Pronominal placement: proclisis, mesoclisis and enclisis (with exercises)

The pronominal placement indicates the position of the unstressed pronouns - me, nos, te, you, if, the (s), the (s), the (s) - in relation to the verb, which results in proclisis, mesoclisis and a enclisis.

Before understanding how each case should be used, the first rule is: pronominal placement is done based on priorities. The case that has more priority is the proclisis, and if none of the situations satisfy its use, the enclisis is used. Remembering that mesoclisis is only used with verbs in the future of the present and in the future of the past tense


In proclisis, the pronoun is placed before the verb. This happens when the sentence contains words that attract the pronoun:

1. Words that express denial such as "no, no one, never":

  • No I want you here.
  • Never I saw him like this.

2. Relative pronouns (what, who, when...), indefinite (someone, no one, everything...) and demonstrative (this, that, this...):

  • It was her what did it.
  • Some they gave them bad advice.
  • That reminds me of something.

3. Adverbs or adverbial phrases:

  • Yesterday they told me there was a strike today.
  • Sometimes leaves us talking to ourselves.

4. Words that express desire and also exclamatory prayers:

  • hopefully give me the good news.
  • God give us strength.

5. Subordinate conjunctions:

  • Although if he felt better, he left.
  • According I told you, I'm leaving early today.

7. Interrogative words at the beginning of prayers:

  • When Did they tell you the news?
  • Who gifted you?


In mesoclisis, the pronoun is placed in the middle of the verb. This happens with verbs of the future of the present or of the future of the past tense, unless there are words that attract the proclisis:

  • I will be proud of my students. (Verb to be proud in the future of the present: I will be proud)
  • I would be proud of my students. (Verb to be proud in the past tense: I would be proud)


In enclisis, the pronoun is placed after the verb. This happens when the sentence contains words that attract this type of pronominal placement:

1. Verbs in the affirmative imperative:

  • After finishing, call-US.
  • To begin, playthem the ball!

2. Verbs in the impersonal infinitive:

  • I would like to to combyou my way.
  • your biggest dream is marryup.

3. Verbs at the beginning of sentences:

  • I didyou the happiest person in the world.
  • surprisedme with breakfast.

Pronominal placement in verbal phrases

In the examples above there is only one verb attracting the pronoun.

Now, let's see how the placement of the pronoun occurs in verbal locutions. Remembering that the rules mentioned for verbs in simple form must be followed.

1. The enclisis is used after the auxiliary verb or after the main verb in verbal phrases where the main verb is in the infinitive or in the gerund:

  • I must explain to you what has happened. (enclisis after the auxiliary verb, “I must”)
  • I must explain to you what has happened. (enclisis after the main verb, “explain”)

2. If there is no word that attracts the proclisis, the enclisis is used after the auxiliary verb where the main verb is in the participle:

  • it was explained to you how it should act. (Enclisis after the auxiliary verb, “was”, since the main verb “explain” is in the participle, “explained”)
  • had made him the wills if he hadn't been badly brought up. (Enclisis after the auxiliary verb, “had”, since the main verb “to do” is in the participle, “made”)

For you to understand better:

  • When to use proclisis
  • When to use mesoclisis
  • When to use the enclisis

pronominal placement exercises

Correct incorrect sentences.

a) Quickly assist us if we are friendly.

Fix: Quickly attend to us if we're friendly.

"Quickly" is an adverb, a word that attracts the pronoun, which should be placed before the verb, resulting in a proclisis.

b) I called you hours ago.

Correction: I called you hours ago.

In sentences that begin with a verb, enclisis occurs, that is, the pronoun must be placed after the verb.

c) The more you criticize him, the less he works.

The pronominal placement of the clause is correct, as the proclisis (pronoun before the verb) must be used in clauses that contain subordinate conjunctions; in this case, "the more".

d) How many told you the same thing?

Correction: How many told you the same thing?

The proclisis (placement of the pronoun before the verb) should be used in sentences that start with interrogative words; in this case, "how many".

e) I wanted to tell you that I cannot go to tomorrow's meeting.

In this verbal phrase, since the main verb, "to say", is in the infinitive, the pronominal placement can be done in two ways:

Using the enclisis after the auxiliary verb: I wanted tell you I can't go to tomorrow's meeting.

Using the enclisis after the main verb: Wanted to sayyou that I can not go to the meeting tomorrow.

f) No one will listen to you.

Fix: No one will listen to you.

Proclisis (placement of the pronoun before the verb) is used when the clause contains an indefinite pronoun; in this case, "nobody".

g) I continue to praise you for your behavior.

In the verb phrase "I keep praising", since the main verb, "to praise", is in the gerund, the pronominal placement can be done in two ways:

Using the enclisis after the auxiliary verb: Continuous praising him for his behavior.

Using the enclisis after the main verb: I continue praisingyou your behavior.

h) He would have given me everything if I were faithful.

Correction: You would have given me everything if I were faithful.

The mesoclisis (placement in the pronoun in the middle of the verb) must be used with verbs in the future of the present or future of the past tense. "Teria is the future of the past tense of the verb "to have".

i) This brings back good memories.

Correction: This brings back good memories.

Proclisis (placement of the pronoun before the verb) is used when the clause contains demonstrative pronouns, as in the case of "this".

j) I wish!

The pronominal placement in the clause is correct, since in exclamatory sentences, as in this case, the pronoun must be placed before the verb (proclisis).

k) Wake me up when you arrive.

The pronominal placement in the clause is correct, since the enclisis (placement of the pronoun after the verb) must be used in clauses that start with a verb.

l) He arrived at the house and locked himself in his room.

Correction: He arrived at the house and locked himself in his room.

The enclisis (placement of the pronoun after the verb) should be used in sentences that begin with a verb. "He came home" is one prayer and "He locked himself in his room" is another prayer.

For more exercises: pronominal placement exercises

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