Proclamation of the Republic: summary, date and who proclaimed

The Proclamation of the Republic is the event that marks the beginning of the Republic in Brazil. It happened on November 15, 1889 and it was proclaimed by the Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca (1827-1892).

Until that date, Brazil lived under the Constitutional Monarchy regime, initiated after the declaration of Independence of Brazil, on September 7, 1822.

November 15th is National holiday in celebration of the date.

How did the Proclamation of the Republic occur?

The Proclamation of the Republic took place through a coup d'état, led by Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca. It was the end point of a period of crisis that the Empire in Brazil had been facing. The crisis became more serious after the end of slavery in the country, when Dom Pedro II lost the support of slavers.

Reasons that led to the Proclamation of the Republic

Several reasons that had been causing a crisis in the Brazilian Empire gave rise to the Proclamation of the Republic. The main ones were:

  • The end of slavery, which left coffee producers unhappy with the government. For this reason, a good part of them became opposition to the government of Emperor Dom Pedro II and many approached the republican principles.
  • The Emperor's disagreements with the Catholic Church. Dom Pedro II had been accused of excessively interfering in Church decisions.
  • Crisis in the country's army: the military made several demands to the government, mainly the improvement in their salaries, as well as more recognition for their merits and battles. Part of the military also believed that the end of the Monarchy would bring improvements to the Army.
  • Economic difficulties caused by wars, especially the Paraguayan War (1864-1870).
  • Popular dissatisfaction - mainly of the middle class - with the concentration of power of the imperial government.
  • Farmers also felt affected by the concentration of power and wanted more opportunities to participate in the country's politics.

There was also the Empire Cabinet, headed by the Visconde de Ouro Preto (1836-1912). The institution of the Cabinet, by order of the Emperor, would have been motivated by the need to make adjustments to calm the spirits of the Republic's supporters.

Thus, Dom Pedro II would have created the cabinet in an attempt to alleviate the crisis and oppositions that had been affecting his government.

Proclamation day

The Proclamation took place through an uprising organized by the military, who gathered in Campo de Santana. Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca was chosen as the leader of the movement.

It is curious to know that Marshal Deodoro was not fully aware that he was directly involved in the proclamation of the republican regime. The Marshal was on good terms with the Emperor and had no intention of fighting this clash personally.

To convince him to lead the uprising, the military involved in the movement make him believe that he is participating in the overthrow of the Empire Cabinet.

ProclamationThe board Proclamation of the Republic portrays the 15th of November 1889 (Benedito Calixto/1893).

The proclamation is made official after the Marshal himself signs a document declaring the Monarchy officially extinct in the country. For this reason, Marshal Deodoro becomes the first president of Brazil, provisionally assuming the government of the country.

Dom Pedro, after being informed, offered no resistance to the Proclamation of the Republic. He, accompanied by the entire royal family, left Brazil on November 17, under orders from the military.

the beginning of the republic

Marshal Deodoro was in the presidency of the country from November 15, 1889 to November 23, 1891.

One of its first measures was to publish a decree that made the country official as a Federative Republic. It was also at the beginning of his government that the country's new flag was adopted, very similar to the current one.

Learn more about the meaning of Brazil's flag.

Other highlights of his two years in the presidency were:

  • the definition of civil marriage in 1890,
  • the publication of a Penal Code in 1890,
  • the promulgation of the Constitution of 1891.

Deodoro da FonsecaMarshal Deodoro da Fonseca: proclaimed the Republic and was the first President.

The Constitution of 1891

The first Constitution of the republican period had measures such as:

  • choice of the presidential system for the government of the country,
  • determination of secret ballot for 21-year-old men,
  • prohibition of voting for women,
  • creation of habeas corpus,
  • prohibition of the application of the death penalty,
  • determination of the separation between the powers of the State and the Church.

What is a Republic?

Republic is a form of government. In it, unlike what happens in the Monarchy, it is the people who have sovereignty, electing their political representatives. These representatives must work to ensure that citizens' concerns and needs are met by the State.

Brazil is a Federative Republic. This means that the country adopts the republican form of government. It also means that it is federative because the national territory is divided into smaller territories that have their own administrative power without, however, losing their connection with the State.

To understand more about the topic, see also the articles Republic and Federalism. Also read about the Independence of Brazil.

Also read about the meaning of the Brazilian Flag Day.

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