Normandy invasion. World War II and the Normandy Invasion

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The invasion of the French Normandy coast occurred on June 6, 1944, was carried out by the Allies and led by Americans, still in World War II, at a time when France was taken by the Germans. This invasion was called “Operation Overlord”.
The decision whether or not to invade the French coast was being made in London. What hindered the action was the bad weather, so the operation should be performed in the first hours of the day 6, if it was postponed, it could only be carried out 28 days later, due to the tides that covered the mines Germans.
Even with the English meteorological service predicting a few hours of improvement in the weather, the operation was carried out very risky, because if the weather did not improve, the support of the air force and its parachutists.
After the seizure of allied forces in Normandy, at the expense of a large arsenal of weapons, the troops headed for France, which was in German hands.
The attack on the beaches of Omaha was quite bloody, the Allied troops were greeted with a “rain” of Mg42 machine gun bullets, the wind and the sea agitated, he sank several boats even before they reached the beach, the soldiers faced many difficulties, they had to carry many kilos of equipment.

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The Battle of Normandy lasted for two months, concluded with the victory of the Allies and the retaking of Paris.

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Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

General geography - geography - Brazil School

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "The Normandy Invasion"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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