Dead Sea: map, location and features

O Dead Sea is a closed sea, being a large portion of salt water that is located in the Middle East. It is about 80 km long, an area of ​​approximately 650 km2 and depth of 370 meters.

Dead Sea Features

Furthermore, it is located approximately 400 meters below sea level. It is considered the lowest point on planet earth, that is, it is the largest absolute depression in the world.

This large saltwater lake is fed by the Jordan River (rich in mineral salts) and is located between Palestine, the West Bank, Israel and Jordan.

Why “Dead Sea”?

The Dead Sea receives its name due to the large amount of salt (hypersaline) it has, which makes the proliferation of species impossible in the place. However, there is a bacterium that can live with such high levels of salt: haloarcleMarismortu. Remember that it is not considered a sea, but a large lake.

Dead Sea Features

Its high salinity is related, in part, to the river that feeds it: the Jordan River, as it has a high level of salinity. In addition, the region has a very arid and dry climate, which facilitates the evaporation of water. Thus, much of the body of water evaporates leaving the salt more concentrated.

Dead Sea Curiosities

The amount of salts and, above all, of sodium chloride contained in the Dead Sea, surpasses that of any ocean in the world, that is, it is approximately 9 times saltier than the ocean. It is considered one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world.

In other words, while the oceans have about 35 grams of salt per liter of water, the Dead Sea has about 300 grams.

It is therefore called a hypersaline lake (about 35% salinity), due to the large amount of salt which presents, and therefore, any body floats in its waters, as it is much denser than the body human. In short, it is impossible to dive in this sea.

Its healing properties are related to this very important characteristic of having high salinity and its waters have been indicated for several health problems. This medicinal benefit makes it a major tourist spot in the world, with hotel and spa chains scattered around the place.

“Dead Sea” by Jorge Amado

One of the most emblematic works by Bahian writer Jorge Amado is entitled “Mar Morto”, written in 1936. Although it does not refer to the sea, the novel has this name since it refers to the way of life of fishermen and the deaths that occur at sea.

Learn more about the topic in the article:

  • Jordan river
  • Seas and Oceans of the World
  • Mediterranean Sea
  • Middle East
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