History of Brazil (3)

The Construction of Brasília took place between the years 1956 to 1960. The move of the capital of Brazil, from Rio de Janeiro to the Central Plateau, required an enormous amount of financial resources,...

The Brasil Império comprises the period from 1822 to 1889 when the country was ruled by a constitutional monarchy. This epoch began with the acclamation of Emperor D. Pedro I, in 1822, what if...

The coffee cycle in Brazil began in 1727, beginning of the 18th century, when the first seedlings arrived in the country. For a long time the product was planted for consumption...

Slave ship was the name by which the boat that transported blacks destined for slave labor on the American continent between the 16th and 19th centuries was known. The first shipment...

The Johannine period corresponds to a phase of Brazilian history that took place between 1808 and 1821. It is named after King D. João VI who transferred his government to the...

The Estado Novo corresponds to the period in which Getúlio Vargas (1882-1954) governed Brazil from 1937 to 1945, at the last moment of the Vargas Era, marked by authoritarianism, censorship and...

The Brazilian people are the result of the miscegenation of various peoples. Indigenous, Portuguese and Africans are the main groups. However, there are many European and Asian immigrants...

The General Government represented a political-administrative measure adopted by the Portuguese Crown (King Dom João III) in 1548, in order to centralize, administer, re-establish power and strengthen the...

Among the factors that caused the independence of Brazil, we can highlight the crisis of the colonial system, the Enlightenment ideas and the independence that took place in English America and in America...

The 1950s became known as the “Golden Years”. It's a decade of technological revolutions with obvious social implications, especially when we consider the point of view...

Coronelismo is a phenomenon of Brazilian politics that took place during the First Republic. It is characterized by a person, the colonel, who held economic power and exercised local power through...

Education in Brazil begins with the arrival of the Portuguese, when priests assumed the role of catechists and teachers of the Indians. Thus, the beginning of the story is marked by the relationship...

The Paraguay War was an armed conflict that took place between 1864 and 1870. The countries involved were Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, which formed the Triple Alliance to fight the...

The Liberal Revolution of Porto was a movement that took place in 1820, in the city of Porto, Portugal. Among several demands, the members demanded the promulgation of a Constitution and the...

It is considered that there was a redemocratization of Brazil in two moments of its republican history: In 1945 - when Getúlio Vargas was deposed; In 1985 - at the end of the dictatorship...

The Avis Revolution was a political and military conflict that took place between 1383 and 1385 between the Kingdom of Portugal and the Kingdom of Castile. Historical Context The formation of the Portuguese national state...

Plano de Metas was a program whose purpose was to improve Brazilian infrastructure implemented during the government of Juscelino Kubitschek (1956-1960). The project defined thirty objectives,...

Plano Brasil Novo, better known as Plano Collor, was an economic plan launched in 1990 whose objective was to control inflation in Brazil. Historical Context Brazil lived moments of...

The Federalist Revolution (1893-1895), which took place during the government of Floriano Peixoto, in the period called “República da Espada”, was a civil war between the federalists in Rio Grande do Sul...

Indigenous slavery has existed since the beginning of Portuguese colonization in Brazil, especially between the years 1540 and 1570. It is an alternative to African labor throughout...

The 1937 Constitution was the 4th Brazilian Constitution and the 3rd of the republican period. It became known as the "Polish" Constitution for having fascist-inspired laws, just like the...

The Contemporary Age determines a period of history that goes from 1789 to the present day. Remember that the term “contemporary” is associated with the current time, the present. So, the...

Cangaço represented a social movement that took place in the northeast of the country in the 19th and 20th centuries, where the cangaceiros, groups of armed nomads who lived in bands, showed their dissatisfaction...

The black movement is a phenomenon used in the form of different organizations to claim rights for the black population that suffers from racism in society. In most countries where...

Criminal adulthood is the establishment of an age at which citizens are fully responsible for the criminal acts they commit. The criminal age of majority in Brazil and in most...

The female vote in Brazil was won in 1932 and incorporated into the 1934 Constitution as optional. Only the Electoral Code of 1965 equated the female vote with that of the...

The “Guerra dos Mascates” was an armed confrontation that took place in the Captaincy of Pernambuco, between 1709 and 1714, involving the great planters of Olinda and Portuguese merchants...

Brazil's economic crisis started around 2014. For some analysts, the country will only come out of recession in 2020. Origin The economic crisis in Brazil is attributed to a series of...

Pedro Álvares Cabral was a Portuguese navigator and explorer responsible for finding, in 1500, the lands belonging to Brazil. He was born in 1467 in the Castle of Belmonte, in Beira Baixa, in...

The Discovery of America is called the arrival and occupation of America by the navigator Christopher Columbus (1452-1516) on October 12, 1492. The expedition was sponsored by the Catholic kings of...

The abolition of slavery in Brazil took place on May 13, 1888, through the Lei Áurea, signed by Princess Isabel. This law freed slaves in Brazil after nearly 400 years of...

In the history of Brazil, since its independence in 1822, the country is represented by one of the most important documents of a nation, called the “Constitution”. This document...

The Malês Revolt, which took place in Salvador, Province of Bahia, on the night of January 24, 1835, during the Empire Brazil, more precisely during the Regency Period (1831 to 1840), represented...

The Trench War (1915-1917) was the phase of World War I when this military tactic was widely used. What was it? The Trench War lasted two years and was the...

Getúlio Dornelles Vargas was a lawyer, politician and president of Brazil born in the city of São Borja (RS) on April 19, 1882 and died on August 24, 1954. Vargas made his...

Orixás are gods worshiped by many African beliefs, being linked to family and clans. In Brazil, the following orixás are worshiped: Exú, Ogun, Omulu, Xapanã or Abaluaiê, Xangô,...

Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848) was a French painter who left behind a very important collection for the study of Brazilian history. He was Napoleon's court painter, as well as being official painter...

Brazilian Folklore Day is celebrated on August 22nd. The date was created in order to raise awareness of the importance and appreciation of folkloric manifestations in the country. The 22nd of...

The plantation system is the name given to an agricultural economic system that prevailed during colonial Brazil. It was also used in other countries in America during the Spanish and...

The slave trade represents the phase in which black Africans were brought from Africa to be slaves. The trade of African blacks as slaves was one of the main activities...

The pau-brasil cycle took place during the pre-colonial phase (1500-1530) of Brazil. It was the first product to be explored by the Portuguese during the colonization period. The brazilwood is a...

The end of the African slave trade was motivated by economic, humanitarian and religious reasons. Throughout the 19th century, several European nations banned the slave trade and...

The Marquis of Pombal is the name by which Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, a diplomat and Portuguese prime minister, became known. He is part of the generation of rulers known as despots...

Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1931- ) is a Brazilian sociologist, university professor, politician and writer. He was Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Finance. He was president of Brazil...

Tiradentes, nicknamed Joaquim José da Silva Xavier (1746-1792), was one of the participants in the Inconfidência Mineira, a movement that aimed to proclaim the captaincy of Minhas Gerais as...

Brazilian popular music was one of the main instruments used to challenge the military dictatorship (1964-1985). The lyrics of several songs indicated dissatisfaction with the regime and...

The vote or census suffrage is the right to vote granted to a certain group of people who fulfill certain economic requirements. Origin The census vote emerged at the end of the Ancien Regime with...

The Constitutional Monarchy or Parliamentary Monarchy, is a form of government in which the king is the Head of State, hereditary or electively, but his powers are limited by...

Os Caras Pintadas represented a Brazilian student movement that took place in 1992. It emerged as a response to corruption schemes involving the president of the republic, at the time, Fernando...

The 1934 Constitution was the 3rd Brazilian Constitution and the 2nd of the Republic. The Magna Carta brought news such as the institution of the female vote and Popular Action. The "Jornal do Recife"...

Meaning of D-Day (What it is, Concept and Definition)

D-Day was the name given to the day it was executed the biggest naval air operation in history, i...

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Meaning of Cold War (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Cold War is the designation of a historical period of disputes between the United States and the ...

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Proclamation of the Republic: summary, date and who proclaimed

Proclamation of the Republic: summary, date and who proclaimed

The Proclamation of the Republic is the event that marks the beginning of the Republic in Brazil....

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