 created Logosophy. Logosophy is a science that aims to provide self-knowledge through a process of evolution of the consciousness itself.

Student Day, August 11th

Student Day, August 11th, is a tribute to those who are dedicated to studies.

The commemoration recalls the date when, in 1827, Emperor D. Pedro I institutes the courses of Legal Sciences and Social Sciences in the country.

World Youth Day, 12 August

World Youth Day, August 12th, has been on the UN calendar since 1999. Its objective is to make people reflect on the education of young people so that they can contribute to the future of the planet.

Law Decree No. 10.515, of July 11, 2002, instituted the date in Brazil as the National Youth Day.

National Day of the Arts, 12 August

The national day of the arts, August 12th, celebrates the various areas of the arts and their artists.

The date is committed to making people think of art as a commitment, valuing its importance.

Left-hander's Day, August 13

The celebration of Left-handed Day, August 13, is a British initiative by a club that aimed to combat left-handed prejudice.

In the past, left-handed people were very censored, to the point where parents and teachers tied their left arms, forcing left-handed people to use their right hand.

Currently, left-handed people face the challenge of adapting to various everyday situations in which the use of the right hand is privileged. Many things are done thinking only of right-handed people, forgetting 10% of the population, who are left-handed.

Human Unity Day, 14th August

The Day of Human Unity, August 14, provides reflection on life in society.

The commemoration, whose origin is not known, reveals the importance of putting ourselves in other people's shoes and not judging them without conditions to do so, remembering that we are all human.

IT Day, August 15th

Computer Day, August 15th, celebrates the importance of information technology, recalling the appearance, in 1946, of the first large-scale electronic digital computer.

Called ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator Analyzer and Computer), this computer occupied an area of ​​180 m2 and weighed 30 tons.

National Day of the Holy Houses of Mercy, 15 August

The National Day of the Holy Houses of Mercy, August 15th, pays tribute to Santas Casas and all the people who work there.

Santa Casa de Misericórdia is an institution founded in Portugal in 1498. In Brazil, the first Santa Casa de Misericórdia was installed in Santos in 1543.

Philosopher's Day, August 16

Philosopher's Day, August 16th, celebrates the existence of philosophers, professionals who are dedicated to Philosophy, which is the science that studies thought and knowledge.

The date is also intended to make people aware of the importance of philosophers in society, as these professionals disseminate critical thinking.

Heritage Day, August 17

Heritage Day, august 17th, aims to make people aware of the importance of preserving historical heritage, as they materialize our history and our identity.

The date is commemorated on the birth day of Rodrigo Melo Franco (August 17, 1898 - May 11, 1969), director of the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute for three decades.

National Clean Field Day, 18 August

National Clean Field Day, august 18th, aims to make people aware of the harm brought by empty pesticide containers abandoned in the fields.

The creation of the date is an initiative of inpEV (National Institute for the Processing of Empty Packaging).

Historian Day, August 19

Historian Day, August 19th, pays tribute to professionals who are dedicated to the study of History - a science that encompasses the study of human behavior, as well as changes in society over time.

The date was established by Law No. 12,130, of December 17, 2009, in honor of Joaquim Nabuco (19 August 1849 – January 17, 1910), Brazilian historian who was an important abolitionist.

World Photography Day, August 19

World Photography Day, August 19th, celebrates the art of photography, as well as the professionals who are dedicated to it.

The date recalls the day the Frenchman Louis Daguerre (November 18, 1787 - July 10, 1851) announced to the world the daguerreotype in 1839, a photographic process invented before the machines photographic.

World Humanitarian Day, 19 August

World Humanitarian Day, August 19th, is a tribute to all those who risk their own lives on behalf of people living in conflict areas.

Established by the UN in 2008, the date recalls the attack on the United Nations office in Iraq on August 19, 2003. This attack killed 22 people, including Sérgio Vieira de Mello (March 15, 1948 - August 19, 2003), a Brazilian diplomat who served missions throughout his life.

Freemason's Day, August 20th

Freemason's Day, August 20th, recalls the date when, in 1822, during a Masonic session, Gonçalves Ledo spoke asking for the independence of Brazil.

Influential in society, Dom Pedro I would have accepted the request of journalist and politician Gonçalves Ledo (December 11, 1781 - May 19, 1847), proclaiming independence.

International day of remembrance and tribute to victims of terrorism, 21 August

The international day of remembrance and tribute to victims of terrorism, August 21, aims to lead humanity to reflect on the marks that terrorism leaves on its victims.

The date was set by the UN, encouraging support for people victimized by terror, so that they do not feel alone and have the courage to face life after the terrorist act experienced by they.

Beginning of the National Week for People with Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities, August 21

The National Week for People with Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities, August 21st to 28th, aims to make society reflect on the challenges faced by people with this type of disability.

The initiatives promoted this week aim to promote an improvement in the quality of life of the disabled - who have difficulties to communicate, read, write - in order to ensure adequate treatment for their needs.

School Supervisor's Day, August 22

The day of the school supervisor, August 22, is a tribute to the professionals who are responsible for supervising the pedagogical work.

Working in partnership with teachers, the school supervisor can ensure that good learning outcomes are achieved.

International day to remember the slave trade and its abolition, 23 August

The international day to remember the slave trade and its abolition, August 23rd, aims to reflect on slavery.

Constant on the UN calendar, the commemorative date promotes scientific study, so that knowledge about slavery is transmitted in a historically fair manner.

National Day of the Ukrainian Community, 24 August

The national day of the Ukrainian community, August 24th, pays tribute to the Ukrainians, whose largest community in Latin America is in Paraná.

The date, established by Law nº 12.209, of January 19, 2010, recalls the independence of Ukraine, which happened in 1991, when the country dismembered from the Soviet Union.

Childhood Day, August 24th

childhood day, August 24th, calls people to reflect on the conditions that children have so that they can develop fully.

All over the world, many children live in poverty and in inhumane circumstances. It is in this context that this date intends to motivate attitudes that help all children to have a better future.

Soldier's Day, 25th of August

Day Soldier, August 25th, pays tribute to all soldiers who serve the country.

The date is commemorated on the birthday of Duque de Caixas (August 25, 1803 - May 7, 1880), the patron of the Brazilian Army.

National Day of Early Childhood Education, 25 August

The National Day of Early Childhood Education, August 25th, is a tribute to Dr. Zilda Arns (August 25, 1934 - January 12, 2010), founder of Pastoral da Criança who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.

The commemoration was established by Law No. 12602, of April 3, 2012, which also establishes the National Child Education Week, celebrated on the week of August 25th.

International Women's Equality Day, 26 August

The International Day for Women's Equality, august 26, commemorates the achievements of women, as well as providing a reflection on the still existing female inequality.

The date aims to fight for equality between men and women, with regard to social power, professional hierarchy, salaries, protection against domestic violence and other rights.

Psychologist's Day, August 27

Psychologist's Day, August 27, is a tribute to professionals who treat illnesses and mental disorders.

The commemoration was instituted on that date by virtue of the rule that provides for courses in psychology and the profession of psychologist, Law No. 4,119, of August 27, 1962.

National day to combat and prevent scalping, 28 August

The national day to combat and prevent scalping, august 28, aims to give visibility to the problem that particularly affects girls and women in northern Brazil.

Scalping is the accidental pulling out of the scalp, many of which take place on small artisanal fishing boats or transport boats between rivers in the Amazon. Its victims are often excluded by society and raped.

National Volunteer Day, 28 August

National Volunteer Day, august 28, celebrates the action of all people who help others without receiving any remuneration in return.

The date was established by Law No. 7352, of August 28, 1985.

National Anti-Smoking Day, August 29

The National Anti-Smoking Day, august 29, is an awareness date for the harm of cigarettes.

The commemorative date was established by Law No. 7,488, of June 11, 1986.

International day against nuclear tests, 29 August

Constant on the UN calendar, the International Day against Nuclear Tests, august 29, aims to make people aware of the need to fight for the advance against nuclear disarmament.

The date was celebrated for the first time in 2010 and each year reinforces how threatening nuclear tests are to health and life on the planet.

International Day for Victims of Enforced Disappearances, 30 August

The International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearances, August 30, was instituted by the UN.

The date is intended to make humanity aware of this crime, so that the victims and their families feel supported and have the courage to fight for its eradication, as well as for its punishment.

Nutritionist's Day, August 31

Nutritionist's Day, August, 31, pays homage to health professionals who support people for adequate nutrition.

The date recalls the foundation of the Brazilian Association of Nutritionists (ABN), on August 31, 1949.

Celebrations for each day of August

August 1st - National Seal Day, National Vitiligo Carrier Day, Cerealist Day and World Breastfeeding Day

august 3rd - Capoeirista Day, End of Censorship in Brazil and Dyer Day

August 4 - Father's Day

August 5 - National Health Day

august 6 - National Day of Education Professionals and Inter-American Scout Day

august 7th - National Day of Brazilian Documentary

august 8th - National day to fight cholesterol

August 9th - International Day of Indigenous Peoples and National Day of Riding Therapy

august 10th - International Biodiesel Day and Christian Solidarity Day

August 11th - Television Day, Lawyer's Day, Magistrate's Day, International Logosophia Day, Student's Day and Waiter's Day

August 12th - World Youth Day and National Day of the Arts

August 13 - Economist's Day and Left-hander's Day

August 14 - Cardiologist Day and Human Unity Day

August 15th - Information Technology Day, Singles Day, Day of the Assumption of Our Lady and National Day of the Holy Houses of Mercy

August 16th - Philosopher's Day

august 17th - Historic Heritage Day and National Day of Social Construction

august 18th - Trainee Day, World Human Liberation Day and National Clean Field Day

August 19th - Historian Day, World Photography Day, Theater Artist Day, World Humanitarian Day, Latin American Legal Integration Day and National Agricultural Aviation Day and National Day of cyclist

August 20th - Freemason's Day

August 21 - International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to Victims of Terrorism, National Housing Day and Start of the National Week for People with Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities

August 22 - Folklore Day and School Supervisor Day

August 23rd - International day to remember the slave trade and its abolition

August 24th - National Day of the Ukrainian Community and Children's Day

August 25th - Soldier's Day, Marketer's Day and National Day of Early Childhood Education

august 26 - International Women's Equality Day and Catechist's Day

August 27 - Psychologist's Day and Realtor's Day

august 28 - Bank Workers Day, Poultry Day, National Day to Combat and Prevent Scalping and National Day of Volunteering

august 29 - National Lesbian Visibility Day, National Anti-Smoking Day and International Day Against Nuclear Tests

August 30 - National Day of Awareness on Multiple Sclerosis and International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearances

August, 31 - Nutritionist's Day

Moving dates - Father's Day (second Sunday in August)

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