Text Production (2)

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The argumentative chronicle is a type of text in which argumentation is its main mark. It is widely used by the media, especially newspapers and magazines. The chronicle...

The Open Letter is a model of letter (epistolary text) whose main characteristic is to inform, instruct, alert, protest, claim or argue about a certain subject. It is a...

The words or phrases to start an essay are related to the established purpose and that can be: to define something to oppose an idea to approach about a research question about...

A biography is a type of text that tells the story of someone's life. The word biography is composed of the terms of Greek origin bio (life) and spelling (writing). Characteristics Genre...

Corruption in Brazil is nothing new and is perhaps one of the biggest problems affecting the population's well-being. There has long been talk of misuse of public funds, the corruption of...

The cartoon is a journalistic genre that uses the image to express the editorial position of the vehicle to the community. It is a critique loaded with irony and that reflects situations of the...

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Khartoum is a journalistic genre considered opinionated or analytical that criticizes, satirizes and exposes situations through graphics and humor. It currently covers practically all vehicles from...

The Metalinguistic Function is present in the discourse that uses the code to explain the code itself. What best defines and characterizes this function is the use of metalanguage. She can be...

A site reference is the identification of the author, title of the article, site name, year, link and access date of an Internet text cited in your academic work. The presentation...

The Referential Function, also known as Denotative or Informative, has the objective of informing, notifying, referencing, announcing, indicating. This function is used on a daily basis, what does...

The writing has a lot of weight in the tests that give access to the University. To write a good essay, reading and practicing is critical. In addition, it is important to pay attention to planning,...

The Poetic Function is characterized by the concern with the form of speech, that is, the mode used to convey a message. This function of language is found in literary works,...

The Enem Languages, Codes and Their Technologies test contains 45 multiple-choice questions from the following subjects: Portuguese Language Literature Arts Education...

Application is a document that serves to make a request to a person or an institution, explaining the reasons. Its formality depends on the recipient, who in the case of the application is...

The Argumentative Letter is a type of text whose main objective is to persuade the reader. In this sense, argumentation is its main weapon of persuasion, so that the issuer (writer),...

There is a lot of interesting content on the internet, that's why more and more they have conquered their space and can be cited in academic works. Of course you need to be judicious and...

Poetry is a poetic text, usually in verse, which is part of the literary genre called "lyrical". It combines words, meanings and aesthetic qualities. In it, the aesthetic prevails...

Bibliography is the set of works used to support school or academic work. It is fundamental in research work, as it offers greater property to the text. THE...

The elements of the narrative are essential in a narration which, in turn, is an account of the events and actions of its characters. We can cite as examples of narrative texts a novel,...

Apud, which means “quoted by, according, second” is the expression used to quote a quote. This is a resource used in academic papers when you want to cite a...

The conclusion of a text, whether it is a paper or an essay, is something very important that must be considered during the entire textual planning process. In the texts...

The Emotive or Expressive Function is characterized by subjectivity, by the message that aims to emote. The emotive function is one of the six language functions: Referential Function,...

The Report is a type of text that, as its name implies, reports about something. Written or oral, it presents a set of detailed information on a particular topic. They are about...

In order to write a good essay it is very important that you eliminate the idea that writing is too complicated. To start, reflect on the topic of the essay and make a note of all the ideas that...

The factual function favors the interaction between sender and receiver of messages, that is, between the speaker and the interlocutor. It is used in the opening, establishment and interruption of...

The Conative Function, also called the appealing function, is characterized by the fact that it transmits a message with the aim of convincing the interlocutor. So, if you write a text that has...

Also called an index, the table of contents consists of a list that contains the page numbers where the subjects covered in a work are registered. This list is a mandatory item...

The Anecdote or Joke is a humorous textual genre intended to lead to laughter. These are popular texts that are told in informal environments, and that usually don't have a...

The introduction of an essay integrates the textual construction and from it the reader remains in the text or not. Regardless of the textual genre, it is in the introduction that the reader is introduced to...

The poster is a textual genre especially marked by its informative function, as well as its appealing function. There are a number of textual genres used to convey messages; among...

Acrostic is a written composition made from the initial letters of isolated words or located at the beginning or inside of sentences and verses. From the acrostics, which are read...

Textual coherence is the factor that makes it possible to understand the message conveyed in the text. Allied to cohesion, coherence has the function of constructing the meanings of textuality. Through...

Referential cohesion is a textual cohesion mechanism that collaborates with textuality through the use of cohesive elements. It connects the different parts of a text, whether words, prayers and...

The Advertising Text is a type of text conveyed in advertising campaigns and can be written, oral and visual texts. They are present in our daily lives and have the intention...

The Business Letter or Technical Correspondence is a type of document widely used in the commercial and business field. They are letters sent by postal services, posted by legal entities...

The use of the comma is not as simple as it sounds, but not so complicated that it is not learned after knowing its rules and tricks. Doubts arise daily about this sign...

Intertextuality is a resource used between texts that establishes a dialogue between them, whether of the same nature or not (for example, the intertextuality between a written text and a text...

What is a review? Review is a textual genre that consists of the description of a text or a film, in which the writer can express their opinion. Reviews are read by people who...

When writing, we don't always remember good connections to close the conclusion of an essay with a golden key. With that in mind, Toda Matéria has 12 connectives for you with examples of...

Parallelism is the correspondence of grammatical and semantic functions existing in clauses. In addition to improving text comprehension, respecting parallelism makes reading more...

Both reading and writing are social practices of paramount importance for the development of human cognition. Both provide the development of intellect and imagination, in addition to...

Objective and subjective description is how the details and characteristics of something or someone are presented. While the objective description is done impartially, that is, in the...

Narration or narrative text is the account given by someone of something, of a sequence of events. This succession of events is called a plot, and considers a period of time and...

To make a good editorial it is necessary to follow some steps, such as choosing the topic and also understanding the basic structure of these types of journalistic texts. Remember that an editorial is...

The essay is an opinionated text in which ideas, criticisms, reflections and personal impressions are exposed, carrying out an assessment on a certain topic. The essay problematizes some questions about...

Plot, also called intrigue, plot or argument, is the element that gives continuity to a story. This is because it is around him that all the events of a...

Enem candidates know how difficult it is to get the so-desired 1000 score (less than 1% of participants achieve this feat). See below for examples and analysis of essays that had the...

Technical writing is a text written in a more elaborate and formal way. It differs from literary essays, as they are objective and impartial, in addition to using language...

E-mail or Electronic Message is an epistolary textual genre in the electronic medium that is currently being explored. From English, the term "e-mail" corresponds to the abbreviation of "eletronic...

To make a review, you need, first of all, to know the film you are going to write about, to have knowledge about the topic covered in it, as well as about the works carried out by your...


Epigraph for TCC: famous phrases to use at work

An epigraph is a short sentence that appears at the beginning of a TCC or academic work. It confe...

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Step by step to make the best monograph (with valuable tips)

Step by step to make the best monograph (with valuable tips)

Monograph is a dissertation work that is dedicated to a specific study. It is required in most un...

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Attested Textual Genre: structure and models

A certificate is a type of technical writing, which is why it has very particular characteristics...

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