Geography of Brazil (4)

Flora do Brasil is considered the richest in biodiversity in the world and its scientific value is unquestionable. Since the discoveries, it dazzled the Europeans, who came to...

The G20 or Group of 20 is a forum for international cooperation that brings together the 19 largest economies in the world plus the European Union. The forum meets periodically to discuss and define directions...

The State of Goiás is located in the Midwest Region of Brazil. The capital is Goiânia and the acronym GO. Area: 340,111,376 km2 Limits: Goiás is limited to the north by Tocantins, to the east and southeast...

Piauí is the third largest state in the Northeast region of Brazil. The capital is Teresina and the acronym PI. Area: 252,611,932 Limits: Piauí is limited to the east by the states of Ceará and Pernambuco...

The State of Tocantins is located in the North region of Brazil. The capital is Palmas and the acronym TO. Area: 227,720,569 square kilometers Limits: north with Maranhão, east with Piauí and...

Rondônia is located in the North region of Brazil. The capital is Porto Velho and the acronym RO. Area: 237,590,543 Limits: to the north with the State of Amazonas, to the east and southeast with Mato Grosso, to...

The State of Santa Catarina is located in the southern region of Brazil. The capital is Florianópolis and the acronym SC. Area: 95,737,895 Limits: to the south with Rio Grande do Sul, to the east with the ocean...

The State of Roraima is located in the Northern region of Brazil. The capital is Boa Vista and the acronym RR. Area: 224,303,187 Boundaries: north and northwest with Venezuela, east with Guyana, south and...

The State of Amapá is located in the Northern region of Brazil. The capital is Macapá and the acronym AP. Area: 142,828,520 Limits: to the north with French Guiana, to the east with the Atlantic Ocean, to the south...

Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world in terms of land area. Before him are only Russia, Canada, the United States and China. It occupies a large part of the south of the American continent and is...

Cultural diversity refers to the material and immaterial conditions that are transmitted and make up a given culture. It can manifest itself in different ways: in the way of life, in...

The Amazon is formed by the association of several ecosystems. Its importance is recognized worldwide for its extension, biodiversity and abundance of biological, water and...

Caatinga is an exclusively Brazilian biome with plants and animals adapted to the region's climate. The name of this set of ecosystems is of Tupi-Guarani origin, caa: forest and tinga: white, what if...

Brazil has land borders with 9 countries in South America: Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Suriname and Guyana. The country also has limits with...

In recent years, it has been possible to observe an increase in the number of fires in the Pantanal, the smallest biome in terms of land area in Brazil, located in the Center-West of the country and divided...

Geography Categories. Geography Concepts and Categories

Geography, as well as several other sciences, uses categories to base your studies. It is about t...

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Ozone layer: what is it for and what harms

Ozone layer: what is it for and what harms

THE ozone layer (O3) it is formed by atmospheric gases, which are found between 20 km and 35 km i...

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Water consumption in the world

Water consumption in the world

THE Water, in addition to being an important and vital element of nature, it is an eminently stra...

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