Mississippi. Mississippi State

Mississippi is a state located in the southeastern region of the United States. The word mississippi is of Algonquin origin and means “great waters”. Although it is the poorest of the American States, Mississippi is famous for the hospitality of its inhabitants. The state borders Tennessee to the north, Alabama to the east, Alabama and the Gulf of Mexico to the south, and Louisiana and Arkansas to the west.
Until the Treaty of Paris, signed in 1763, in which the region came under British rule, it belonged to the Spaniards. After the independence of the American Thirteen Colonies, Mississippi was annexed to the United States, having been elevated to the status of state in 1817. Mississippi joined the Confederate States of America in 1861, in the American Civil War. The war was responsible for significantly ruining the state's economy.
Before the conflict, Mississippi was one of the richest states in the United States. Today, it has the lowest per capita income in the country and one of the highest unemployment rates. Its economy is mainly based on the tertiary sector: commerce, community and personal services, financial and real estate services, government services, etc. Other important sources of wealth that are booming are tourism and the manufacturing industry.

The state's relief is marked by the presence of large plains. Forests make up about 55% of its territory. Due to its location, Mississippi has a subtropical climate, with long, hot summers (average temperatures of 28ºC) and short, mild winters (average of 8ºC).

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DANTAS, James. "Mississippi"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/mississippi.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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